Unions care as much about the wellbeing of workers, as pharma cares about everyone’s health.

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I know you're a capitalist, but every time anything becomes privatized/for profit, the employees and the customers pay for that.

Maybe we need to make stock buy backs illegal and increase corporate taxes. Don't worry, corporations only pay taxes on what they have after they pay salaries etc.

Raising the tax makes corporations reinvest in the business or employees, instead of shareholders, who are merely gambling.

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Sep 4, 2023Edited
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BF, maybe if we stopped the growth of the administrative/managerial state as well? Why is it inevitable that government continues to grow and grow every year. Each 3-letter agency sucks up more & more cash (fiat currency/debt). Doug Wilson post explains the ‘Grenada Strategy’ for halting growth of deep state. In short, gotta start with an agency nobody cares much about to ‘show’ it can be done. Alter the historical arc. Then salt the earth on that agency so it can’t return (or be absorbed into another). Only then can you go after a big 3-letter agency, and then be ready for assassinations to return.


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Start with the dept of education — what are they doing dictating to town s how their tax dollars can be spent in the schools, or the curriculum, including text books , and revisionist history . give their money back - it comes from a foreign nation whose relationship with us can best be described as ambiguous.

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Yes, on individuals, not corporations. In the 50s corporate rate taxes were 90% above 5 million or so and it didn't hurt business and production.

Corporations only pay the taxes after they deduct their operating expenses.

Raising the corporate tax makes corporations spend money on the business cause otherwise it would be taxed higher.

It's a good incentive that helped expansion of industry after the 50s, but the cronies who came after JFK quickly dropped taxes on corporations and that lead to industry moving to cheap labor countries etc..

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Biden & cronies masquerading as champions for American ideals makes me nauseous. They could care less about the working class. As a side note I'm a conservative but RFK has my attention. LONG way to go. How many challengers can the OBiden's, DOJ and FBI have either in court or put in jail....Republican, Democrat or otherwise?

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I’m a conservative also that has interest in RFK Jr.’s push for POTUS. I will lose interest soon however if he does not speak out against the 2024 election interference already in progress (Trump court cases) or the sole issue that if not addressed, will make mute all others regardless of who runs: Election Integrity. No one is going to trust Federal elections results again without return to paper ballots, that can be audited. As long as we ignore or talk about other issues, this elephant in the room, will make all other issues, without meaning. Because each side will not recognize the winner - as the winner. Digital votes, mail in voting and behind-closed-door counting are efficient, but do not result in electoral trust. If this broken trust goes on and on w/o being rectified, we lose our Republic

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Agreed. I still catch myself thinking: What f*****n difference does it make?!" I'm often reminded of a Mark Twain quote: "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it." Nevertheless, because I'm a glutton for misery and shattered expectations, I will.

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I know… I’d like to see ink on thumb and in-person vote. That’s how shattered my trust is in election integrity. What was done during that fake pandemic tore in half the veil

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Those (many, many) of us with severe and justified doubts will just have to act better than we feel because Not Voting is like selling your stock when it drops -- it locks in your loss.

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I think we need to improve our collaboration to the point that it doesn't matter whether RFK Jr wins or loses, because we'll have the means to end major corruption via effective collaboration. I posted about that at https://rfk4president.substack.com/p/effective-collaboration-to-elect.

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I hear you, but just perhaps the DNC wouldn't be able to bring itself to steal the election for Bobby, Jr, because they hate him so. I am not sure they could even bring themselves to steal it for Biden, which is why I wouldn't be shocked to see an alternative like Gavin be thrown in at the 11th hour! I can picture the negative RNC campaigning now --- endless footage of the once great city known as San Francisco.

But to your point, the Bobby M.O. is keep it positive. Election integrity can be framed that way but I'd be surprised to hear him address the indictments. Besides, these pesky indictments are only harming the DNC. Trump's numbers keep going up. I think they may try the ultimate the "Hail Mary" and maneuver to keep him off the ballot altogether -- which may give Bobby and DJT common cause?

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I think it's Biden and Trump who have a common cause. Biden's handlers are intentionally trying to make Trump look good.

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We have to stop voting along party lines like they want us to. Every American who loves this country should vote in the democratic primary for RFK.

