Then you have never been to Lahaina or Maui. One of the most beautiful spots in the world. I fell in love with that place in 1972 at age 12. It’s too bad that our gov. Will take care of other people but not its own citizens or country. I have watched the demise of the Hawaiian islands for the past 50 years due to corporate greed
Because Hawaii votes democrat every single time..its like California, the rich don't want anyone climbing their ladder...notice none of the wealthy lost their land or home around Lahaina...just the regular folk.
Unfortunately there is no going back. The 2030 the plan is in place so there are more shocks to come as the biggest transfer of wealth is happening at a pace that is scary. Globalist taking advantage of weak infrastructure, real time climate and easy to hide motivations will continue until people get wise. Political leaders are hiding in plain site. You must investigate before you go to vote.
Be careful who you trust with your final vote tally as manipulation is used all over the world and guessing CA is ripe.
How do you prove anything? Voting for inept leaders that hire DEI and cut budgets and citizens not paying attn to what is happening right under their nose
Is asking for economic disaster and families with lives crushed. Time to change is now!
You are right. Why would anyone call it a natural disaster? Why do they say it was a wildfire?
Allow me to speculate. The narrative needs to be framed in a way that’s best for the globalists. They aren’t ready for the truth to come out. They use words carefully. All the lawyers play their role. They’re members of the BAR, eh?
Although by no means is it a natural disaster - it is only fair that we as Americans stop paying taxes to our criminal government - for starters.
As a survivor of many California fires I know the Maui fire was not in any way natural. The names of all the dead Americans who died in this fire need to be listed - and the property restored or otherwise credited with Maui land that is not destroyed with toxins.
Don't waste your time. Federal taxes don't pay for federal expenditures, because the federal government "owns" the currency and can, as none less than Alan Greenspan noted, spend as much as it wants. All taxes do is draw back what's spent to keep the books balanced.
People love to haul out Weimar Germany to terrify people that the federal government's putting more money into circulation will cause the horrible inflation that led to the rise of fascism. Since we're already living under inverted totalitarianism, that ship has sailed, but it needs to be understood what the real reason for that German inflation was.
When the NSDAP started coming into power, one of the first things it did was refuse to continue paying the ridiculous reparations the country had been saddled with after WW I. In response, all the banks that had been lending them money with glee called in their loans. Essential resources, many if not most of which had been imported, were no longer available, so prices started rising because of scarcity. The government responded by simply deflating its sovereign currency, launching an endless circle. In other words, the inflation in German started the same way as the one we're still fighting here—price-gouging. The difference is here it was purely voluntary on the part of the corporations and not for lack of resources, no matter what they said then.
Mr. Kennedy is a bit obsessed with the federal budget and the so-called "deficit", but for nothing based on how federal financing actually works. In fact, the last time that "budget" was balanced, under Clinton, it triggered one of the worst recessions in modern history. The federal government levies taxes, for which federal dollars are required in payment. It then issues those dollars on the basis they will find their way back via the economy. The problem is that those who have the most dollars aren't paying their taxes. They get to hoard money and use it to gamble on Wall Street or buy politicians. That's why we need to tax them more, not because we need their money to pay for stuff.
You actually claim the recession after Clinton was more devastating than the Great Depression of 1939? Makes me wonder about your other claims as well.🙄🤭
"It was among the worst natural disasters Hawaii’s ever seen. " NATURAL?? WTH? Natural occurring like covid. Government treated like the way they treated unvaxed covid patients in hospitals.
Nothing changes until we talk the truth and go after the bad guy.
THANK YOU Mr. RFK for bringing up the Lahaina issue, the now forgotten topic, but extremely important for many reasons. It was/is unbelievable tragedy, that's why I've spend quite a lot of time for trying to analyze every report on it possible. While being affected by Bay Area fires, years back, it was obvious to me, a not fire specialist, that something does not add up. Some of the links to these events, committed crimes, pictures, interviews, etc. are at:
The 9/11 cover up was one of the best/worst/obvious/blatant examples showcasing deep state/government corruption...and that thing that happened in the streets of Dallas awhile back. The list is endless. Unfortunately, this is not shocking news at this stage of the game.
People can't even see that Factcheck captioned a photo of the BACKSIDE of the seal on Obama's birth certificate as, "The raised seal."
The angle and cropping of the photo does not make it apparent the letters and text in the seal are in reverse, and it's a photo of the wrong side of the paper.
