Bobby - I graduated from high school on June 5, 1968 and what transpired was something I’ll never forget. There was a movement of real hope from people far and wide inspired by your dad, your uncle, Dr King and everyone who could see hope in what seemed like our darkest hour. But the time we are in now looks even darker. If we are to see the dawn, we’ll need folks like who can and must keep these insane heartless psychopaths in check. You stand for the betterment of all people and they only stand for whatever’s in it for them to get their greedy hands on. It’s truly wake up time for America and the world. If you run for president you certainly have my vote and hopefully everyone who still has a heart of compassion and a functioning brain. Thank you 🙏🏽

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Check the functionality of your brain again. I have some more gray area than you appear to. The ballot machines are owned by the Bush family and operated by the CIA. Presidents, senators, etc.. are selected, not elected. Epstein. Furthermore, have you not seen that politicians spend lots of time on camera, at banquets, giving awards, speeches, golfing, etc.. How do they legislate, debate, vote, etc...? Answer: they don't. The laws are made in the Trilateral Commission and are rubber-stamped by "legislators"==politicians are not statesmen, they are all actors and deceivers, and are chosen for that ability.

From my travels;

Lunatic4Bizcas6 hours ago (edited)

@Michael Kahn : ¡ Exactly ! Trump is also photographed at having been at one of Jeffrey Epstein's functions, yet when confronted with the issue, Trump claimed that he never knew the guy nor had any sort of friendship with him. Trump is part and parcel of the same machine, but the fact is that he was never directly involved in politics himself and instead hovered around the periphery of the political establishment, had a considerable amount of the populous fooled into thinking that he was for the people. Trump is probably the perfect decoy for the deep state, because while many of his followers are distracted to the detestable deeds of government, Trump's party and allies from across the aisle are up to the same games of interventionism abroad and disenfranchisement of the average citizen domestically. Trump was installed as president to prevent the nation from coming undone at the seams. If Trump had not been elected then there could have been a possibility for a mass uprising against government, and that is the last thing the international cabal of elitists and deep state operatives could want. A polarized and divided nation is much easier to control and manipulate


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In my Journal of Implausible Deniability I’ve tried to confront the darkness in our present political establishment. As one of the only high profile leaders left standing in our society, Bobby Kennedy is an obvious choice for president but is it reasonable still to remain inside the Democratic Party? The party itself is now so tainted with corruption and treachery against the American people that I wonder if it shouldn’t go the way of other extinct political organizations. I say this as a longtime Democratic voter. I don’t know many people anymore who are loyal to the party. I do know some Republicans who would vote for Bobby. I know it’s logistically complex, but Biden has disgraced whatever was left of the Democratic Party. Many would love to have a mainstream choice that was neither Republican nor Dem. Also a good idea to have a running mate with strong military ties. Bobby will need protection from our enemies “foreign and domestic” and the domestic ones seem most dangerous these days.

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Unfortunately, a third party president just won't win. Really. It would make a statement, get some press, but ultimately be tremendous energy spent. And if there ever was anything good about the stated ideals of the Democratic party, it's embodied in RFK, Jr. Along with refusal to sell out, be corrupted, be manipulated.

I'm done with the Democrats also. I won't vote for anyone not aware of the dangers of vaccines. But I'm not so dogmatic about it that I wouldn't vote for, and help someone as truly good as this man get elected if he runs on the Dem party.

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idk, but this is a pivotal moment, the party is now viewed by most Americans as a socialist/communist organization. The Democratic Party that RFK Jr., you ,and I remember is gone.

Consider this: what if RFK jr ran as a democratic candidate, but rejected the "woke" agenda, support parents rights to education input for their children, and ran against CRT curriculum, which equates equity with race. Both BLM and CRT are socialist based organizations. Main street is moderate, not "Burn it all down"!

The Democratic Party needs primaries to sort out its direction, the DNC is lead by those who wish to usher in socialism, by canceling primaries their candidate is "Their D卐M☭CRATic" candidate. An eighty year old that does exactly what he is told. Without Biden, the socialist agenda would lose its voice. And the socialist are in a total state of war, to over take, not just the Democratic Party, but to abolish individualism, speech, meritocracy, societal norms. No, I am convinced that if RFK Jr., enters the fray the Democratic Party will recenter itself and will attract the a majority. YMMV, but for me, like you, the Party left me, my ideals have not changed.

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I hope he tries nevertheless. Our voices must be heard—loudly. It’s not going to be pretty for a very long time but can change. Eventually the reining Democrats will jump the shark and their true intent made clear. One can only hope anyway. 🤨. To not hold primary debates is despicable and should be revealing to anyone. But….Nobody I know who is a dem is happy with Biden but Trump rattled them enough to cause brain damage that just the specter of “trump” will make them re-up Biden. This plan is unAmerican. I despise the cult even more now. Ugh.

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You are behind the times with your idea that main street is moderate. Republicans and democrats are all hating of the machine. I have tens of millions of supporters in both camps as an underground revolutionist. I could easily win an election for president even without a third of the nation knowing my name. I am nowhere on tv, internet, etc.. as the establishment is afraid to give me exposure. They know my courage, intelligence, that I have real doable solutions, can out-debate all of them, that my ideas and concepts are outside the boxes of thinking, that I cannot be bought, and that I have the love of the people.



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You want to talk REVOLUTION, well, you can count me out!

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I am not asking for a donation. DO you have a better idea? Look at my website. I am serious. And tens of millions agree. Furthermore, I have solutions to every world problem. Seriously. In my blueprint for a novel idea of civilization outside all boxes of thinking, easy and doable, simple and clear. Sign up for the free newsletter and books are attached for free reading. The blueprint is in the conclusion of ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH (subtitled THE GROWTH AND MECHANISMS OF THE ROMERICAN EMPIRE) but if you prefer the world war, and the new world order that Biden is taking us to, with the great reset and you like to eat bugs, then okay, count you out. By the way, the democrats and republicans in their great reset plan a world fascist totalitarian technocratic police state of 500 million survivors. current world population is eight billion. But hey, you might be one of the few surviving slaves, and wouldn't that be great.

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I agree. Third party candidates only give you the ones you don’t want. My issues are your issues plus the woke crazy. My grandkid is trapped in the trans nightmare. The democrats left me and I cannot vote for them. I would try to give a leg up to RFK jr however.

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I can’t do it. I wretch at the thought. The democrats left me. I didn’t leave them. Left me in the dust of all I thought they were. Off the tracks and heading for ruin. I’m not interested in saving them anymore plus I’m not a republican either so that makes me politically marooned and at this point not able to vote for any of them. We are dancing with the 2 faced devil now. They just take turns “leading”.

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Understood, there are people like Tulsi G, RFK Jr., DeSantis, all seem reasonable counter weights to the uni-party that has wrecked havoc, not just our country, but the world. YMMV, but for me voting is the only option before we march head long into an unnecessary civil war.

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Maybe Tulsi, certainly RFK Jr. & Yang have independent minds, but definitely not DeSantis, who is full-blown Nazi.

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Bobby, you need a PSD and CoS that is totally loyal. Be situationally aware at all times, even when you have those around you, who are willing to take a bullet for you.

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What about all democratic challengers holding their own primary debate? Ask Tucker to broadcast it.

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Well in that case, I think the Democrats who are running for President, should just organize their own debate in New Hampshire, perhaps without Biden.

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Don, that a great idea, it would strategically end the Biden campaign, and the ruling communist elite running the DNC. It is such a great threat to their goals, they would go to great lengths to terminate RFK Jr great threat. It would not end well.

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I hope you run and I hope you understand the need to stay alert to the many forces which would attempt to undermine your efforts. Please create a circle of security you can trust, now, in these early moments of a potential candidacy.

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This thread is full of fukin retards. We are on the edge of world war, nuclear possibly, weather warfare waged, and earthquakes, a bio-weapon being forced on us, chemical pollution destroying the land, much much more warfare against us, and we need to rise in revolution NOW and you are talking elections almost two years away. Furthermore, in case you are even more delusional than I thought, you would know that the bills and legislation a president supposedly passes has to be approved by "representatives"= one good man is useless. there is no political solution you idiots.


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By definition there is a difference between evolution and revolution.

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Who said evolution? I said, and intend, Revolution. We are doomed due to evolution. I mean by that the idea that people's thinking is evolving. The inability to relearn and to comprehend how things really work, and to adjust to those new paradigms of thinking, is going to be our downfall. People are so stuck in the illusions that have been fed to us, that they still want to vote. The politicians are actors, and are Selected by the ones really in power. People are damn stupid, plain and simple. Can you not see this which is so obvious to me?

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Who mentioned evolution. I said and meant Revolution. People have not evolved from the illusions placed by liars for years, giving the impression that we have power in votes, and that politicians are in charge. The are Selected, not elected. Due to people not having the ability to adjust and realign to the truths we now see, and being stuck in deceptive paradigms and narratives, and being unwilling to take matters into our hands, we are doomed. Without armed revolution, we will all die or be enslaved.

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That is just another reason for you to run. Force them to keep defending all the wrong policies on covid. You will win the nomination.

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They don't want to raise the subject of the vaccines and especially the related mandates. That's a lose lose for the DEMS>

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How can any America-loving citizens still be a Democrat?

Democrats are destroying America one day at a time.

It’s called “controlled demolition”.

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Move to Moscow, you racist Insurrectionist.

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TIM- looks like Cory got more likes than you. I hope you are kidding.

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"Why would people need to see potential leaders flesh out how they plan to handle important topics?"

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Hello Fellow Freedom Fighter,

Poignant Letter!

I was told you attend mass regularly and we have similar goals. I have the watchman/seer anointing from Ezekiel 33 and communicate with several of your non profit circle like Atty Mary Holland, Dr. Hooker, Dr Couey, Celia Farber and some CHD writers. We can hit this right together if we combine efforts and move the masses like the billion soul harvest. As a Jewish guy in faith, you will be amazed at the updates on my case, which Mary hasn't even heard yet. I have been blessed with confidential documents galore, that have somehow found me versus me seeking them out. I'll mail them physically and you can always email me at geoff@legallinkconfidential.com for quickest delivery SEE our CEO, HaShem.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Also, proverbs 1.7 says fear/revevere of the L○RD is the 1st step towards wisdom, so righteousness vs the FED Reserve bundling big pharma is counter.


SEE 1993 global chimeric poison in this Pharma invention Wo1993023422A1 and 2015 priority date both included in sequence åbove:


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fuck you and your jewish god

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Biden will not have to campaign against a battle-toughened GOP opponent. He will be installed by cheating like he was in 2020.

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All of this CHICANERY will only inflame the fight against the corruption the people feel in their bones that is destroying their lives. They question the system completely and the polls prove it. Let them reveal just how far they are willing to go that will only fuel their continued fall. The people do not want Biden or any other tool of the corporate and corrupt system they clearly see now for exactly what it is and has been for too long.

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Great piece, Bobby! Do you want to come on The Jonathan Kogan Show to share/talk in more detail? https://jsk.transistor.fm

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

I am glad you are running. As an independent, I don’t believe Biden is actually running the country. I don’t believe Biden has a clue. But whoever is running our country is running it into the ground. Your entry into the race has made me more hopeful for our future. If we don’t have some serious changes occur after this next election, I fear our nation may be doomed. Hopefully our county, our world, will survive to see a 2024 election. Yes, I believe things are that serious, and that this current woke/insane “Biden regime” is almost entirely responsible for all of it!

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I see across Substack and Twitter poignant stories pouring out about the impact that RFKJr's father and uncle had on their lives even as young children through the influence on their parents. And descriptions of the meaningful influence that RFK Jr. has had in all his work as environmentalist, vaccine safety advocate and attorney. A curated compilation of the best of those memories could be useful for the campaign. And leave a recorded treasure for history.

My vivid childhood memory was being sent home early from kindergarten on news of JFK being shot. Mom was tearful, reclined and unable to move from the sofa, looking utterly bereft. She reached out her arm with a hankie in her hand (remember cloth handkerchiefs?) and waved me on to go out and play for awhile. Like I was meant to remember this as a marker for action in later life. Something about that visual impression of my mother in that deeply deflated state, when she was usually confident, surefooted, full of vitality and cheerfulness hung with me all my life. Later in life we have all learned much more about what we lost in that era with the coordinated multiple assassinations that took place. The purpose of that memory for me comes full circle with RKFJr now running for president.

Bobby's biggest weapon in this campaign and threat to the status quo is that we can restore our country to its roots of freedom, self-sufficiency, optimism, constitutional preservation, rule of law, respect for the rights of states, secure national borders, and a force for justice and positivity. The vague and tiresome cliche about draining the swamp is actually something that RFKJr has designed a detailed blueprint for doing. We will hear more about those specifics in future speeches, interviews and writings. You won't see Biden doing any of that. There won't be any debates so let's move on from that and do something fresher and more creative.

Cheryl Hines as first lady could go a long way to bringing back the arts, culture and style to the White House with a dash humor and grace to add to it. Would be a fantastic asset if she could present some vision for that part of the reconstruction of the presidency during the campaign.

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So, if you don't get elected by the Democrats, will you create a third party? I hope...

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