"You give me a piece of ground and a sword. I'm going to take back this country, with the help of republicans, democrats and independents, who are all Americans first." - Robert Kennedy Jr

This is our chance to end corporate feudalism that is masquerading as "democracy"

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there is no political solution. The legislation is created in THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS and rubber stamped by the politicians. Politics is the entertainment division of the government. The CIA operates the ballots, and every politician is an actor and liar. The establishment news, and much of the independent journalists are the fourth branch of the government. Nobody who speaks truth and who is really anti-establishment gets a large platform and publicity. If Kennedy doesn't know that, he is greatly ignorant and to be honest, he would be stupid. But he shows much intelligence. So by elimination, he is corrupt, Politicians sole purpose is to perform as actors and liars, and to collect riches doing so. Voters are fools. Activists and those who want to extend their lives and that of the human race, need to arm themselves. Armed resistance is the only avenue left. I am hoping for a military or police coup, but the people may have to take the job into our own hands.

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Everybody from the Arctic Circle to the Panama Canal knows that the fake “ labour parties” have long betrayed their base, the sweaty workers of the world and cling to those who toss them money, which corrupts the giver and puts into dependence the receiver. A misLead voter.

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i love RFK as a human and these are real world problems. I don't know if i can vote for him (or if voting even makes a difference when there's corruption in the election process) or if anyone else is better. I agree with a lot of his views but his solution often is more government, it seems, and that would be a catastrophe. I don't have all the answers but i don't think bigger government and more regulations are the answer. That's one big reason why California is such a hot mess economically. People are leaving in droves. As did I after living there 55 years.

The state I'm in is not as inexpensive as I'd first thought. However there is more opportunity here because there's less regulation on small business.

How about helping these people start their own businesses and make CA more small business friendly?. They could all quit their damn low-paid cleaning jobs, form a cleaning COMPANY and make the hotels contract for cleaning services.

Or a million other ideas but not more government.

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More government? He's against the wars, against the WEF, against CBDCS, against mandates, wants to eliminate the Patriot Act. There's a lot less government with those issues!

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I would invite you to Chinada because misery needs good company.

Alas, you already know better.

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Damn 55 years. You really saw the wonder years of Ca.

I'm sorry you had to leave.

I got there on the tail end, 85. For 4 years I dismantled aerospace machinery, to be shipped to China. It was still beautiful when I left in 07. I wish it could come back.

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Yes Dina. We know that the 2024 election is going to be interfered with in 2024 because it is BEING INTERFERED WITH NOW, with everybody watching, including RFK Jr. And so far he isn’t saying much about it.

If one is willing to watch the leading opposition candidate arrested while the campaign was already in progress, on super frivolous charges, and pretend that its blind justice grinding away, then my assumption is that person is stupid, or evil, and quite possibly both.

You want to find an honest person? Look for one who hates everything Trump stands for, but who believes that what is being done to Trump by the principalities and powers is beyond the pale, and who is vocal about it.

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Matt, I'm pretty sure the deep state is faking all the actions against Trump in order to make him popular to the people, so he'll be elected again next time. My impression is that they gave the last election to Biden in order to get Democrats to take the jabs. Before Biden got in I think a lot of Democrats were vax-hesitant. I think Black Democrats remained vax hesitant even though Biden got in. Maybe if Obama had promoted vaxes, Black Democrats would have been less vax-hesitant.

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IF I thought that the courts were really against trump I would be vocal on it. IT is all a ruse. They are charging Trump with weak charges, they make it easy for him to defend himself, he will win all and never do time, or at most a month or two. He has literally over four thousand court cases from the last three decades that are not addressed, and many are far far more legitimate and would stick, him being very guilty. It is all to make him appear anti-establishment and to be a fighter. All is for show, he is their boy. A Rothschild puppet. I do indeed hate his deceits and actions, his bragging of grabbing women's pussies, his going to Epstein's island, his lies and ego and self-praise. HE is scum, and totally bought.


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Oops. Michael, I see I agree with you. The courts are faking. I'm glad to see others see through the charade.

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Michael, since you don’t participate in the electoral process, I’ll refrain from considering you as either stupid or evil.

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I have been unjustly incarcerated, but Trump is not guilty of the charges they are bringing on him. He is however, probably guilty of rape, I have seen a link showing that he settled several suits of sexual child abuse, he has all kinds of suits and charges over the past three decades, and he uses the most despicable lawyers who are sharks to get him out of trouble. Our justice system is absolutely far from just, and because of that, he will not serve time. While he does not deserve the charges we see him faced with, there are almost four thousand court cases that would potentially hammer him if the justice system was not corrupt.

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I haven't seen ALL the evidence that the grand jury saw to know if Trump is innocent or not but I do know with the 60 cases he lost, some of them Republican judges so I do NOT believe he won the election as he claims.

