Online signatures, voting machines, mail in ballots, drop boxes, no picture ID, no deadlines, no thank you.

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All these trolls have convinced me you're a bigger threat to them than the Bad Orange Man. That's what I'm looking for. Very interesting about how the "two party" (really: The Donor Uniparty) system keeps itself enthroned and in place.

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Your quote from paragraph 18 of Washington’s Farewell Address is a duplicitous attempt to try and bootstrap it into support for “democracy”. It is wrong and taken entirely out of context.

In paragraph 16 of that Address, Washington makes the comment that “the Constitution . . . is sacredly obligatory upon all.” The word democracy or any variation of it does not exist anywhere in our U.S. Constitution. The word that does appear is “Republic” in Article IV, Section 4.

According to Madison, the Father of the Constitution, our Constitutional form of government was to be “strictly Republican” and that “no other form would be reconcilable with the genius of the people of America; [and] with the fundamental principles of the Revolution;” Madison, The Federalist Papers, Letter 39, ¶2.

Madison warned that democracies have “ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property.” Madison, The Federalist Papers, Ltr. 10, ¶13. Democracy is a system, he warned, that has “ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention” which is a situation we clearly find ourselves in today. Id.

The great deception of democracy is that it is sold as the “voice of the people”, when, in reality, it is authoritarianism. With democracy, one can never be sure if the vote tallies are true and accurate. With democracy, one gives consent to a tyrannical “majority” even when it means losing everything. With democracy, power consolidates at the top and becomes authoritarian since authority always emanates from the top down.

Republics, on the other hand, emanate from the bottom up. This system is how the people stay in power. Governments are established by the people and only given powers that Madison explained are “few and defined” beyond which they cannot extend its jurisdiction. Madison, The Federalist Papers, Ltr. 45, ¶9.

In our Republic, this structure meant that the states controlled the federal government NOT the political parties. In our Republic, the state legislatures are supposed to appoint senators and presidential electors. They are not to be elected by a 51% democratic majority because under that system, the senators and the president become beholden to the political parties and NOT the states.

You obviously do not understand these facts because of your comment that “In a democracy, the people are supposed to decide who gets into office, not state officials and party operatives who look for ways to prevent popular candidates from getting on the ballot.” This is the exact opposite of the way our sacred Constitutional Republic is supposed to work.

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I am acting to get you on the ballot in Texas, Mr. Kennedy, but you need to take the moral stand on the Israeli Genocide of Palestinians before you will get my vote.

I had to remove your bumper-stickers from the cars in October.

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I have a serious issue with RFK Jr's unequivocal support of the Zio-Nazi Apartheid State of Israel.

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Dear Mr Kennedy,

I just finished listening to your interview on Dave Smith's Part Of The Problem for the 3rd time.

I was considering voting for you before I knew what a dishonest propagandist you are.

I will do everything I can to recommend not voting to anyone who supports your candidacy.

You are bought.

I hope the ICJ genocide you support haunts you with every breath you take.

Enjoy your life,


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Israel was attacked by Hamas terrorists. What questions might there be? На Израиль напали террористы ХАМАС. Какие тут могут возникнуть вопросы?

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Every single illegitimate vote violates the constitutional rights of citizens by effectively canceling a legitimate vote.

Good luck

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Trump 2024 🇺🇸

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Bobby, I want to support you, I really do. But, as I've written elsewhere, your silence on Israel / Gaza is deafening. As President, you won't have that option. I want to know what and how you think about the situation. There's not a "right" answer I'm looking for, I'm looking for thoughtful leadership. That's what I felt from you over the summer, but now I feel you are avoiding based on polls and advisors and all sorts of things that I thought you were past. Please speak up.

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This is why you should have run in the libertarian party instead.

But some people like the hard way where they're vulnerable to being blocked out. 😂

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If I can help with ballot access/gathering signatures, let me know. I am in Kentucky but willing to drive to another state if that's where you need me.

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Yup, the game is rigged.

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Have you seen this Documentary?

Best Documentary: The Lie of America's War on Cancer (youtube.com)

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And (whoever holds the puppet strings of) Biden & Co insists they must win, because "Democracy is at stake." If the DNC-chosen candidates don't "win", we risk "loosing our democracy". Meanwhile, they are literally destroying democracy every chance they get. I'll be helping with signatures in NY for sure!

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Have you ever wondered where did you come from ? With all the self infused world Info out ,many still are just as your reading so confused , maybe one should just sit back watch the sky’s an water an just see what your meaning in life’s about?

Is it really about you? Or life worth paying attention to for tomorrow? And for others?

Or are you chasing someone’s ideas?

The thinker thought

But did he do?

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