‘Natural’ disaster? I don’t think so...

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Although by no means is it a natural disaster - it is only fair that we as Americans stop paying taxes to our criminal government - for starters.

As a survivor of many California fires I know the Maui fire was not in any way natural. The names of all the dead Americans who died in this fire need to be listed - and the property restored or otherwise credited with Maui land that is not destroyed with toxins.

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THANK YOU Mr. RFK for bringing up the Lahaina issue, the now forgotten topic, but extremely important for many reasons. It was/is unbelievable tragedy, that's why I've spend quite a lot of time for trying to analyze every report on it possible. While being affected by Bay Area fires, years back, it was obvious to me, a not fire specialist, that something does not add up. Some of the links to these events, committed crimes, pictures, interviews, etc. are at:


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"It was among the worst natural disasters Hawaii’s ever seen. " NATURAL?? WTH? Natural occurring like covid. Government treated like the way they treated unvaxed covid patients in hospitals.

Nothing changes until we talk the truth and go after the bad guy.

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Calling Lahaina a "natural" disaster is gaslighting what REALLY happened.

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The 9/11 cover up was one of the best/worst/obvious/blatant examples showcasing government corruption...and that thing that happened in the streets of Dallas awhile back. The list is endless. Unfortunately, this is not shocking news at this stage of the game.

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It seems like you may be rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The US has directed energy weapons and a DEW base on Maui. They can vaporize any city in the world in seconds...faster, cleaner and cheaper than using nukes. What's a little pollution when you can death ray anyone on the planet?

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“Natural” disaster? Think again. Planned disaster. Planned ‘smart’ city. How the wealthy and powerful (legitimately earned or not) take anything they want even from those of modest means.

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Sir - "It was among the worst natural disasters" - believing this is like believing Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK. Gee whiz, look up DEW. Here are a few hints:


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I wish you had visited Palestine and Gaza and posted about the horrors there which somehow you are ignoring!

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This wasn't a natural disaster, and this is not incompetence. This was a deliberate, planned and executed mass murder and burnout of homes in order to steal the owners' land. This was done with the help of local, county, state, and federal officials, just like the ones that "faked pandemics", to use RFK Jr.'s own words.

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The progressives hypocrisy is on full display.

In the age of diversity, equity and inclusion… Josh Green caught on tape saying how he’s looking for ways to acquire the land.

Narcissists occasionally tell the truth- if you’re listening carefully.

If the last native Hawaiians are moved off this land in Lahaina - in the year 2024…. It will be an absolute travesty!!

What I have heard is-

1. Landowners are being denied access to their property

Everything is being controlled by the government …at a snail’s pace. Clean up is delaying any rebuilding because of ‘safety’ and cleanup will cost a small fortune for a private homeowner

2. people are being foreclosed on by banks … because insurance companies are being denied entry to file claims… therefore homeowners can’t get insurance settlements and make payments on burned down land and property …and also afford rent

So… foreclosures are easy to seize by huge corporations

Everything about this is wrong.

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How about East Palestine?

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Thank you so much for coming to Lahaina and seeing first hand what is going on. Eddy Garcia of Living Earth Systems is a great friend and is now the head of the We the People party in Maui County. He is doing what need to be done for the health and safety of our island and its people. Having you in our corner will help us restore and thrive and to become a model for other disaster relief recoveries around the world. I love you Bobby!!!!

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Too many people know about the high tech weapons tech the government criminals are using on the public now.... Joe Biden even spills the beans on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eczFQlfsCZM

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You speak of Katrina.

Look at the difference between the recovery of MS and LA.

People make up the government.

Any response to any catastrophe will only be as good as its people.

Free elections have consequences.

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