There are reasons I will not vote for him but none have to do with the indictments.

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There is a movement afoot (Sec 3, 14th Amendment) to prevent him from running at all. What do you think of the fact — that a political party is trying to prevent you (and your fellow citizens) from having the choice to vote for him or not?

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That sounds like something that I would say. I guess that we are on the same page. Or you are pretending to agree with me. Few people publicly agree with my points, and I end up fighting constantly. How refreshing to find somebody who appears to agree.

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I’m agreeing with you that Trump is slimy and that we have a two tiered justice system. I’m disappointed you don’t care whether a political candidate is being interfered with, unjustly, from running for office. I’m recognizing however, that you do not vote or participate in electoral process, have no direct investment in election outcome, and therefore have limited care or concern what happens to candidates or our electoral process.

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I don't watch television or Hollywood, why would I watch what I know to be fiction and totally irrelevant to any real importance? I research 12 hours a day what is really important, and politics is very low on the totem pole. I am fully aware of world systems, and will not participate in the futile games and trite nonsense that is promoted in the fourth branch which provides boxes of thinking that they want us all to fit into to make the public easier to manage. I am not a sheep.

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You need to wake up. There is no electoral process. Did you not get it that elections are hacked? Furthermore, the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS are where legislations are made, not in the white house. Politicians rubber-stamp legislation, are all actors and liars. They are the face of the government, which is really most effectively ruled in the CFR, which has 300 members, one third of which are media moguls, the press being the fourth branch of the government, and is dominated by the CIA> Republicans are quick to cry foul regarding the vote, but insist that their candidate be on the ballot machines. Total retards.

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Obviously you have not read my comments fully, or are incapable of straying from preconceived concepts and paradigms when introduced with novel data. I am proposing (look at all my comments, you will see links to prove that Trump is a Rothschild puppet, that he was familiar with Epstein who blackmailed power people by filming them in compromising positions to ensure their compliance with the globalist agenda) that our elections mean nothing, as I exposed in my book EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE, first published in May 2016 our ballot machines are owned by the Bush family and operated by the CIA- for decades the politicians have been selected (including trump) not elected. I have also made it very clear that the charges against him are contrived, easy to defeat, when they could, if they were seriously against him (they all work for the globalists) charge him with law violations to convict him, there are over four thousand court cases (literally) over the past three decades that are outstanding. Many he is guilty of and would serve time. INstead they contrived cases easy to defend against. He will win, as they have designed him to, and he appears to be anti-establishment at a time that this is a popular position to be in. IT is all a farce. Do you not get it? THE TRIALS ARE A CONTRIVED SPECTACLE TO MAKE THE PUBLIC SUPPORT TRUMP. HE will win and the people will think that he is against the evil powers and has won against great odds. A HUGE DECEPTION AS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR DECADES, PRIMARILY SINCE 9-11.

Unfortunately I had to spell it out so that a simple-minded commenter could comprehend this scenario. Republicans pride themselves that they see the lies. No they don't. THey fell for different lies.

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i'm not a fan of unions but then, i've never worked for a large soulless company. i certainly understand why they're needed. i remember when obama was oddly quiet as teachers went on strike somewhere in the midwest and i thought that was pretty chicken shit of him. so it's good to see RFKjr stand up for (and stand with) workers on strike.

during the pandemic, unions really failed and lost whatever legitimacy they might have once had. a union's ONLY purpose is to protect the labor of it's members- not just it's members who got vaccinated or it's members who didn't vote for Trump. this is still an on going problem in the IA stagehand's union where people aren't allowed to work if they haven't had the requisite number (always changing) of covid shots. i'm sure more and different types of shots will be added to the list as drug companies seek to keep up the profit level they achieved during the pandemic. but labor unions are not in the public health business and should not be acting as an enforcement arm of the government's vaccine policy

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Yes - unions failed memberships big time.

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Most unions now days are GOVERNMENT unions, not private. And government unions forced their members to get vaxxed or lose employment

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Thank you for stepping up to help us Sir after all these years of hard work to help out the planet.

Our family has trust and faith in you getting things done when you are voted into office.

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Sadly, RFK Jr has lost me as a supporter. I appreciate that he stood in the picket line and how he eloquently explained the issues the hotel housekeepers are protesting, BUT his solutions are 100% wrong, just like his position on Israel.

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So you are more concerned with his views on Israel than you are the serious issues in THIS COUNTRY and our Border?

