Bobby is on the right track -- independent -- the future of America's dying democracy. Look out two parties!

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You have my vote

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I have a close friend who has a steel business. It is important for America to keep manufacturing at home. I know I sound old fashioned but perhaps that’s not all bad. Your uncle President John F. Kennedy appointed my husband’s uncle to a federal Judge, Irving Kaufman who tried and convicted the Rosenberg spy case along with the Appalachia mafia trials. The Democratic Party of those years has been turned into something very different. We are dealing with flat out Marxist politicians parading as Democrats. Thank you for the sacrifice your family has made for this country.

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Julius Rosenberg (May 12, 1918 – June 19, 1953) and Ethel Rosenberg (née Greenglass; September 28, 1915 – June 19, 1953) were a married couple who were convicted of spying for the Soviet Union, including providing top-secret information about American radar, sonar, jet propulsion engines, and nuclear weapon designs. Convicted of espionage in 1951, they were executed by the federal government of the United States in 1953 at Sing Sing Correctional Facility in Ossining, New York.

The Apalachin meeting (/ˌæpəˈleɪkɪn/ AP-ə-LAY-kin) was a historic summit of the American Mafia held at the home of mobster Joseph "Joe the Barber" Barbara, at 625 McFall Road in Apalachin, New York, on November 14, 1957.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] Allegedly, the meeting was held to discuss various topics including loansharking, narcotics trafficking, and gambling, along with dividing the illegal operations controlled by the recently murdered Albert Anastasia.

JFK was sworn in on Jan. 21, 1961, the Apalachin meeting (/ˌæpəˈleɪkɪn/ AP-ə-LAY-kin) was a historic summit of the American Mafia held at the home of mobster Joseph "Joe the Barber" Barbara, at 625 McFall Road in Apalachin, New York, on November 14, 1957.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] Allegedly, the meeting was held to discuss various topics including loansharking, narcotics trafficking, and gambling, along with dividing the illegal operations controlled by the recently murdered Albert Anastasia. None of what you posted is true, much like RFK Jr.'s myriad conspiracy theories and claims.

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You cannot rewrite history. Don’t pass misinformation. It’s simple if you want to use Wikipedia. It has all of Irving Kaufman’s appointments. JFK is listed.

I have an Oval Office picture of him with Ronald Reagan.

Don’t try to bamboozle people in here.

Anyone reading what Ed Gentner wrote can look it up. I really dislike liars.

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Read the dates listed that are listed in Wikipedia, the things you posted happened before JFK was elected POTUS. Take your own advice and look up the actual history.

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You are a nut with a derangement syndrome.

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I posted the Wikipedia page for Judge Irving Kaufman. Can’t make up the derangement syndrome. You hate the Kennedy’s that much. You will never change history with lies.

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Way to go! Help the workers!

Have you seen this?:

Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


War on food


Bill Gates, raunchy rancher

The plan? slo-poison us!


Water poisoning


Not fast food, PFAS food:


War on poultry and cattle:


Not global warming but deliberate global droughting

Climate change has nothing to do with gases and everything geoengineering tech


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As much as I wanted you to be president, now after your insane statement that Palestinians are a pampered group.

I had to realize that anyone that gets to that level is indeed vetted, meaning you'll say all this stuff but when it comes time to deliver, it won't happen.

Why do I say this?

Because you're a humanitarian environmentalist that is ok with the death and huge pollution happening in Gaza.

I judge people by what they DO, not what they SAY.

You SAY a lot of things that you don't DO.

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If you go for all or nothing, often times you come up with nothing. Nobody in this life is perfect. I think Robert is a well intended man even when I do not agree with him.

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Actually, he does not. He has never said anything about Palestinians not being pampered, only to change his mind. You do not like him, that is your right. Your argument is specious - at best.

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Actually he did say it. Easy to find with a simple search.

Why would I lie about this? Perhaps you assume he wouldn't say that. Perhaps you don't know him as well as you thought.