If you flip the paper over and view the seal on the side to which it was applied, it is clearly not a "RAISED" seal. It is a debossed seal. Factcheck posted two photos of the front of the seal separately and with no misleading captions.
Therefore, the document was not certified with the official seal of the Hawaii Department of Health, because their seal is regulated to be a "RAISED" embossment.
No one except me noticed that and probably because I am a print graphic designer. It was such an easy trick to pull off. With all the controlled opposition...most people looked at jpeg pixels and pdf layers and followed disinfo agents into Lalaland.
If people can't believe their own eyes on that plain, simple is Bobby going to persuade people of anything with only flimsy evidence & speculation?
I feel like he will only go as far as he is prepared to defend with evidence. I respect that & think it is wise.
(I do wish someone *important* would point out that seal is not 'raised' though & get to the bottom of that.) 🥴
It seems like you may be rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The US has directed energy weapons and a DEW base on Maui. They can vaporize any city in the world in seconds...faster, cleaner and cheaper than using nukes. What's a little pollution when you can death ray anyone on the planet?
Your statement about US (or any other country for that matter) being able to vaporize cities is total fiction. Obviously your PhD isn't in science. And if it is . . . yikes!
Self-diffraction makes it almost impossible for DEWs to direct energy such that the energy density would be great enough to do what you suggest, even slightly.
If it were possible to use DEWs to "vaporize" even missiles or planes, then no one would be using patriot missiles, "iron domes" of missiles & rockets, etc. And fighter planes wouldn't need anything more than "star wars" or "star trek" type DEWs or lasers instead of machine guns or under-wing missiles. Reagan's "star wars" defense system... nope.
Sir - "It was among the worst natural disasters" - believing this is like believing Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK. Gee whiz, look up DEW. Here are a few hints:
“Natural” disaster? Think again. Planned disaster. Planned ‘smart’ city. How the wealthy and powerful (legitimately earned or not) take anything they want even from those of modest means.
In the age of diversity, equity and inclusion… Josh Green caught on tape saying how he’s looking for ways to acquire the land.
Narcissists occasionally tell the truth- if you’re listening carefully.
If the last native Hawaiians are moved off this land in Lahaina - in the year 2024…. It will be an absolute travesty!!
What I have heard is-
1. Landowners are being denied access to their property
Everything is being controlled by the government …at a snail’s pace. Clean up is delaying any rebuilding because of ‘safety’ and cleanup will cost a small fortune for a private homeowner
2. people are being foreclosed on by banks … because insurance companies are being denied entry to file claims… therefore homeowners can’t get insurance settlements and make payments on burned down land and property …and also afford rent
So… foreclosures are easy to seize by huge corporations
Worse, Oprah and those like her are buying up huge acreage at pennies on the dollar in Maui, thanks to collusion between banks, government, hedge funds, the rich -- with John & Jill Q Public the screwees.
This wasn't a natural disaster, and this is not incompetence. This was a deliberate, planned and executed mass murder and burnout of homes in order to steal the owners' land. This was done with the help of local, county, state, and federal officials, just like the ones that "faked pandemics", to use RFK Jr.'s own words.
Thank you so much for coming to Lahaina and seeing first hand what is going on. Eddy Garcia of Living Earth Systems is a great friend and is now the head of the We the People party in Maui County. He is doing what need to be done for the health and safety of our island and its people. Having you in our corner will help us restore and thrive and to become a model for other disaster relief recoveries around the world. I love you Bobby!!!!
What's to become of the poor ranchers in TX also who've been burned to the ground? You can't tell me many of these fire's aren't deliberate. Our leaders hate us.
Too many people know about the high tech weapons tech the government criminals are using on the public now.... Joe Biden even spills the beans on it:
‘Natural’ disaster? I don’t think so...
Then you have never been to Lahaina or Maui. One of the most beautiful spots in the world. I fell in love with that place in 1972 at age 12. It’s too bad that our gov. Will take care of other people but not its own citizens or country. I have watched the demise of the Hawaiian islands for the past 50 years due to corporate greed
Because Hawaii votes democrat every single time..its like California, the rich don't want anyone climbing their ladder...notice none of the wealthy lost their land or home around Lahaina...just the regular folk.
I wonder if that’ll change now that they saw how little concern the Democratic Party actually has for them. It’s so sad to see one sided loyalty.
Unfortunately there is no going back. The 2030 the plan is in place so there are more shocks to come as the biggest transfer of wealth is happening at a pace that is scary. Globalist taking advantage of weak infrastructure, real time climate and easy to hide motivations will continue until people get wise. Political leaders are hiding in plain site. You must investigate before you go to vote.