Trump is more pro Israel than Kennedy, Jr. is since Trump is a huge Noahide Law supporter. Most of them are pro Israel except Cornel West that sang praises TO Anthony Fauci. After all the hate that went out to the unvaccinated by Fauci and friends there is no way I will support anyone that supports Fauci!

Kennedy, Jr. is against mandates, against the WEF, against CBDCs, even wants to eliminate the Patriot Act. Those are the reasons I will vote for him.

If Kennedy, Jr. does not win and we wake up to a WEF treaty and all that goes with that then I wonder if those that don't vote for him will be happy owning nothing!

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We have similar priorities. Sometimes I think people have not paid nearly close enough attention to the way our civil liberties have been eroded and come under further threat. If the folks behind Biden had their way, there likely would be no free speech period and the digital currency would be the enforcement mechanism. I don't want big govt and trillion dollar useless wars etc...but honest to God we are down to fighting for the Basics of Democracy. I think Bobby is right on those. Vivek talks a "good game" but I don't trust him & his "scrubbed bio."

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I agree about Vivek.

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JFK Jr, Trump, Vivek — none of them can dismantle anything without 2 important things:

1) Majorities in both chambers

2) POTUS who can explain it like I’m 5 to the citizenry (torches pitchforks) to pressure their reps to go along with (dismantling Patriot Act, eliminating 3-letter agency)

Trump found this out when he tried to ‘drain the swamp’. Trump didn’t know he needed massive water pumps. He got played the fool.

Maybe (just maybe) those that come after Trump have an actual plan to reduce and rollback government. Otherwise they are just crying ‘drain the swamp’ like Trump did.

Likely the best we might see would be defunding of agencies. But unfortunately not their outright elimination. Elimination is a pipe dream without 1 & 2. But man would it be the best smoke if it ever happened

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Seriously? It did not take a majority for Trump to fast track those jabs! Yes, he gave choice in one breath but in the next he RECOMMENDED them and said they were "safe" AND "great" when they are not either one! He did accept Pfizer giving a Million for his inauguration and then instead of getting Kennedy, Jr. on a vaccine safety committee LIKE TRUMP SAID he didn't do that and instead fast tracked those jabs!

Trump did not try to drain the swamp!

I didn't say Kennedy, Jr. would eliminate the Patriot Act. I said he wants to. For someone to try to get them to pass a bill to eliminate it they would have to be in agreement of that or they wouldn't sign the bill. Might not happen but at least I know he's not for it.

Speaking of signing bills Trump sure did NOT have to sign sec 702 that continued to allow spying on us! He told Judge Napolitano he wouldn't sign it but then did anyways then told the judge they "twisted his arm" to sign it.

NO! He didn't drain the swamp.

Trump pushed 5G and vetoed stopping our involvement in the Yemen War where thousands of innocent people were losing their lives.

Assange arrested under his presidency when Trump should had pardoned him!

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GS, you have good points against Trump. Is there a list of such points somewhere that we can point out to his unconscious supporters?

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I have encountered enough of his supporters to know it doesn't matter what Trump does or says they make excuses for him. You know like he was given bad advice LOL When he could had listened to those around him that would give him good advice but no Trump wouldn't listen to good advice, can't blame Trump LOL

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GS, I’m talking in generalities about how to roll back size/scope of government. I’m stating that a POTUS saying they are for/against something isn’t enough. It’s hot f*cking air, without a plan on how to actually do it.

Whether it be Trump, RFK Jr. or anyone else in the future.

I see my use of word ‘Trump’ triggered the hell out of you though. Sorry about that.

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Matt, I think we need to adopt a highly effective method of collaboration. I think we have a good opportunity to do so. I posted about that at https://rfk4president.substack.com/p/effective-collaboration-to-elect.

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LOL I would state why I would or would not vote for someone without being triggered! This coming up primary and general IMO is going to be about those that are for our freedoms with evidence they believe who they support is also for them VS those that either aren't for them or don't care.

I give my views on candidates without being triggered. But if you think I like what Trump did, I don't. Are you triggered when you spoke out who you don't support?

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Strange leaps you've made. I'm not a Trump supporter. I am familiar with RFK Jr because of the Covid craziness, I've read "The Real Anthony Fauci", and I was very impressed when he started his presidential campaign. He was a bright spot in a dark landscape. Now, he seems compromised or indebted in some way. Israel over Palestine (e.g., not neutrality, not peace) ,and compassionate central planning by RFK Jr is no better than central planning by anyone else. It's that simple for me.