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In some respects, Palestinians could be described as a "pampered group." For example, their status as refugees is hereditary (unlike the other refugees in the world) and they have received huge amounts of aid money (which Hamas has not used to better the lives of its people), not to mention free electrical power and access to medical care from Israel. I think you do yourself a disservice to dismiss RFK entirely over this one thorny issue.

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Why? Because as Norman Finklestein, a scholar who studied the situation for decades said...


why do they need so much aid? There you go....

I really don't care who wins anymore.

They're all insane and reject reality in different ways.

Rfk included, who also suffers from affluence disorder. None of the candidates had to work a normal job to pay the bills in their lives.

I'm done with oligarchs.

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This is the thing. We need a middle class in this country, and we need to be able to produce our own products. How about we fix our own country before fixing the rest of the world. In fact, let's let the rest of the world work it out amongst themselves, without our heavy hand.

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Several trolls on this thread.

You want to vote for someone else, fine. Go spend your time campaigning rather than carping.

Meanwhile here’s a little reality check on the Middle East from that rabid right-winger, Bill Maher:


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Yeah Bill Maher sounds like genocide Bobby and Biden

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I don’t think you listened very carefully…but since you are against genocide (which Hamas leaders are explicitly for BTW) does that mean you approve of the wholesale removal of the Jews from Palestine — just like they’ve been removed from all the Arab areas where they used to reside, a reality that Maher inconveniently points out? And that is the whole point of Maher’s monologue—get real about the possibilities and eventualities if historically your leaders would rather attack than negotiate. This seems especially foolhardy as I don’t see any Arab countries coming to their aid even to take refugees — one might call passive genocide.

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No, I don't want any ethno state.

Stop pushing a false dichotomy.

Hamas does not represent most of the people, just like Likud does not represent many Israelis or Biden's crooked admin doesn't represent the majority of Americans.

Also, why hasn't there been elections since Hamas? Hint: a certain state you support wants to keep them in power so they can wage war. https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/

Why should Arab states have to take refugees when the people are bombed by a wealthy nuclear power? Also, they won't be able to return after that. It's happened before in the history of that state.

I'm done arguing with you. I don't care if you vote for rfk, since you and him seem to match when it comes to humanitarian issues 😂

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Jan 30, 2024
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Look nobody thinks the loss of human life is trivial, but what I do find be a trivial gesture is proclaiming one’s nonsupport of a candidate for this or that reason.

You don’t have to like everything about a candidate’s positions to conclude that he’s better than a cognitively impaired placeholder who opposes free speech at every turn and better than a highly divisive figure. Not to mention that — with the possible exception of Mr West — the candidates are huddled together on the other side of this issue. So either go campaign for him, or accept the particular political reality that this issue is The Third Rail.

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Jan 31, 2024
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I am not saying genocide is the third rail of politics — although outrage and intervention does seem to be rather selective. Who talks much about Yemen? Can’t offend the Saudis! And what about China’s human rights record? Alas we find it hard to publicly complain about the country holding our national IOUs no matter how their minorities are abused.

In any event, this is a SubStack precisely about a political election. So yes, that is what my comments will reflect — not everything I think or believe.

So what I am saying is that the US support of Israel is a Pan-Partisan The Third Rail. And in a way, the Biden Administration’s support for Israel may prove the point.

Frankly I question whether “their heart is in it.” Certainly the left wing of the party is pretty unhappy. But you don’t hear them calling for Biden to step down.

My beef here is that no matter what policy or issue is under consideration in a given post, a chorus chimes in “off topic.” If RFK posts on Gaza then I would welcome a free-for-all debate in this space, otherwise the comments seem troll-ish.

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Commend your position on the Nippon deal. But I decry your position onPalestine. I annoy a single issue voter, and RFK Jr gets a lot right. But I’m not onboard with genocide.

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Am not

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As President and I will stand with Israel and continue to support and fund the genocide of the people in Gaza!! I'm trying to look like I'm independent and not part of the establishment but on the subject of Israel I play dumb and try to avoid the subject. It's the status quo after all........

