I can see myself voting for you, but I'm not sure it would make any difference. The NGO's, myriad of Industrial Complexes and Frankenstein's array of 3-lettered agencies that infest this planet have a solid foothold on our little blue dot. I know, it's extremely complex. There are no white hats vs black hats, it's dark grey vs light grey. So many factions within each institution harboring varying agendas. Politics is a dirty, nasty, convoluted and oftentimes counter-intuitive dumpster fire of philosophies and ideologies. Honestly, sometimes I just don't give a shit. With that...squashing the WHO and those of similar ilk as well as removing liability shields from the pharmaceutical vampires is paramount. That these "scamdemic" perps are still slithering the streets is beyond exasperating. The old guard of sociopaths managing this worldwide organized crime syndicate can't die off fast enough.

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Congratulations on exceeding your benchmarks on ballot access. Hard workers in your campaign.

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Even though RFK Jr. seems mostly against the War Machine, pity that his ballot access problems could have been solved through an alliance with Dave Smith and the Libertarian Party, but cratered over RFK Jr.’s insistence on continued US military funding for Israel.

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Looking forward to you talking about the tragedy of Endotoxins in jabs.

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If you are against war, if you actually support peace, you don't pick sides in any war or contribute to either side to continue war.

Support negotiations. Take a stand against killing. War never solves problems, it just creates more. STOP THE KILLING!!!

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Let's just hope truth wins and Americans can start a war free, healthier and happier life! People need to open their eyes for all what Trump AND Biden did to everyone.

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I look forward to your being on all of the state ballots, and you will get my vote and support when you support Palestinian rights over Israeli genocide, a Real-2-states-with-full-rights Solution, and reparations to Palestine and realization of the Palestinian right-of-return.

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Aaron Bushnell RIP

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You’d have my vote if I heard you say you were pro-life/anti-abortion. That’s a deal breaker for me.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

I staunchly support you and I think you would be a better president than anyone we've had in decades (though I totally disagree with your stance on genocide of Palestinians). That said, after seeing the summary of your latest Chris Cuomo interview from "the Vigilant Fox", I have some serious concerns about your apparent "caving in" regarding the COVID vaccines. There are much, much, much worse problems with the COVID mRNA vaccines besides that they "don't prevent transmission". They DO NOT SAVE LIVES and their safety profile is disastrous, as proven in the gold-standard randomized clinical trials done by Pfizer and Moderna themselves. The net effect was "4 killed for every 3 saved" even at the height of the pandemic, due to a 45% increase in cardiovascular deaths with vaccination. And the post-vaccine excess mortality data around the world is extremely damning as well. Please DO NOT waste precious time on echo-chamber-crowd-pleasing vacuous nonsense such as "masks don't work", because then you are implicitly conceding that COVID vaccines DO work, also please realize that this tone of "COVID is just a cold" (yes it was way overblown but it's NOT just a cold or even just a flu- see second Rasmussen poll below), along with the Palestine issue, will lose you many of the votes that you desperately need from the leftists who are open-minded enough to realize that Biden is the worst president we've in a long time, and that the medical establishment is extraordinarily corrupt and that the COVID vaccines are perhaps the most obvious and irrefutable example of this corruption. Frankly, if the worst thing you are willing to say about COVID vaccines is that they "don't prevent transmission" just in order to stay "safe", then you are essentially admitting defeat on the vaccine issue which is a HUGE part of your appeal and which the FACTS support you on, so just be mindful of that. Best of luck.





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I just checked my voter registration status in California and am pleased to announce that the Secretary of State website now indicates that my party preference is We the People. 🎉

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The fact that we have a Presidential candidate that does smears his opponents and wants to educate tel he American citizens as to the real issues that are suppressing this beautiful country of ours is refreshing and invigorating!

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Are you on the ballot for Washington State. I think you'd win here, at least on the Westside.

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But but but

Why do you support Israel's right to not be murdered by Arabs and Jordanians living in the Gaza area ?

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Toll shill for Big pHARM-US-see$. Believes and has stated ALL Americans should be vaccinated. Part of the backscratching, disingenuous SWARM of the UNIPARTY behind the scenes of their closed doors meeting. Revealed quite succinctly by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai though Systems Engineering of ‘top’-down analysis of poly-Trick-ALL BS. Check out the good Dr. on You Tube.

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deletedMar 7
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