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Bobby is against the WEF, against CBDCs, against mandates, against banning free speech, and I agree with him on OUR Border. I put this country and OUR border first and those are the reasons I will vote for him. It's that simple for me.

As for Israel; Your comment Bobby is "not peace"...

Sure sounded to me like he wants peace when it answered a question what about Palestine? He replied, "and a humane outcome and a recognition ultimately of the aspirations of Palestinian people is important for everybody."

He has the same views on Israel as he has had for many years and well before running for President so I doubt he is indebted to anyone over this issue that he believes what he believes.

Most all of the candidates are pro Israel except for Cornel West that sang praises TO Anthony Fauci. After all the hate that went out to the unvaccinated by Fauci and friends there is no way I would vote for anyone that praised Fauci.

It's possible two different people to have two different perspectives on the same issue. Some things true on one side some things true on the other side.

There's conflict on both sides. On the Israel side they will tell you they feel threatened so yes they respond and it's a big problem.

What the free Palestine side always seems to leave out is that Palestine has no terms that I have heard about for peace with Israel or Israelis.

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The fourth branch of the government does not report the truth on Israel and Palestinians. Israelis have apartheid, they confiscate those Palestinians homes who they don't murder, they put Arabs in refugee camps and steal their water, sniper attack them, destroy their properties, etc.. Your comment reaks of ignorance and being totally clueless. THe Jews stole all, have destroyed Palestinians who just want to be left alone. The establishment news is the fourth branch of a militarist and imperialist empire which thrives on deception. WAKE UP

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Personal insults would never have me listen to another side! Mr. Max was not right about everything he said, either, but one thing is for sure I won't listen to a Jew hater (I am NOT saying you are that!) or someone that hates the Palestinians. Or someone that gets cash and clicks off of hating on Kennedy, Jr.

If someone is wrong that sincerely believes what they believe they should say lets sit down and talk about it. Not put out hate.

Something else. I am totally awake to what's going on in THIS COUNTRY and OUR border and all the things coming if they aren't stopped and since my first priority is this country that is where my vote goes to the candidate that aligns most on the issues I am for. I don't expect to agree with any candidate on everything.

I hope you spend as much time telling Biden supporters to wake up?

Miko Peled on Kim Iverson"I had no doubt I had full possession of the truth" He was talking about Israel. He "gradually" started to think differently! That's the type of person I would listen to regarding Israel but it's not going to change who I vote for.

Kim Iverson "And I did also see some hostile Palestinians that I felt FEAR several times while over there from all sides!"

If you are trying to say the Palestinians are totally blameless in all of the conflict you lose me there, too!

So what is your solution for peace?

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Repeated offers of peace by the PLO were rejected by Israel and unreported by US media. Shortly after the intifada erupted, the Hebrew press in Israel gave prime coverage to Arafat’s declaration that he was “ready for direct negotiations between the Israelis and ourselves” leading towards “mutual recognition between two states.”

This was reported in England, France, Israel, but not by the NY Times, which also ignored Arafat’s 1/14/1988 statement that the PLO would “recognize Israel’s right to exist if it and the United States accept PL O participation in an international middle-east peace conference.” Instead the NY Times published an editorial 3/2/1988 stating: “Until the PLO summons the courage and wisdom to accept peace with Israel in return for some kind of Palestinian homeland, it would be folly for Israel to bargain.”

Finally, after the state department gave the “okay,” the NY Times correspondent in Jerusalem was published 1/29/1989 saying “Yasar Arafat, the PLO leader, is saying openly for the first time that he wants to solve the Palestinian problem through negotiation.”

The truth was that Arafat had been saying that for years. The Israeli government continued rejecting negotiations with the PLO, but the NY Times placed responsibility for lack of progress on the Palestinians. On 7/18/1989, a NY Times article that headlined “Israeli prime minister Shamir warned that Palestinians who resisted the occupation would be “crushed like grasshoppers” with their heads “smashed against the boulders and walls.” The 8/21/1988 New York Times Magazine article by Joel Brinkley profiled Shamir, saying: “Shamir is a tactician. He’s not a man of volatile emotions, subject to such dangerous emotions as “hate.”

When I was a Christian in 2004, my pastor, as well as the entire evangelical media that I was exposed to, continued to claim that Palestinians refuse to accept Israel as a state, that Hamas was their popular governing body, and that any aggression from Arabs was because the Koran told them to kill Jews and Christians. They also continuously stated that Israel was completely innocent, using force carefully and only after much warning.

“Even today I volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug out from under the feet of the diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up a few synagogues, I don’t care. And I don’t mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal…..What your kind doesn’t understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it.”…

.Ariel Sharon in a Hebrew language interview with Israeli writer Amos Oz, published in Hebrew in the Israeli newspaper Davar, December 17th, 1982

So we see here an Israeli leader mentioning Zionism as a force to kill Arabs. But the creation of Israel as a nation was based on the Balfour Declaration of 1917, where Foreign Secretary of State of Britain, Lord Balfour, in a letter addressing Rothschild, gave the land of Palestine to Jews as a home (not a state or nation), also making the condition that the non-Jew inhabitants would not be disturbed. It is curious that the letter went to Rothschild, as Herzl and Weizmann were the men looking for a Jewish homeland.

Soon, Zionism became a confusing term, as it became confusing to perceive if it referred to a cause for a homeland for the Jewish people, or a cabal focused on world domination and a new world order. It is also curious that anybody who criticizes aggressive Israeli policies is considered to be anti-Semitic. Perhaps the confusion is intentional.

In addition, many people consider Jews to be the ones ruling the world, when in fact it is the Vatican and the exceedingly rich and powerful people who rule, who have little connection to any real worship of god, unless you consider Satan to be god (which indeed he is).

My theory as to these events is that: One reason for World War I was to destroy the Ottoman Empire, which was a strong bastion opposing Christianity. The British handed over the Palestinian land to the Jewish leaders, not for any compassionate reason (not the US, nor Britain took many Jewish immigrants), but to secure a position of power in the middle- east, as you perceive happened.

And do not dismiss that letter from Albert Pike, who foresaw (and obviously was complicit in making it happen) the creation and usefulness of Israel in 1871. Now, a hundred years later, the fruition of these plans are now becoming clear. We witness ourselves the genocide of the Arab peoples, to facilitate the RC dictatorship.

What is not shown in the establishment media, but I have seen on several videos on youtube, (one called “Zionism Explained- the Best Documentary Ever”) showing film clips of Jews and Hassidim in Israel. The documentary explains:

Authentic Jews condemn the illegal Jewish settlements and the forced creation of the state of Israel. One Jewish man says in a passionate speech: “I will not be silent when Israel commits its crimes against the Palestinians. I find it despicable to justify the torture, the brutalization, the demolition of homes….Israel commits against Palestinians….if you had any heart in you… you would be crying out to the Palestinians.” The video also showed Hassidim in Israel protesting Zionism as they burned flags of Israel: “It is not a religious conflict; it is a Zionist ploy….it is Zionist propaganda…a political movement contradictory to the Jewish religion of thousands of years, Judaism is spirituality, a religion of compassion…who want to transform Judaism into materialism have stolen our religion to nationality… usurp the name of Judaism, causing death and destruction… they sacrifice on their idol, bodies, human beings, hearts, souls, …we must profusely apologize to the Muslims, Arabs…”

To an objective outsider, that may sound like a description of Christianity in America.


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And compared to me, you are indeed ignorant regarding Israel. That is not an insult, it is fact. Your display lack of knowledge in that area, as do the vast majority of Americans, especially by those who listen to and watch establishment news sources. I am an authentic journalist and author, and have researched independently many subjects, and penned paradigm changing books. About 100 million people read my newsletter daily, they always go viral. I am self-educated, not having been indoctrinated or programmed by the schooling system, so i am capable of thinking outside the boxes of concepts provided, and have authentically original and viable solutions. IN the conclusion of ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH I have a blueprint for an ideal solution which solves every world problem literally.


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First of all, we give Israel as much funding as all other nations combined. (that is outside what we are now spending on Ukraine),.. they are not poor. Never have been. How about cutting off all their funding, and promise to reinstate half of it when they stop their militant oppression of Palestinians. And I am more aware than you if you place any kind of major blame on Palestinians. JEws and Muslims and Christians lived in peaceful coexistence there until JEws were given the land by the British, who had no right to. And in the BAlfour declaration, which was the document given to Rothschild (why him, when it was Herzsel and Weisman who were the zionists? ) made the condition that there would be no damage done to Palestinians or their property. Immediately Jews took their homes, displaced them, built an army, and within a few years invaded Egypt to get more land. I know this defies the American and Israeli narrative but it is true. To say it is Palestinians fault is to expose your own inability to recognize that we have been lied to by the news media and even by many historians. An honest Israeli tells the truth.


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Hey, Lost, do you want to keep the divide unhealed? Do you want the media to keep us divided?

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Ummm... No. I'm just learning that some of RFK Jr's political aims and statements are troubling. I'm disappointed, because I had some hope. I'm glad he's speaking out. He's good on a lot of things, but not on this one.

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Beautiful piece. To pay livable, fair wages is not socialism. Thank you, Mr. Kennedy, for putting this new and balanced perspective on the table.

"May the road rise up to meet you..."

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To force one to pay your definition of "pay livable, fair wages" is socialism

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No definition other than 'fair and livable' was given. If these indicate socialism, then capitalism is okay with unfair and non-livable?

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It is called justice, but in America the Christian, we have mercy and grace. NO punishment for greed and murder and exploitation, and blessings of riches for those who do not deserve it and cheat and lie to the people under the flag of capitalism.

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No it is not.

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Phew! I needed this reminder why I’d never vote for you.

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How bout his plan to have you cosign on a loser home loan ?

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Please explain us that DF.

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Sep 5, 2023
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It is not about buying expensible houses but more an affordable one.

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Sep 5, 2023
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DJT 2024

25 in 25

More jobs not less.

Show me one labor union that has increased jobs.

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Show me how shutting down the nation and allowing the greatest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy deserves another opportunity to destroy America further. And you can also be grateful for operation warp speed when your heart fails you.

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If he hadn't done that they would have done it for him, AND WORSE. His vax was THERAPEUTIC HCQ not mRNA. There are also DS DJT doubles out there, don't be fooled.

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Since you did not read my previous comment, here it is again. Trump is NOT against the establishment. HE has been groomed by Rothschild, the richest people in the world by far, worth 500 trillion dollars, owning every nations' central bank, for many years.

Michael Lewis Kahn

2 hrs ago

Gullible is not a virtue, and I hate being lied to. A closed country and it has the best unemployment ever? And in January 2019 one out of ten children in NY City schools was homeless.

Trump was given half a billion dollars by his poppa (he is not self-made as he claims) but nonetheless his foolishness constantly had him begging for loans, and bankers did not want to loan him after he showed time and again inability to repay what he borrowed. Filed for bankruptcy. So why did they finally decide to keep him afloat? He would prove to be valuable in the future. He was groomed for years to be a nice little puppet. Ross, whom he appointed as secretary of commerce, was a Rothschild banker, and had been trained in a Jesuit school, as was TRump (Fordham Univ.), had financed Trump years ago. Trump has various connections to Rothschild.



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oh yes, we got HC everywhere because we had somebody in the ring who would fight. Excuse the very very sarcastic comment on my part. Calling in the military for a medical issue? He had no clue as to what was going on? He defunded the WHO but then funded GAVI on the sly, the same people. IT was a slight of hand, a deception to APPEAR anti-establishment. Phony. And the sheep think that the creep is a hero. The RNA is therapeutic also, you don't know that? TRumps' bioweapon is all about destroying the immune system, surveillance, and worse. ANd he continued encouraging us to take it for many many months after we all knew how bad it was. Fooled??? Who was fooled?? The one in your mirror!!

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NOTHING excuses the jab. And he continued to encourage us to take it many many months after the whole nation saw how bad it was. HE didn't know? come on. YOU are so damn gullible and make any excuse for the liars. Every politician is an actor and liar, that is their job. They don't run the nation, dumass. Do your research. I have published a few books proving that politics is the entertainment division of the government. And you have supported one of the worst faces for the destruction of America, surpassed only by Biden and with Bush close behind. Gullible and conformist, buying the BS the media puts out there, even as you are told that they deceive by the one you love. The CIA dominates the news media, and Rockefeller managed it for years in the CFR. Look at my other comments above and below for more info on that. My website also


And there was no covid. The first city to engage 5G was Wuhan, and the cruise ship to America had an independent 5G tower on it. 5G causes respiratory problems at times. Usually we have 80,000 deaths due to flu recorded. But in 2020, only 5,000 deaths were attributed to flu. But covid the said killed hundreds of thousands. But there was no excess deaths until 2021. Tens of millions of PCR test kits were bought by many nations in 2018. Trump acts stupid, but he knew full well what was going on. HE called a national state of emergency which put the nation under FEMA and unofficial martial law, to a degree, but not so as to cause rebellion. And the liar blamed governors.

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Sorry I have a short attention span.

I don't read long comments.

Keep it pithy

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I read and write books. It is called education. television is the creator of weak minds. I can pay attention because I Read, have not watched tv since 2004. Thousands of hours of research, 12 hours a day. But you don't want to learn, just want to show that you have no interest in truth.

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You sound terribly frustrated.

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THOSE accomplishments are plain lies. IF you cannot recognize that, I can sell you a bridge at an amazing first-ever greatest price ever!!!

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Are you still out there.

Get it thru your thick skull, you are a bore.

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Trump said the jabs were "safe" and "great" when they aren't either one but also I didn't know some other things until more recent such as he signed to continue spying on us, sec 702. He told Judge Napolitano he wasn't going to sign it but then he did anyways, then told the judge they "twisted his arm" to sign it. I don't want a president that their arm can be twisted to sign a bill they know is wrong!

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Gullible is not a virtue, and I hate being lied to. A closed country and it has the best unemployment ever? And in January 2019 one out of ten children in NY City schools was homeless.

Trump was given half a billion dollars by his poppa (he is not self-made as he claims) but nonetheless his foolishness constantly had him begging for loans, and bankers did not want to loan him after he showed time and again inability to repay what he borrowed. Filed for bankruptcy. So why did they finally decide to keep him afloat? He would prove to be valuable in the future. He was groomed for years to be a nice little puppet. Ross, whom he appointed as secretary of commerce, was a Rothschild banker, and had been trained in a Jesuit school, as was TRump (Fordham Univ.), had financed Trump years ago. Trump has various connections to Rothschild.



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TDS much ?

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What is wrong, no ability to debate with truthful provable points? Look at the articles I submitted. I looked at trumps supposed accomplishments. DO you really think the economy was strong? Trump himself rightfully claimed the media lies. So did he. And

157-“In February 2004, Fox news won a legal appeal that declared that Fox news had no legal obligation to be truthful in its reporting. The court agreed that Fox had indeed been untruthful but ultimately agreed with Fox’s argument that the FCC’s policy against the intentional falsification of the news is not a legal mandate, requirement, or regulation; and that Fox may falsify news reports. Fl. 13th district New World Communications of Tampa Inc. vs. Jane Akre, case no. 2001-529.”


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Sep 4, 2023Edited
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Wealthy people tend to travel in same circles. Trump was the only one who cooperated w authorities in getting Epstein prosecuted. Ask Cindy McCain. Roy Cohn was his atty. Idk any atty that isn't a grifter.

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I have seen that. I am indeed independent, and do not vote at all. Read why. My books are available for free attached to my free newsletter. Sign up here. Cohn is a creepy lawyer with aggressive corruption, and of course Epstein blackmailed politicians by filming them in pedophilia, and they were aware. IT was a ticket to power, by securing damning evidence of rape if they stray from the globalist agenda



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Be careful of DS doubles they're out there. Don't you be gullible. Trump is extremely intelligent.

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I am not gullible, I did not say that trump is stupid. He is a clever liar and a bought shill, an opportunist. HE played a lot of games with the sharks to manipulate them into making "campaign contributions"- he was bought, but they had to pay and pay. HE did the job well and the current charges are (deliberately) placed to be a ticket to president with approval of the masses who hate the establishment that he SEEMS to be against>IT is all smoke and mirrors.

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It’s a refreshing turnabout to see a candidate support trade unions.

The first realignment of the political parties, starting about the time of the Clinton administration, resulted in zero political representation for middle and working class people. See for example the YouTube video of the Ross Perot/Al Gore debate with Gore explaining how offshoring our manufacturing base was a great deal for working people. When combined with unconstrained immigration, primarily of the unlawful variety, our politicians have collaborated with businesses to obliterate our standard of living.

I know if no candidate from either party other than RFK, Jr discussing these bread and butter economic platform issues that will translate into a real world better life for the majority of Americans. The 3% mortgage proposal is another great example of this.

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Another great example of socialism.

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The CIA invented the term ¨Conspiracy Theory¨ and I would not be surprise if they also using the word ¨Socialism¨ everywhere in the same way you do David.

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Shuss don't tell anybody.

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Now we know that conspiracy theories are more often correct than not. And socialism is not a dirty word.

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Speak for yourself.

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You can't be pro-labor and pro-open borders.

Yet there's the AFL-CIO, in NY, demanding work permits for the millions of fraudulent asylum seekers our propagandists insist on calling "migrants." With organized labor acting like this, who needs scabs?

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Very, very true.

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Thank you RFK



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Thank you for caring as deeply as you do.

And I know that care is true. 🙏

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It is good to have you on the side of hard working people. There are so many things that are wrong in our country that seem hopeless, yet you see them and come up with solutions that are giving me and many people hope. May God protect and guide you as you fight for us!

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Don't agree with his solutions, but I agree with your comment.

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