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I am curious about RFK's position on funding Israel with foreign aid and particularly funding this war with Gaza. I prefer anti-interventionism. I think we should stop providing foreign aid to Israel and definitely not support this military adventure they are currently on. I also think the United States should stop blocking security council resolutions to sanction Israel. However, other than those things, I think we should keep our nose out of their business.

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Yes. Those are very big things. No more aid or weapons to Israel, no more blocking security council resolutions. I’m on board with that. RFK Jr isn’t. It’s weird cause he got Ukraine right.

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He's been captured by the zionists and AIPAC--he sold out before he even got started

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listen to his interview with Krystal Ball for his full throated support of the genocide. it was about a month ago. He called the Palestinians one of the most pampered people lol he has expressed his views in other interviews as well. he's embraced the zionists and the apartheid state

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RFKjr’s entire campaign has been thoroughly discredited as little more than a blank check to destroy Palestine and murder its inhabitants. Anyone still seriously entertaining this guy as a viable candidate for office is no better than he is.

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Discredited by whom? Those who do not like/are threatened by him? Absolutely. Those who are looking for a refreshing, intelligent, logical human being - not so much. “Palestine” would have been far better-served if they had not elected Hamas as their governing voice - Hamas has brought them to ruin. I feel sorry for the good Palestinians but have no sympathy for those who support/side with Hamas.

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Melinda Lockwood, you are a delusional fool. Anyone putting quotes around an actual people being massacred by murdering maniacs isn’t worth a cup of warm spit. Here, you are only faceless words. On the ground though, if you possessed the courage to deliver them from your nasty mouth, you’d be an actual enemy. With the other candidates so egregiously compromised, your boy RFK had a slim but viable path to the presidency. Now, with only a motley band of Zionist idiots delusional enough to follow him, that path is filled with only blood and slime..

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Wait a minute...who were the murdering maniacs who broadcast their own terrible acts over social media early in the morning of Oct. 7???

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They were convicts escaping from the prison they were captive in. That’s who. Before spouting anymore RNC, DNC, Hasbara propaganda I suggest you do your research - not only on the events of 7Oct but the 75 years leading up to it..

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No. They were not. Stop making excuses for Hamas.

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Gee. How do,you really feel? As if I care.

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You’re a real sicko to be sure. And of course a shameless liar. But on top of that you don’t argue in good faith, and like so many others blabbering in near anonymity you do away with any precept of a shared reality. Guess that just makes you a troll..

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Appreciate your “well-thought-out” (not - it is simply a knee-jerk reaction), off-base comment. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I stand by my comments and will continue to support Mr. Kennedy. He is certainly far superior to the person we have in the White House now. You may disagree with his stance but at least his stance is his - not orchestrated by others.

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Trump 2024 🇺🇸

Easy math: get on the right team; time’s short..

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We have a President that puts foreign interests ahead of ours. He does a photo op with his construction hat on backward, says it all.

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Don't let the trolls get you down. I respect a reasoned position such as yours.

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He has my vote

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This country barely makes anything here anymore… so this is disappointing to hear… but not at all surprising.

And as a result, we’re raising generations of kids who can’t make anything … and even worse, they don’t want to!

kids coming out of HS now have very low marketable skill sets due to the fact that schools are focusing on the wrong things today. And the schools are to blame for this … they’ve undermined the value of these types of skilled jobs in our society… and convinced every kid their golden ticket lies in a pricey college degree… but not everyone can be a desk jockey!

I also see this fact as a national security threat. We desperately need skilled trades people in this country… if we’re going to remain a prosperous great nation.

I hope the sale of this company can be stopped.

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You already had me at "vaccines are untested and causing a lot of harm".

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"In an age of globalization, there are certain industries that must remain domestic if a country is to have an industrial base at all. Steel is one of those" Could not agree more! Wish other countries like the UK would understand the dangers of selling out.

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Since this publication has RFK Jr as author - I want to know - from 'you', your exact position on the Constitution?

The Constitution is the ONLY law authorizing any Public Servant. Should you become POTUS, you will be Lawfully beholden to the Constitution... not just when it suits your needs, opinions, or those of your 'donors', but 24/7/365. As POTUS your Lawful obligation to the Constitution is Lawfully irrefutable.

