Presidential, like we haven’t seen in over 40 years, maybe 56 years actually (RFK in 1968). We need more of this side of RFK Jr. Hopefully, he’ll feel more and more comfortable with stating these truths to the American public. We can digest it and we need to hear it.

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Yup we need to hear this voice often, it's unlike any other in US politics. Authentic and sincere.

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Please correct the typo in the first line: 50 years, not 15.

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Please delete this, it's misleading now.

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A statesman from another time for our time

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Writing from outside the US. It has been horrifying and down right scary to see the US empire start to crumble. Seeing the descent from ideals to control and dominance. From a confident optimism to paranoa. I fear the impact on us of the current collapse of the US, it will be ugly as it thrashes around lashing out at all , as it devours it's citizens and blames everyone else.

I fully support RFK jnr in his noble ideals, his authentic voice, his heroic mission.

My plea to the citizens of the US, stand up above the noise and confusion, see this man for the hope he could bring, for all of us, please.

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Thank you, Mr. Kennedy, for this thoughtful piece. It's nice to hear someone with a Democratic history say something nice about a Republican president. (I say this as a longtime Independent.) Nixon was, indeed, a multifaceted character and one of the finest speakers to ever hold office. Here is one thing for which I am most grateful to him, which many people have forgotten: In signing the Endangered Species Act of 1974, President Nixon said: “Nothing is more priceless and more worthy of preservation than the rich array of animal life with which our country has been blessed. It is a many-faceted treasure, of value to scholars, scientists, and nature lovers alike, and it forms a vital part of the heritage we all share as Americans. I congratulate the 93d Congress for taking this important step toward protecting a heritage which we hold in trust to countless future generations of our fellow citizens. Their lives will be richer, and America will be more beautiful in the years ahead, thanks to the measure that I have the pleasure of signing into law today.” As an outdoorsman and lover of wildlife, Mr. Kennedy (and as one who has promised to fight habitat loss), I thought you might like to let your readers know about this important Act and President Nixon's heartwarming comments on it and so I have posted it here.

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Such an incredible speech. It is so gratifying to be spoken to by a very intelligent person who believes that the American people are intelligent enough to understand and engage in the discussion about how to re-create Democracy and a healthier, more creative population that can compete with the world financially and doesn't need to dominate through war. I am so grateful for the part of Kennedy that knows we must unify our population and the world in order to get out of war and meet the challenges that are affecting all people across the globe. I really appreciated his words of honor for Nixon. Again, we do not have to trash each other to dominate the political arena or the world. That day is past and we must join together and demand the end to this way of doing business criminally. We are / the world is / humanity is losing the race for survival because we are not allowed to see that it requires a united front to stop the criminal capture of our Democracy. We must join together and thank God for this man of great intelligence and integrity who wishes to lead us to a better America and world. But it will take each one of us behind him and contributing our creativity and intelligence as well. Thank you so much to RFK Jr.--but also to the incredible number of people behind him who are contributing their creativity and monetary donations to make his run for President a reality--realpolitik...

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Agreed. RFK obviously respects the intelligence of our citizens and takes the time to present and explain his thoughts and the principles behind them.

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End of Empire will be good for normal Americans, but terrible for the Oligarchy.

Sounds like the right move to me.

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"... the destiny of America — not to dominate the world, but to inspire it."

Thank you, we so agree. We also believe that America has the talent, the means, and the will to lead in a different kind of way, to solve our own chronic disease and addiction crises and share what we learn with the world. https://livingwelllocally.substack.com/p/americas-great-work-changing-the

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America first.

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Class act every time

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This writing brings to mind my first awareness of American ideals in the JFK era. Let’s hope we can achieve this vision.

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Oops. It was the 50th anniversary, not the 15th. I remember it well. I was 12 years old, a sweltering summer night in Philadelphia, I was at my neighbor's house, where her dog had just had a litter of pups. Nixon's somber and crestfallen look as he announced. My little brain knew something big was happening but not sure what.

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August 1974 watched Nixon fly off while standing in bookstore near NYU. Putin calls it multi-nodal world that will be harmonious. Gone with unipolar, military empire, usa petrol dollar dominance, hegemony and war economy as well as bully settler colonies who take from indigenous and put hands in pockets of usa taxpayers. BRICS+ has 59 nations asking to join. 20K attended SPIEF from 134 nations. Status quo in foreign policy of usa is great motivator to revolt! Siding with Ziofunders is wrong side of history. Big change is emerging.

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We agree.... Trump Being A "Convicted Felon" Does Not Magically Make Him A Mortal Enemy Of "The Establishment" -- Michel Tracey – June 13, 2024 An OUTSTANDING analysis -- well researched and supported by facts.

In summary -- Biden or Trump == are SAME in all essentials. With Biden cabal, as astute Putin stated, being more predictable.

• So -- for whom to vote -- Jill Stein or RFK, Jr. ? I know, I know -- RFK, Jr. and Gaza.... ;-((

• The current system is completely rotten at all levels - BUT firmly in grip of war Uniparty.

RFK Jr. , a Democrat outsider, looks like willing to attempt to blow-away the bipartisan war Uniparty.

Instead, it will highly likely blow him away...



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I appreciate RFK's foreword thinking views. There's a breeze blowing through humanity. The beautiful winds of change are upon us.

Is a good future unfolding on our planet? Yes, right before our eyes! How promising for a nation of people who are tired of supporting a leadership that's based on greed and war. And I appreciate how he considers many points of view. How welcome it is to hear this man speak. 🇺🇸

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The campaign needs to print this up as a pamphlet, by the thousands.

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