Be careful who you trust with your final vote tally as manipulation is used all over the world and guessing CA is ripe.
How do you prove anything? Voting for inept leaders that hire DEI and cut budgets and citizens not paying attn to what is happening right under their nose
Is asking for economic disaster and families with lives crushed. Time to change is now!
Sorry Jackie, your point is?
Yes, I wondered who Jackie was even talking to whenever reading the first sentence.
You are right. Why would anyone call it a natural disaster? Why do they say it was a wildfire?
Allow me to speculate. The narrative needs to be framed in a way that’s best for the globalists. They aren’t ready for the truth to come out. They use words carefully. All the lawyers play their role. They’re members of the BAR, eh?
Although by no means is it a natural disaster - it is only fair that we as Americans stop paying taxes to our criminal government - for starters.
As a survivor of many California fires I know the Maui fire was not in any way natural. The names of all the dead Americans who died in this fire need to be listed - and the property restored or otherwise credited with Maui land that is not destroyed with toxins.
I wish I knew how to not pay taxes and avoid trouble.
Don't waste your time. Federal taxes don't pay for federal expenditures, because the federal government "owns" the currency and can, as none less than Alan Greenspan noted, spend as much as it wants. All taxes do is draw back what's spent to keep the books balanced.
People love to haul out Weimar Germany to terrify people that the federal government's putting more money into circulation will cause the horrible inflation that led to the rise of fascism. Since we're already living under inverted totalitarianism, that ship has sailed, but it needs to be understood what the real reason for that German inflation was.
When the NSDAP started coming into power, one of the first things it did was refuse to continue paying the ridiculous reparations the country had been saddled with after WW I. In response, all the banks that had been lending them money with glee called in their loans. Essential resources, many if not most of which had been imported, were no longer available, so prices started rising because of scarcity. The government responded by simply deflating its sovereign currency, launching an endless circle. In other words, the inflation in German started the same way as the one we're still fighting here—price-gouging. The difference is here it was purely voluntary on the part of the corporations and not for lack of resources, no matter what they said then.
Mr. Kennedy is a bit obsessed with the federal budget and the so-called "deficit", but for nothing based on how federal financing actually works. In fact, the last time that "budget" was balanced, under Clinton, it triggered one of the worst recessions in modern history. The federal government levies taxes, for which federal dollars are required in payment. It then issues those dollars on the basis they will find their way back via the economy. The problem is that those who have the most dollars aren't paying their taxes. They get to hoard money and use it to gamble on Wall Street or buy politicians. That's why we need to tax them more, not because we need their money to pay for stuff.
You actually claim the recession after Clinton was more devastating than the Great Depression of 1939? Makes me wonder about your other claims as well.🙄🤭
Actually, I made no such claim, but that's the problem with ideological zealots—they have a very poor level of reading comprehension.
Ok Karen. You do you. The world is coming to an end.😂
How do you organize a nationwide, bipartisan tax strike?
Not sure it would even need to be organized - just a bunch of hopping mad citizens - unwilling to pay protection money to the mobsters who run things.
Although they try hard to do so - it is difficult to kill all eight billion earthlings
Paying taxes is voluntary.. Follow The Aquarius Report .. I know that guy isn’t paying taxes,-Summer-2024:5
I’m In Australia and I am so refusing to fund domestic terrorism fuk them
Calling Lahaina a "natural" disaster is gaslighting what REALLY happened.
"It was among the worst natural disasters Hawaii’s ever seen. " NATURAL?? WTH? Natural occurring like covid. Government treated like the way they treated unvaxed covid patients in hospitals.
Nothing changes until we talk the truth and go after the bad guy.
THANK YOU Mr. RFK for bringing up the Lahaina issue, the now forgotten topic, but extremely important for many reasons. It was/is unbelievable tragedy, that's why I've spend quite a lot of time for trying to analyze every report on it possible. While being affected by Bay Area fires, years back, it was obvious to me, a not fire specialist, that something does not add up. Some of the links to these events, committed crimes, pictures, interviews, etc. are at:
and again, forgot to like this post;) Doing it now, better late than never..
Very thorough substack post.
Thank you for linking this. Good accounting.
The 9/11 cover up was one of the best/worst/obvious/blatant examples showcasing deep state/government corruption...and that thing that happened in the streets of Dallas awhile back. The list is endless. Unfortunately, this is not shocking news at this stage of the game.
