The irony here being that FOX (#1 in cable news)is a conservative network with primarily Republican reporters, anchors and pundits and they are the networks giving RFK Jr good air time. And they are all fair and polite. One would think that Democrats would take offense that the DNC with the help of the msm are clearly working against RFK.. and whole heartily supporting Biden who is clearly diminished….8 months is a long time, but something has to happen so people pivot to Bobby. I will happily vote for Bobby, I will not vote for Biden. I don’t who all or what all is going on there, but I know none of his people are being honest. And shame on Jill Biden for being complicit in this charade.

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FOX is not a conservative network, nor having primarily GOPee reporters, anchors, pundits etc.

Most observant investigative types know them as FAUX NEWS. Most are dims or mildly RINO.

Jesse does okay sometimes but few others are in it for more than the $$$ and trophies.

Maria on the business side holds the line on reality reporting better than the rest.

Only recently was DJT permitted to even be mentioned on FAUX. Ever hear of Tucker Carlson

Yes, it's Fing FAUX news. The GOPee is sometimes worse than the marxist dims because those "stanch bible toting conservatives" (RINOs) in the GOPeepee are mostly suck-up stooges.

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I was referencing their giving RFK Jr air time and being respectful to him. I don’t get into these stupid pissing contests about the media. If what you say is accurate, they at least do a better job acting.

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I see. Acting for sure. "The News" - media on the main stream is 98% acting.

Stupid pissing contests about the media is apparently what we are doing?

Thanks for the reply back.

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He just wants to have a little hissy fit about FOX. Sounds boosted.

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I feel we are really in the last inning here and if RFK Jr isn’t allowed up to bat to hit a home run, we’re lost. Not just America but the entire sphere of Western Liberal democracy.

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Trump STILL pushing the death shots....and proud of it. Nah. HARD PASS for this registered Republican.

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I am so glad there is such a viable candidate as RFK jr. He is, in my opinion, hands down the best candidate running in my entire lifetime. After an entire year researching and documenting everything I can find on him, I came away with a deep respect of this humble, and compassionate man. His career records shows us he has leadership ability, and is qualified to take care of the most important issues facing this nation. I can't wait to give him my democratic vote!

Full RFKJ biography: https://jenniferrobin.gallery/robert-f-kennedy-jr/

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Right. Because it’s better to go with the other guy who pushes the vax and also mandates the vax. Makes perfect sense. If you went to public schools.

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Moron, who the hell said Biden was the answer? Crawl back under your mushroom.

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That’s exactly the response I expected from a public school attendee.

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Yeah, you're a fucking brain child. Half-wit.

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Only voting for RFK Jr. — history in the making

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History in the making with your vote very likely (incl others with the same thoughts) could mean T wins. You’re making a HUGE mistake with your self centered decision to run as a third party. You can’t win so why try to disrupt a dem win for Biden and let T back in the White House? Why...... you are not your father or uncle and have NO Chance winning so why? Ego? Because you’re a Kennedy? You can’t and won’t win. Stupid political move sir......

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He's the best candidate. I always thought the best most qualified most humane most intelligent should be the victor...or am I just being a silly old lady, JILLIAN....from Josephine

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Why try to disrupt a Dem win for Biden? Is that your question? Lol. Go take a nap

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It was a hell of a video. Statesman-like and humane.

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Excellent speech. From a perspective of 'living well locally', the candidate who champions health, regenerative agriculture, medical freedom, and honesty about where America was but now is, . . .

this is most likely someone who can appreciate how personal responsibility will help return America to a better place. Good FOX coverage too. Yes, it is a 'three-man race' now. Let's hope all the media begin to cover RFKJr.

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Step by step. Even MSM is now forced to interview you - its that, or utterly lose what little relevance they still retain. 8 months left. Literally anything could happen.

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When was the last time you heard a presidential candidate speak with such candor? Not in recent years. Not in my adult life. To quote an ole Sting song, they all seem like game show hosts. Trying to pump the target audience with rah-rah hype. But this fella is something different. Really, if you haven't listened to RFK Jr. speak yet, it's a wise investment of time. And this is not something new for his political campaign. He has been speaking this way since I started listening to him during the Covid insanity. Probably for many years before that. I hope more people will start recognizing this year's election is not about choosing between the less incompetent of two imbeciles. Or listening to endless Left versus Right rhetoric as though having different political views was grounds for a national divorce. I'm so sick of it. If you are too, here's an option you can feel good about on voting day.

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So tell me this….. if he is so great, WHY are ALL his 10 living siblings and a lot of his cousins imploring people to NOT vote for him because of his temperament and beliefs he is the second coming of his father? He is not and shouldn’t be anywhere near the oval!

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As opposed to Trump thinking he's the second coming of Christ? Or Biden being Klaus Schwab's well groomed pet? Moreover, if you base your decisions about a person's character on other's opinions of them, instead of your own careful consideration of their behavior over an extended period of time, you have no place engaging in intelligent conversation about a person's competency to hold political office. But congratulations, you do fit in quite well with the herd! The mindless masses incapable of using their minds for anything but regurgitating what was programmed into them.

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while I do not agree with US money supporting Israel at any level, that is one of the Things Unlikely To Change By Citizen Voting at this time, and I'd have to not vote at all to avoid candidates who think it's valid.

what I rarely see is a platform point I agree with at all being a believable stance for a candidate. and you, Mr. Kennedy, have decades under your belt of real litigation in favor of the Little Guy against the pHarmaCo industries. that indicates to me you're serious about doing something about that industry's stranglehold on our government and society.

