Thank you for your bravery. You are the only Democrat I could support. Everyone agrees we should protect the environment. However, I encourage you to reflect on the similar pattern between covid and climate: Give the government and corporations more unchecked tyrannical power, pay higher taxes, and accept a lower quality of life. Covid and climate alarmists are the same cultists who scream “follow the science”! https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-follow-the-science-join-the-resistanc

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Yes .. we must be aware of the authoritarian tactics using climate as the next hook for digital prisons, while they fly private jets around the world. And we've seen how #FollowTheScience! can follow a trail of bullshit off a cliff - sometimes the models are so wrong, and the data manipulated, and all sorts of things, that make what's all over the headlines into the opposite of truth ("Safe and Effective").

That said, human industrial activity has impacted this planet, and that returns to us through the air, water, food, that we take into our bodies.

The myopic focus on carbon is taking attention away from other things like pollution, glyphosate, pesticides, etc.

Yet, as Charles Eisenstein says in his book Climate: A New Story, in times long ago, there were temperature fluctuations - but there were also more buffer zones like wetlands, that helped Earth's temperature balance. Now much has been destroyed, and fossil fuels are a finite resource with many downsides. And all that doesn't mean it's even possible to do what the renewable energy talking points say, nor that it justifies digital prisons. All these things need to be considered in the complex systems they are.

Sometimes something is real and actually happening, yet doesn't look like they say it does, and whatever they're certain are the only solutions, will make everything worse.

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If "climate alarmism" is accurate & true, & we are entering a climate regime hotter than any humans have ever known, we should be doing everything we can to alleviate it & prevent the worst consequences from occurring, which we have the capacity to do. It is fossil fuel corporations & their sycophants in the Republican Party & corporate & right-wing media like Fox that keep blocking measures to address climate chaos, ecosystem disintegration & mass extinction & spreading falsehoods like the "climate hoax".

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Hi Jaime - I see you’re a musician from Oregon who subscribed to Robert reich. That signals a high likelihood that you are a closed minded lefty. If you are open minded, you should ask the following questions: why should we listen to apocalyptic predictions that have not come true over the past 50 years? Who profits and gains power from the policies to fight climate change? How come the earths climate and temperature fluctuated much more without any human activity? Why are we abandoning nuclear, which is carbon free? How much carbon is used to produce and dispose of solar panels and wind turbines? What are the trade offs? Do you really think a teenage girl and a bartender are experts on this topic?

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I hope you seek professional help for your mental health. Or you can go to Canada, where they have programs help you permanently eliminate your own carbon emissions.

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I would question the mental health of a society that proceeds gung ho with policies that continue to pollute & heat the world, making it eventually uninhabitable.

I need nobody to help me eliminate my carbon emissions, other than it would be nice to have a public transportation system like they have in Europe, to make it more convenient & less polluting to travel. Still I have no car, I use little energy, consume relatively little, etc. But my actions alone make no perceptible difference in the overall results. Government has to be more involved in setting standards & industries & corporations cooperative in following them, & a lot more people doing their part.

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Fact is, the majority of predictions by science experts have underestimated the severity & rapidity of climate disruption. Usually scientists give a most likely scenario, a best case scenario & worst case scenario (& sometimes a couple scenarios in-between). Global heating has mostly followed the worst scenario predictions, or even worse, as not all factors have been considered. Right-wing media funded by billionaire fossil fuel industrialists like to point to some prediction far from the mainstream & claim that since we haven't gotten to that point yet, all climate predictions must be wrong, but anybody who knows science, statistics, & the greed of industrialists & their tendency to distort data in order to maintain their lucrative livelihood at the expense of the future habitability of the world, knows to rely on scientific data instead of corporatist propagandists' talking points.

We are already on the cusp of uninhabitable climate in many parts of the world as well as approaching the threshold points beyond which we trigger processes that further accelerate global scorching & climate chaos.

Because of the tremendous wealth & influence of the fossil fuel industry & other polluting industries (mining, agriculture, etc.) over government & the media, the health & welfare of the people as well as flora & fauna & overall environment continue to be subordinated to corporate greed, to where a viable future for life as we know it is at great risk.

We are in the midst of the 6th recognized Mass Extinction, this one happening at a much faster rate. Whereas previous mass extinctions took hundreds of thousands to millions of years to transpire, this one could culminate in mere decades from now, if not much sooner, although it began at least 50,000 years ago, & it has been mostly human generated. All mass extinctions involved large changes in atmospheric &/or oceanic greenhouse gas concentrations accompanied by wide swings in temperature, as we are seeing today. It doesn't matter the source of these alterations -- it has been volcanic multiple times in the past; this time it's anthropogenic -- it's serious either way, but at least this time humans have (or had) the capacity to prevent or mitigate it. So far we've failed miserably.

Nuclear power has proven problematic, perilous & expensive, but considering the consequences of inaction on climate, should still be considered at least as a supporting energy source. Still solar, wind, geothermal, wave energy as well as energy efficiency & conservation are generally more promising, less expensive & less risky.

The experts we should listen to are the climate scientists who are practically unanimous in saying that climate chaos is upon us, will be severe & likely existential unless we act urgently & in a huge way.

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Jaime, they have been saying that we are in the 6th recognized Mass Extinction for more than 30 years. Do you recognize any material differences between then and now? I do not.

BTW, many animals and plants are repopulating Chernobyl's abandoned communities. They seem to be fine.

Also, the vast majority of predictions made by climate scientists have not happened as severely as predicted (if at all).

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Predictions of when this planet would become uninhabitable if nothing were done has steadily moved from next century to the end of this century to the middle of this century to a decade or so from now to this decade. I've even seen predictions of mass depopulation & perhaps extinction of humans by the middle of this decade (2025 or 2026). I hope that turns out to be the extreme predictions that turn out to be wrong like the ones you mentioned. But we're apparently on the verge or even past certain thresholds that will trigger a vast acceleration of the process.

We are facing climate phenomena we've never experienced before, like the polar vortex & heat dome. I've lived through a heat dome, & can assure you it's no fun. Exiting an air-conditioned building at 10PM to face a blast of hot air which feels like entering a furnace. And still we do almost nothing to mitigate it.

Had we continued following science after Carter, we'd be okay today, but Reagan reversed all precautions Carter had taken, under his pro-fossil fuel "greed is good" & "if you've seen 1 redwood, you've seen them all" policies. If we had installed the real winner of the 2000 presidential election instead of Bush, we'd all be better off.

Climate disruption is just 1 of many anthropogenic actions that is giving us mass extinction & biospheric collapse. I can assure you that the vast majority of people alive today will die directly or indirectly from climate chaos and/or other anthropogenic harm to the environment, aside from the possibility of another apocalyptic catastrophe like nuclear war (which is yet another man-caused form of environmental destruction).

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The 6th Mass Extinction started at least 50,000 years ago when hordes of humans were roaming the Earth, killing almost everything in sight, especially the largest animals: mammoths, mastodons, woolly rhinoceros, cave bears, dire wolves, giant lions, giant eagles, ground sloths, giant armadillos, giant wombat, giant kangaroos & various other giant marsupials, birds, mammals & reptiles. This has continued over the last several millennia, including moas, elephant birds, pygmy hippopotami, the dodo, the Stellar's sea cow, quaggas -- far too many for me to list here. It wasn't until the beginning of the 20th Century, that a conscience began to set over humans that maybe it's not such a good idea to extinguish the rest of the animals on this planet, & conservation movements arose. But it was too late for the passenger pigeon, which once numbered several billion & were the most populous bird ever known, as they had been killed for meat, feathers in ladies' bonnets & for sport. And for the Tasmanian wolf & many other species, but just in time to save the bison, sea otter, condor, whooping crane & many other species.

Extinction has actually increased to >1000 times the background rate (normal extinction rate absent any unusual extinction pressure), which is an extinction every century or so. Many amphibian species have perished. A species of white rhinoceros is functionally extinct, & all species of rhinoceri are in danger of extinction. Many bats are in peril, & so many other animals. Monarch butterflies are in peril; so are many species of bees, & virtually all large mammals. Wild animals comprise less than 3% of all mammals mass. Humans & domestic animals greatly overwhelm them in population.

One of the great failures of mankind is to wait to act until it's too late, which has also happened with climate chaos, which has beset us sooner & in a bigger way than most scientific experts predicted (despite the few exceptions that the right-wing likes to point out), & powerful industries manage to prevent government action through billions of dollars spent on disinformational propaganda & buying elections & politicians.

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we are not entering into man made climate change. it's mythological. Read GREEN TYRANNY. It is nothing other than a mechanism for satanic control and enslavement in the name of "saving the planet". Have you even considered what policies the Govt enacts? Free up your critical thinking skills. Free needles but no plastic straws. Honey, both are plastic! We need to eliminate CHEM TRAILS, flouride, poisons in foods and products- and we will be just fine. Read more.

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Satanic control? What kind of cult do you belong to? You're the one who needs to get back to reality & learn some science if you're capable. It's gullible people like you who allow the whims of greedy billionaire industrialists to overrule scientific considerations in making public policy, which is why our planet is quickly becoming uninhabitable. You'll learn soon enough, if you live long enough, but it will be too late by then. Although you're probably the kind that will deny what you see & feel all around you as you burn if QAnon tells you differently.

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I've seen RFK, Jr. many times. He is one of the most knowledgable and engaging speakers I've seem. I did my DemExit in 2015 after the California Dems betrayed us by selling out to Pharma SB277. I look forward to an engaging campaign where the truth will continue to be revealed to those who've been trying to censor Bobby for too long. PS - His humanitarian and environmental work is brilliant. His books are eye-openers. Thank you Bobby. You one of my heroes.

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I was fortunate enough to see RFK jr announce in Boston last week. This was a portion of that speech. From someone wishing he was NOT running as a Democrat I have only this to say:


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I agree he should be running in the Republican primary instead. Republicans are in greatest need of hearing his messages on environmental stewardship.

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Absolutely riveting and motivating; I'm a grandma, aged seventy-four, who had the incredible honor of having met, and talked with, your amazing father -- on three occasions. He was my senator, and (as a teenager interested in government, and having been motivated by your uncle), I was devastated -- along with so many, as you, more than anyone, knows -- by his loss. Thank you for steadfastedly, and courageously, coming forth at this crucial time in our history. May God be with you, dear Mr. Kennedy.

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Thank you for running for President. You are, by far, our best hope.

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Thank you Bobby, for putting forward these beautifully written article that sounded like Prose . This was part of your speech in Boston. Really enjoyed reading it again. Your Love and Compassion for God’s Creation in Nature are contageous . I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT. God’s work is glorified through your Love, Effort, Care and Legalities . May the Shadow of His Wings continually protect and Bless you throughout your life until the End.

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Without question.. this is the Man of the Hour.. I pray our nation picks RFK Jr as our next President.. DeSantis VP or vice versa if we have too.. but my first choice is RFK Jr..

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Desantis is a phony and a danger.

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DeSantis is, from what I have researched, a member of Skull n' Bones at Yale, the most exclusive small elite secret fraternity in the country. Skull was created and still financed by the Russell Trust. The origins in that fortune were in the opium trade forced on the then supine Chinese empire. Some years back we had quite the choice in the "Pretzeldunce" race of Bu$h the Lesser against John Kerry (Kohn & Forbes ancestry). Both of them are Bonesmen, Bu$h a third generation legacy who otherwise would never have become an Eli, let alone a bonesman

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I saw an interview of Jeb Bush backing DeSantis and Soros wants him to run .. that's a red flag 🚩 but I'll give DeSantis credit for what he have done during c19 sh!tshow and the trans gender with children..