People can't even see that Factcheck captioned a photo of the BACKSIDE of the seal on Obama's birth certificate as, "The raised seal."
The angle and cropping of the photo does not make it apparent the letters and text in the seal are in reverse, and it's a photo of the wrong side of the paper.
If you flip the paper over and view the seal on the side to which it was applied, it is clearly not a "RAISED" seal. It is a debossed seal. Factcheck posted two photos of the front of the seal separately and with no misleading captions.
See? NOT raised.
Therefore, the document was not certified with the official seal of the Hawaii Department of Health, because their seal is regulated to be a "RAISED" embossment.
No one except me noticed that and probably because I am a print graphic designer. It was such an easy trick to pull off. With all the controlled opposition...most people looked at jpeg pixels and pdf layers and followed disinfo agents into Lalaland.
If people can't believe their own eyes on that plain, simple is Bobby going to persuade people of anything with only flimsy evidence & speculation?
I feel like he will only go as far as he is prepared to defend with evidence. I respect that & think it is wise.
(I do wish someone *important* would point out that seal is not 'raised' though & get to the bottom of that.) 🥴
Factcheck's dirty little trick:
It seems like you may be rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The US has directed energy weapons and a DEW base on Maui. They can vaporize any city in the world in seconds...faster, cleaner and cheaper than using nukes. What's a little pollution when you can death ray anyone on the planet?
Your statement about US (or any other country for that matter) being able to vaporize cities is total fiction. Obviously your PhD isn't in science. And if it is . . . yikes!
Self-diffraction makes it almost impossible for DEWs to direct energy such that the energy density would be great enough to do what you suggest, even slightly.
If it were possible to use DEWs to "vaporize" even missiles or planes, then no one would be using patriot missiles, "iron domes" of missiles & rockets, etc. And fighter planes wouldn't need anything more than "star wars" or "star trek" type DEWs or lasers instead of machine guns or under-wing missiles. Reagan's "star wars" defense system... nope.
Sir - "It was among the worst natural disasters" - believing this is like believing Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK. Gee whiz, look up DEW. Here are a few hints:
“Natural” disaster? Think again. Planned disaster. Planned ‘smart’ city. How the wealthy and powerful (legitimately earned or not) take anything they want even from those of modest means.
I wish you had visited Palestine and Gaza and posted about the horrors there which somehow you are ignoring!
Maybe you could report on it…
The progressives hypocrisy is on full display.
In the age of diversity, equity and inclusion… Josh Green caught on tape saying how he’s looking for ways to acquire the land.
Narcissists occasionally tell the truth- if you’re listening carefully.
If the last native Hawaiians are moved off this land in Lahaina - in the year 2024…. It will be an absolute travesty!!
What I have heard is-
1. Landowners are being denied access to their property
Everything is being controlled by the government …at a snail’s pace. Clean up is delaying any rebuilding because of ‘safety’ and cleanup will cost a small fortune for a private homeowner
2. people are being foreclosed on by banks … because insurance companies are being denied entry to file claims… therefore homeowners can’t get insurance settlements and make payments on burned down land and property …and also afford rent
So… foreclosures are easy to seize by huge corporations
Everything about this is wrong.
Worse, Oprah and those like her are buying up huge acreage at pennies on the dollar in Maui, thanks to collusion between banks, government, hedge funds, the rich -- with John & Jill Q Public the screwees.
Time to rally the native tongans to put an end to Oprah and other despicable cartel holdouts
This wasn't a natural disaster, and this is not incompetence. This was a deliberate, planned and executed mass murder and burnout of homes in order to steal the owners' land. This was done with the help of local, county, state, and federal officials, just like the ones that "faked pandemics", to use RFK Jr.'s own words.
Thank you so much for coming to Lahaina and seeing first hand what is going on. Eddy Garcia of Living Earth Systems is a great friend and is now the head of the We the People party in Maui County. He is doing what need to be done for the health and safety of our island and its people. Having you in our corner will help us restore and thrive and to become a model for other disaster relief recoveries around the world. I love you Bobby!!!!
How about East Palestine?
RFKJr isn't about to mention any Palestine except to applaud genociding it.
Yes!💯 Las Vegas shooting debacle too. Please make a list.
What's to become of the poor ranchers in TX also who've been burned to the ground? You can't tell me many of these fire's aren't deliberate. Our leaders hate us.
Too many people know about the high tech weapons tech the government criminals are using on the public now.... Joe Biden even spills the beans on it: