Thank you for your transparency and courage. Regime media endangers all of us with their lies and gaslighting. Glad you are going direct to the public on Substack!

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I like that term, "regime media," it's very accurate. I'm sure you've seen this, but perhaps other readers here have not:


It's the list of US media that took money from the US government for "We Can Do This," the COVID-19 Public Education Campaign, "An initiative to increase confidence in COVID-19 vaccines and reinforce basic prevention measures."

So, basically, these entities set aside the principles of professional journalism to shill and censor-- which begins to explain many things.

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Sheesh. It might be more useful to see a list of US media that DIDN'T take money.

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On it you’ll find most of the independents we read and listen to. The good news is how many people have turned of the mainstream to give them an ear. The bad news is the majority still tune into them.

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I didn’t need to look for my local newspaper. I knew they were shilling for the government.

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Is there any news outlet that didn’t take? Good grief!

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So, it's pretty much all of them and everything around me.

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Thanks, Transcriber B.

Sent to friends, family and people who finally have their heads out of their asses.

Most appreciated.

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You are most welcome, T., but really the one to thank is journalist Doc Pruyne, who shared it on his substack. I myself was so grateful to find it there.


Good wishes to you and yours.

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I should add, for any readers here who may not have seen it, there is a lot to learn about the censorship from RFK Jr's book THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI.

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Jul 31, 2023
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They used to have a listserv - I covered this in my satire: https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/covidsteria-prelude-ostrich-news-network


9 Calderone, Michael (March 17, 2009). “Inside the Echo Chamber.” Politico. (Archived 1 Sep 2015) https://web.archive.org/web/20150901054850/https:/www.politico.com/story/2009/03/journolist-inside-the-echo-chamber-020086

10 Goldberg, Jeffrey (July 21, 2010). “Meet the New Journolist, Smaller Than the Old Journolist.” The Atlantic. (Archived 23 Jul 2010) https://web.archive.org/web/20100805075645/https:/www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2010/07/meet-the-new-journolist-smaller-than-the-old-journolist/60159/

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Jul 31, 2023
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You are most welcome.

P.S. Here's where I found it:

"ON JOURNALISM: I know why the caged birds don't sing"

by Doc Pruyune, April 8, 2023.


(click on the green button that says "see the Judas list")

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Life long republican here, 100% voting for RFK Jr. in the democrat primaries!

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Yup. Me too

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The only democrat I will vote for in primaries. No other politician of any stripe deserves my other votes. None. (Former Dem)

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What's the difference between Democrats and a pitcher of warm spit? Nothing!

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That’s my plan as well, to vote RFKJ in the Dem primary, but likely Trump in the general. BE AWARE of your state’s rules re who is allowed to vote in the D presidential primary. One may need to register as a D, or the D party may allow independents, Greens, Libertarians, etc to vote in the D primary. Rules may change last minute if they catch on, so it’s safest to be registered as a D in time for the 2024 primary in your state.

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Please advise how to donate to your security needs. Also you have been on my prayer list since you announced. The Best Protection.

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There is a FB page "Committed to pray Psalm 91 over Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as he runs for President" They have a modern translation adapted as a specific prayer for Bobbys safety

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Let us all keep Robert F. Kennedy, Jr in our prayers! God will protect him. 🙏

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Amen to that!

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Jul 31, 2023Edited
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You (willfully) miss the Point?!

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Jul 31, 2023
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That really has zero relevance to the safety of Bobby and those around him - which is the point you willfully missed - and are now attempting to deflect from.

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Does "BF" stand for "Biden (CRIME) Family"?

It feels like the rather disturbing comment, left here by this 'Sock Puppet'-style account, is drawing from a DHS or DNCIA Dossier of some sort.

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Your reply is unjust & stupid. BF is right. RFK Jr would be suicidal to rely on a "US" Secret "Service" ruled by the Biden CRIME Family.

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"BF" appears to be a Sock Puppet of dubious intentions - leaving rationalizations for why RFK Jr. doesn't need or deserve Secret Service protection - when he clearly does, and has affirmatively requested it.

You look like a Nazi, that I dispatched some months back, in the comments section of Jeff Childers Substack Covid & Coffee. Or was it some other column?

In FACT - the Secret Service (and the Biden Regime) would be under great pressure, to go to extraordinary lengths, to provide RFK Jr. with exemplary levels protection - because any failures on their part would likely be the death knell for the allegedly democratic system, and Domestic Security and tranquility, in this country.

The US Secret Service has all of the Intelligence and Law Enforcement tools of the US Government at their disposal - capabilities that no amount of personal wealth, or Campaign money COULD, or should have to buy. RFK Jr. and his campaign have made the proper and logical request for US Secret Service protection - that appears to have been denied improperly, and then defended, for specious and political reasons, by Biden/Intelligence Operatives in the corporatist media.

So perhaps instead of writing apologias and justifications for that asinine Sock Puppet colleague of yours - you should direct your poorly thought out pronouncements to the RFK Jr. Campaign - for their review, rather than mine.

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"you look like a Nazi I dispatched...where was it?" A Nazi. That's cute.

Sure thing, psycho.

You look and babble like the Unabomber.


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If the Shoe fits - you should wear it. I didn't pick your username and avatar. And it should be noted that your misquote inside of quotation marks - could be construed as a blatant lie. I'm 90+% certain of where I dispatched you - and I certainly recall your reactionary politics, from that run-in.

Your dubious wit and wisdom will be missed. Your errant ad hominems will not.

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Jul 31, 2023Edited
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Another WorldView is Possible is quite the psycho. Had to block him.

Sadly, the block doesn't appear to work.

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You're as negligent in your Psychological Malpractice, as your are in your attempts to justify the outrageous actions of Biden's DHS Secretary, and the further attempts rationalize and justify them by "BF".

It's a shame that you didn't "BLOCK" me the first time we crossed paths - because then we wouldn't have been graced by your continued ignorance and stupidity, here.

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"your attempts to justify the outrageous actions of Biden's DHS Secretary" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Are there any limits on how much you [CL]OWN yourself, psycho?

Hey, you look like a certain 🤡 who published a certain manifesto that seems like your style. You know, The Unabomber. You posting from prison, 🤡👠s?

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Bobby appears to be a rather idealistic figure, who wants and expects the best from the US Government. Your description of the US Government doesn't appear to be the language that he uses, or would use, except perhaps in a very carefully chosen fashion.

As I explained already to your Gruppenfuhrer ally, below:

" In FACT - the Secret Service (and the Biden Regime) would be under great pressure, to go to extraordinary lengths, to provide RFK Jr. with exemplary levels protection - because any failures on their part would likely be the death knell for the allegedly democratic system, and Domestic Security and tranquility, in this country.

The US Secret Service has all of the Intelligence and Law Enforcement tools of the US Government at their disposal - capabilities that no amount of personal wealth, or Campaign money COULD, or should have to buy. RFK Jr. and his campaign have made the proper and logical request for US Secret Service protection - that appears to have been denied improperly, and then defended, for specious and political reasons, by Biden/Intelligence Operatives in the corporatist media."

While Bobby has knowingly assumed the risks of his run for the Presidency - he shouldn't be subjected to the additional risks, of Candidate Protection services which lack the full power of the US Government. Any failures on the part of the US Secret Service and the Biden Regime, would reflect DIRECTLY back on THEM. Without Secret Service protection - it could be dismissed, or reflected back at the candidate and his campaign - as the initial rationalization attempt, from your first comment, appeared intended to do.

If you're a "friend" or supporter to RFK Jr.s campaign - then it doesn't need enemies.

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Jul 31, 2023
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No - he used the word TotalitarianISM - to describe what the Biden Regime had been doing - and as I recall there were some conditionals, comparatives and modifiers attached to that kind of statement - even then.

While you or I might throw words like that, around, more loosely... Bobby is very precise, measured and careful with his language, knowing that his every utterance (even "off the record") can and will be subjected to unimaginable levels of scrutiny - and then twisted and amplified, to be used against him and his campaign - as you appear to be doing, here, as well.

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The establishment will go to any length to stop Trump and RFK. They will pull out everything including the kitchen sink to do so. I will tell you one thing; they really are showing their true colors. I knew they were bad for a long time, but underestimated how evil they are. They are really evil people and no different than all of the horrible murderous people you read about in the history books. They are capable of anything. I used to think that most people in the U.S. believed in our system of government, but I was completely wrong.

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I suspect they are showing their true colors because they are panicking. They know we're onto them and like wounded, caged animals, they will lunge at any perceived threat to their dominion.

To quote the execrable Rachel Maddow, "The walls are closing in."

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Looked like “the excrement Rachel”

Wouldn’t be far off either

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He fellow boil, 😁

Love how you included the word "dominion" in there

Nice work, as usual!

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After the stolen election in 2020 and all that has followed with the COVID-19 diabolical actions, I now realize that the left is willing to commit EVIL acts upon innocent Americans to achieve their goals.

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Once i finally realized just that scenario in the summer of 2021, I had many sleepless nights tossing and turning knowing my entire belief system was being blown to smithereens every day. Nothing nor any one was what I thought it or they were. I am marooned politically and will no longer support any politician but will throw my increasingly useless vote RFK jr way. Praying for a miracle and his safety. It is pure chaos now.