I could vote for a rational stance on one good issue like that one, because I see nothing blatantly believable that I can support among the available options otherwise.

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Both Biden and Trump had their 'times' and the resulting mess at the wheel already, and they did nothing good for America and the World. It is a time for a change, and slowly but surely more and more people woke up already.

Ashaming, but in 2020 I didn't know much about RFK, at all, nothing in fact... YES, first listening to RFK in June 2020 in CA capitol and later on in Aug in Berlin, totally opened my eyes... Better late than never.

Just pity, both speeches were suppressed totally, if every American could hear it, the response to Covid19 would have been totally different, I do believe.

The only one thing I wish, is that CHD admits genetic modifications of humanity via covid injections, which are NOT 'vaccines'...

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So good to see fair, honest reporting! Makes me want to watch FOX, something I’ve never done before.

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I agree... I hate that it is one of my go to stations today if I want to hear from Kennedy. But they have done some fair reporting the last few month. There is also News Nation and Coumo. CNN, finally let him speak and I caught them in a few 'misrepresentation of facts'. I made sure to point them out, with the source. We must call them out every single time they try to pull a fast one on the people. The truth must be revealed! RFKJ/Shanahan 2024


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Thank you for the link! I am just this minute listening to a wonderful YT "Healing the Divide, with Scott Feinberg". It is 6 days old and I just found it. Thank you for your efforts as we watch and hold to the fire, the MSM open up to RFK. Until then I receive my positive vibes and "education" from TETRAGRAMMATON with Nicole, and one with RFK and Jack Kruse, Lonely Hipster, etc.

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without Tucker...

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If Trump wins the left will respond with violence. If Biden wins there will be violence from the right. Both will feel justified in doing so. I see RFK Jr. as the only choice to keep this country from tearing itself apart.

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I agree. He's the cure for civil war.

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Even with 3, all we get are zionists.

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Fantastic speech, you have my vote!

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Not one of the three candidates mentioned above will stand up to end the suffering of the Palestinian people.

Please consIder the recent success of george Galloway, elected to the british Parliament a week or so ago. He got more votes than the Tories or Labor COMBINED. Galloway has long stood for the people, for Palestine, and against the war in Ukraine. He is revered as a man who is trueto his principles.

I believe you could strike a similar chord of heartfelt energy here in the US.

Your uncaring ignoring of suffering in Palestine is throttling your campaign. It is not about Hamas, or Netanyahu, or politics. It is about suffering, starving children and others. It is about feeling the suffering of others.

Your blindness here absolutely appalls me. You are so good on many other things. I have in the past been your passionate supporter. But if you are so corruptible by whatever Israeli propaganda you are buying into-- and I know it is corruption because you are brilliant at researching every other issue-- how corruptible would you be in office/ I cannot vote for you.

You were the hope for America, and you have let that hope fall. I am so sad.

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Quote from email on ALL RFK supporters:

"And we are offering a new way forward for the United States in 2024.

No more Open Borders. No more Medical Lock-Downs. No more Debt. No more illegal Deep State Surveillance on US Citizens. No more Obstruction of Justice. No more Race Riots. No more Cover-Ups. No more Foreign War."

Please read the last sentence....

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PATH TO PEACE, RFK Jr podcast released last week.

You have mentioned “corruption” in your comment. RFK is a hound for corruption, the root that needs to be dealt with for “durable peace” (his words). His position is miles from DT or Biden.

He sees the corruption of Israel, said it many times, but even more so the corruption of Hamas. His position IS based on research, as far as I can tell. The Palestinians will never be free under Hamas. The money they receive in aid doesn’t go to the citizens, otherwise they would have bomb shelters and other forms of protection, food, etc). Doing the same thing over and expecting the same result leads where? I trust Kennedy to do something to break endless cycles of conflict. Until then it’s the conflict within each of us that we have control over.

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So you support collective punishment it seems. Netanyahu brags about how he helped Hamas win election to divide the people. They are not divided now. Russia is working with Hamas & several other groups to form a new government, Palestinians live in an occupied state with brutal rules. Israel is the occupier. In this case Palestinians executed a well planned resistance which is their right under Intl law.

Do you agree with Congress conflating Zionism and Antisemitism in a resolution ?

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Crush Hammas save Gaza

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I recently registered to vote in California for the we the people party. I believe the California Secretary of State office is trying to sabotage the ballot access process for Robert F. Kennedy because of this notice that appears on the screen one sees when checking one's voter registration status:

"You are currently registered to vote without having chosen a political party, or you are registered to vote with a non-qualified political party. Your ballot will not include presidential candidates.

If you want to vote for president in the March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election, you must request a political party's ballot that includes presidential candidates.

To learn which political parties allow you to request their ballot and how to request this type of ballot, visit our How to Vote for U.S. President."

This notice only applies to the primary election, which was a week ago. I am sure they are aware that many people are trying to register for the we the people party immediately following the primary election. I believe the fact that this notice has persisted on the page where you check your voter registration status a full week after the primary is to scare people into thinking that if they registered to vote for a party that was not qualified for the primary that they would also not be able to vote for president in the general election. I find the last sentence of the notice purposefully misleading because it does not specify that the page voters are being directed to applies to the primary only.

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‘We the people party’ is not one of the seven registered parties in the State of California. Political parties MUST be registered with the State of California in order to have placement on the ballot.

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