On Thursday night, CNBC host Brian Sullivan interviewed me on his show, “Last Call.” We discussed the southern border, LNG exports, and bitcoin.
Here’s a summary of our conversation:
The Southern Border
The reality of the southern border is surreal. I’ve been to the border twice, and on my most recent visit, I watched 300 people walk across between 2 - 4 a.m. Border patrol simply processed them, even paying for flights for immigrants who could not afford tickets, then getting reimbursed by FEMA. Asylum seekers are no longer required to remain in Mexico pending the resolution of their claims. This is a policy of catch and release, rather than catch and return.
The enormous influx of immigrants is affecting our social service systems, social safety net, and local economies. New York City is cutting police, fire, sanitation, and education by 5%. Migrant encampments on kids’ playing fields are preventing children from playing sports. Salaries are being driven down by unscrupulous employers who take advantage of illegal immigrant labor. Meanwhile, the drug cartels are running America’s immigration policies.
We must have compassion and open wider gates for legal immigration that America needs, but how can anyone believe this flood of illegal immigration is good for America?
LNG Exports
Brian asked me about my position on LNG exports and fracking. I reiterated my opposition to the export of natural gas, and my position that the fracking industry must internalize its costs.
Making companies internalize their costs is not an outright ban on fracking. Rather, the companies must pay for the health and environmental damage they cause to local communities like Dimock, Pennsylvania, where I visited last month. The whole town has been poisoned and the residents have to buy bottled water, as well as drive on roads ruined by the fracking trucks. Right now, the fracking companies are not being made to pay for those costs, which is like giving them a gigantic public subsidy. As President, I will not allow these big corporations to internalize their profits as they externalize their costs onto the American people.
I also explained why it is a mistake to export LNG instead of keeping it at home to provide American industry with an inexpensive power source. As President, I will make sure our dwindling natural gas reserves are used to revitalize American manufacturing and rebuild our competitiveness.
Brian noted that members of both American political parties want to ban Bitcoin. The reason those politicians want it banned, I told him, is because they’re under the influence of BlackRock, JPMorgan, and other globalist financial institutions that are making money on inflation due to the Fed printing so much money. But the American middle class is getting rolled.
As President, I will work to keep Bitcoin available to the public, as a hedge against inflation and to preserve transactional freedom. We don’t want the government to digitalize currencies, because it can use that power to control our freedoms, just like the Canadian government did when it froze the bank accounts of the truckers who were protesting government policy. Bitcoin can help maintain transactional freedom in the U.S.
Hopefully, Americans can hear the common sense in your policies. If not, we have a hard road ahead. "May the road rise up to meet you..."
We need to reorganize the UN and The State Department to serve the United States citizen.