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All the INSANITY in this world has driven me to CLING to the one, true God! I am IMMENSELY and ETERNALLY GRATEFUL to my Lord and Savior for being my anchor and shelter from the INSANITY all around us. I PRAY for His SUPERNATURAL selflessness, wisdom, guidance, strength, courage, provision and protection daily. My husband and I continue to fight the good fight to try to help restore the freedoms and liberties that our and previous generations have SQUANDERED out of laziness and apathy. We are IMMENSELY concerned for what young people and future generations may inherit

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Yes.. it was God who finally called me out of the life I thought was true and opened my eyes and took away my fear. So grateful. Christ is our only true hope. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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AMEN, Sister in Christ!

I wonder OFTEN how non-believers survive without our Lord and Savior as their Shelter and Shield. All the more reason and motivation to share God's INDESCRIBABLE Gift of salvation with them.

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I heard a sermon years ago that God will protect those believers for the time when we are going to have to pull people out of the ruins and minister to them as God leads. Ruins could be now as Satan is leaving ruins behind him as he stalks the earth, with the help of those he ruins and controls. There WILL be ruins and it is happening now. I never forgot that sermon 35 years ago.

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I've been thinking that if we were unsure how much power the pharmaceutical companies truly have over our government, this pretty strongly answers the question: so much power that precedent has been broken that never was before in not providing protection for a presidential candidate largely because they fear he would expose their dishonesty.

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The "Great Awakening" of the public is well under way.

They cannot stop it at this point

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Agree completely

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With the kitchen sink pulled out, I wonder if they can swim or have life jackets - they will need them.

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america's got your back Bobby. So many people pray for you every day.

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Even among us "non-demoncrats"

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I wrote my senators and congressmen about this. I also wrote to my governor (Iowa) a pointed request to look into what security resources our state government would furnish to keep you safe when you campaign within our borders until the federal authorities unconfuse themselves on this matter. I then flagged the topic to Matt Taibbi as worthy of investigation and public exposure. There was good response from many of his other readers on Substack.

Iowa and New Hampshire are the twin early filters of the nomination campaign. You have to get close to the public to succeed. Joe Biden knows the importance of the early primary/caucus process, having been washed out at this stage 36 years ago in a bid for his party’s nomination.

To me it looks like you’re being handed a choice between your personal safety and access to the political process. The available conclusions are that this is either bureaucratic incompetence or cold-blooded political hardball. I encourage everyone here to urge their federal representatives to exert pressure on those for doing the right thing.

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Prayers for your continued safety, and for your success!

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Thank You, Candidate Kennedy, for this detailed timeline of the application for Secret Service protection. The point made is that this service began when your father, leading the Democratic candidates against President Johnson, was assassinated by at least one bodyguard, with the aid of others, and the presence of a hypnotized patsy, Sirhan Sirhan, sporting a handgun, which was not the murder-weapon by ballistics.

The implications are clear to me,and should be clear to anybody who is actually curious.

Godspeed, Sir.

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Just mind-blowing. Your safety and well-being and strength is a national priority. We are all praying for you.

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Yours will be the first presidential campaign I have ever donated to since I was old enough to vote.

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Same here..first ever donated. And the max amount.

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This is a stupid question - but - how can billionaires donate millions to campaigns but there are maximum limits that are really low?

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I'm not sure I trust the secret service to keep you safe, anyway.

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Incredible. I still don’t understand the basis for denial. Are they that afraid of RFK’s chances of becoming our next President??

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Bingo! He has promised to take down the Deep State & their minions…they’ll do anything to stop both Trump and RFKJr from running or winning…including canceling elections if need be.

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It illustrates exactly what RFK Jr. has been saying about the hijacking and politicalization of these US government three letter agencies.

Case in point.

It’s shameful. And so obvious to anyone still capable of thinking today.

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When do the mostly peaceful protests to defund the government start?

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The unfairness and injustice in our system infuriates me. And don't even get me started on our Mockingbird Media. Mr. Kennedy, you have spoken more truth than any politician (including the Republican I voted for in 2016 and 2020) I have ever heard. I THANK YOU for that! I know that it must be extremely difficult getting attacked and censored by so many. I pray that you will press forward. America needs you. I will continue to pray for your safety. May God bless and guide you.

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Criminal behavior from the Biden regime. Shameful. May God protect you Sir.

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If there is a Kennedy endorsed go-fund-me type of campaign to raise private funds for a security detail for RFK Jr please let me know. As a non citizen of the USA I am not able to donate funds directly to the campaign but if it doesn't violate Campaign Finance laws I'd gladly contribute to Mr. Kennedy's safety.

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