The W.H.O. agenda to sexualize children and normalize pedophilia


General Public Unaware Of Push To Normalize Pedophilia In Culture And Academia: Counselor


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And now I'm hearing RFK Jr is pro Ukrainian War??? In that case, a FIRM NO WAY!!!👎👎👎

And yes, Desantis I'd backed by Bushes.👎👎👎

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No he is not. Listen to the speech he gave as he launched his campaign. However, I do wonder if he understands the extent of the corruption in Ukraine. Here is the speech. https://youtu.be/EsuLBPjdt-w

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I doubt RFK Jr. Is pro Ukrainian War. Only the invader Putin is really pro Ukrainian War.

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Many are afraid of the carbon climate change position that you have.

I am not. Why? Because you are a reasonable and intelligent man.

I know that if you had the opportunity to be president, you would consult with BOTH SIDES on the carbon debate and see the issues abound.

If you keep on standing up for discourse on every topic and put down sacred cows, things will be bright.

Don't be like Trump, who gaslit you and Aaron Siri about vaccine data link access.

Don't be like Trump, who later claimed he did this because he trusted the "expert" Bill Gates on vaccine safety.

Always have an open discussion and you will be able to discern the truth.

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Thank you so much for your stewardship of this precious planet! Grateful for your work for years past and those to come. Thank you, Bobby!! Onwards and upwards!

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As a 16 year old boy, my father Francis Tucker O'Brien, a first generation Irish- American son of Irish immigrants, walked to the train depot in Wilmington, Delaware on October 27, 1944, to hear President Franklin Delano Roosevelt speak from the rear platform of the train during his one-day presidential whistle stop campaign from Washington D.C. to New York City.

On Inauguration Day, January 20, 1961,

my father walked through the snow-covered streets of Washington D.C. in subfreezing temperatures to hear the first Irish-Catholic President of the United States, your uncle John F. Kennedy, give his inaugural address.

In honor of my father, I pledge to support your presidential campaign to resurrect America and walk in my fathers footsteps to hear your inauguration at the Capitol on January 20, 2025.

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On this Earth Day, I am doing what I can to do my part. I am also reminded that caring about the environment has little to do with United Nations directives that turn into government policies. Caring about the environment is not about corporate pledges that add to their public reputation, ESGs, or look good on their WEF profile. It is about community.

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I've left the D party after Bill Clinton.. after 911 and years after I realized that the Bush family, Cheney and Kissinger are part of the globalist wearing R clothings along with Obama and 10% Joe. I've always admired the Kennedy family and their legacy and the ultimate price JFK and his dad have paid. If anyone is interested read The Unfinished Symphony By Matthew Ehret (he's a Canadian historian) published many books, he's on Substack, Rumble, many podcast interviews. Also One Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb (she also has her own podcast and on other platforms) documentary JFK to 9/11: Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick.. it's on YT and Rumble. Although I wish he and the rest of the republicans party would stop using "democracy" we are A Constitution Republic.. a "democracy" is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch". I also wish he'll pick a republican as his running mate and 50/50 of R and D in his cabinet to unite We The People and throws a monkey wrench to the machine. I as a republican stands strong with RFK Jr. Let's gooOo 💪🏽🇺🇸

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RFK jr/Rand Paul ?😎... Once the Obama/Clinton Democrats are done with their superdelegate shenanigans and RFK jr has a good taste of what this wretched party has become we may well see such an Independent ticket. That would be fun eh?

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Ooh that's a good team! I was thinking DeSantis and even Trump (as he can fix the economy) and RFK jr can focus on the healthcare front and dismantle all the alphabet agencies! And audit the federal reserve! Get us out of the UN, NATO and the WHO! Get rid of ESG.. Blackrock and Vanguard and JPM are part of the globalists! We need to turn this ship around before it hits the iceberg! He needs to get RFK Jr. on Tim Cast and Joe Rogan show .. get all the millennial and college voters and the independents! ❤️🤍💙

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Senator Rand Paul MD is a polarizing person. I don't see a team here.

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I fully support your run for president. Good luck and thank you!

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One crime family going after another.

What's new ?

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Thank you sir.

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Democratics are having trouble connecting to their own party. I hope they realize that they now have a place to go. Best wishes, RFK, Jr.

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