Now you're 8 years older than me. You were born in 1954 - that makes you a Boomer. The Baby Boom ended in 1959. You are a Boomer, and Boomer's have been screwing up this country my entire lifetime, especially with regard to Constitutional Law. I have watched every feckless fool who ever served as a Public Servant demonstrate over, and over, and over again their criminally arrogant ignorance of their Constitutional obligations with impunity. Will you put a stop to this egregious departure from justice, and ensure all Public Servants errant of their Constitutional obligations are held lawfully accountable?

For example Article 1 Section 8 is clear about the Constitutional requirements for citizen militias in every County in every State in the entire Republic... What are you going to do about Constitutionally empowered elected Public Servants, as well as, Constitutionally impotent bureaucrat civil/civic servants with regard to gaslighting Constitutionally required citizen Militias? A Militia is NOT in anyway whatsoever a criminal organization! IT IS WRITTEN IN THE CONSTITUTION - Militias are part of a U.S. citizens Constitutional Duty, as defined by the Constitution!

Every word of the Constitution is Law. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the United States of America. No inferior court Law transcends the Constitution, nor does any inferior court Law in any way whatsoever have any authority to modify or control The United States Constitution. The Constitution is the defacto Standard of Law in the United States of America!

Will you work to repeal the Patriot Act for it's illegitimate unlawful suppression of Constitutional Law?

Will you work to repeal all illegitimate, unlawful unconstitutional gun control legislation?

"Shall not be infringed" is an axiomatic Propositional Statement! It is not up for debate unless one is a complete moron of Language, Logic, and Law no matter how strong their complaint, or how desperate. Opinion does not change Logical certainty! A Propositional Statement is a Propositional Statement! It is a function of Logic. Law is a function of Logic - not feckless opinion!

So... I want to know, since your name is on this, HOW Based are you? I want to know how HONEST you are? I want to know if you're truly a man of consummate integrity and duty, or are you just another Boomer looking to play King?

Make no mistake the murder of your uncle, then Martin Luther King, then your father by CIA operatives has been a cloud hanging over my generation for our entire lives! There is no question that the CIA, ergo the U.S. Federal Government conspired to murder all of these civic leaders and more. And here you are competing to join this club?

Are you a legitimate Constitutionally obligated Public Servant or a talking head for arrogantly-ignorant wealthy special interest?

In a candor, as a Veteran with a formal education in Political Science, and Special Forces Psychological Operations - I DO NOT Trust your perspective on Constitutional Obligation, especially with regard to the Constitutional Duties of citizens, like County Militias, or the Bill of Rights. The 2nd Amendment is, and ALWAYS HAS BEEN Law! It's not for you, or anyone else to decide. Law is a function of Logic not the inherent stupidity, of arrogantly-ignorant opinion!

So, this is an opportunity for you to elucidate your position on the very Law you desire to enforce as POTUS.

What is your position on the Supreme Law of the United States of America, and Rule of Law?

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Kennedy has made his opposition to the patriot act clear on many occasions. As for gun control, the Supreme Court has already ruled on that and there's nothing a president can do to loosen it up any further.

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I don't remember asking you anything.

It's axiomatic Logic that my questions/comments are addressed to the author - RFK Jr, and nobody else - certainly not you. It's Logically certain of my Propositional Statements. I'm not Interested in the opinions of anyone else, especially those without the requisite education or frame of reference in Constitutional Law specifically.

FTR - What the Supreme Court has made clear, time, and time again, is that ANY inferior court legislation that contradicts the Constitution is null & void - starting with Marbury VS Madison SCOTUS 1803. It is the Lawful obligation of the POTUS to enforce Constitutional Law! The Rightful remedy to all illegitimate 'inferior court' legislation is Nullification.

There is no such thing as legitimate gun control legislation... All gun control legislation is by definition - "infringement".

Nonetheless, I'm not soliciting the opinions of anyone. I'm asking specific questions of the author of this publication.

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