Our enemies hate life. They hate human life, they hate animal life, they hate marine life. They cut down forests to install solar farms. They ruin our seas to jam metal turbines into the ocean floor. They engineer viruses so they can sell people poison. They must be stopped.

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Transhumanists don't understand the magic of life, which is love. That's why they fear it.

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These non-human things called democrats do not have the love word in their vocabulary. This is outright murder AGAIN, WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES! AMERICA IS OUTRAGED. PRESIDENT TRUMP AND YOU SIR WILL PUT AN END TO THE DEMOCRATS DRACONIAN RULE. It's pure evil.

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But your are describing Republicans to a T

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Good sacrasm!

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They likely never experienced love...

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That brings tears to my eyes and has many times with my own thoughts of such over the years. I been working, praying, and sending love hardcore tho and well there's no stronger power...There's always hope


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Well spoken Joshua. That is how our enemies pick their targets . . . by the life they can kill. There is life in music, in art, in children, in nature, in good health, in truth, in reason, even in logic. You can always see the life which is being erased at the end of "their sword." Their sword is never pointed at anything worth destroying.

Your statement and mine are each an amplification of what is in the bible. “Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruits; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matt. 7:15–20.)

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Music has even been bastardized. The shit that passes for music today directly resembles the trash that passes for politicians today. No skills or love for country. Only greed and corruption.

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Yes. I have really looked into it and it is really true what you say . . . and, much of music has been, like Hollywood, turned into "you-know-what." Thank God for the old music provided on the internet. Some youth are enjoying it, but for us oldies, the music is in our heart & soul for which I am eternally grateful. But what will the current generations have in their heart and soul? One musician who knows and teaches about music from all angles is Rick Beato.

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Visit www.n1m.com/johnpwallis to hear a few of my progressive classical rock originals on guitar.

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Thank you. I listened. Very, very enjoyable.

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Kathy, You are too kind. Thank you for listening. When I have time I will post more melodies there. Blessings to you. John

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I notice the frequencies being used in modern music and youtube are harmful to the human body. Grateful for the mainstream 440hz tuning, so I can find the 432HZ and 528hz

Yesterday I played my ukelele while feeling under the weather. almost an immediate relief of symptoms.

Dr. Robert Grant has some good stuff on frequency medicine: https://youtu.be/Y0s9vmREEwI?si=TXO5zw84M7FSxVAA

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I also enjoy Rick's videos online.

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This is so true! I cannot even listen to this so called ‘music’! I’m so happy Mr Kennedy is standing up to these people!!

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Well-spoken, their hate for human life is powered by demonic forces. These demonic principalities that dwell inside of these subhumans will soon be reminded who is the KING OF KINGs and LORD OF LORDS! JESUS CHRIST LOVES CREATION! GOD WINS!

GOD ALWAYS WINS! ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️ 💕

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And the big fish are dying off because of the wind turbines. They are wrecking the water and they are killing the wales and other fish 🐠 so you Greenies should be concerned about this and do your thing or are you all getting paid to shut up?!?!

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They are definitely getting paid off. Despicable Dems!

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Support people like Dane Wigington who has been telling people for years what they are doing to kill the earth beginning with the f*cking chemtrails!

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Those who don’t see it are blinded by another ideology “Save the environment” (no matter what) but they refuse to consider or investigate or evaluate the consequences of new technology being developed and pushed on sensitive environments and people that cause even more harm in the name of “Climate Change”. They believe a single narrative, are motivated by fear and have lost the ability to critically think or evaluate all choices. They refuse to read and they believe everything they are told when it is from a so called “expert” or “ authority. It is cult-like behavior.

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Envision the world that you want, talk to your pals about it and ask them to in turn share their ‘world the way they want it’ with you.

We are so strong when we are not allowing fear to drive our inaction.

The greedy globalist leches can keep their money and dark evil; we (mankind) are moving on. ✨🌏🕊️🌏🐬❤️

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We call those traitors democRATs or RINOs.

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This is why we love you!!!

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Thank you, RFK, for refuting the charges of these bureaucrats who, as you know, are merely messing with you because you are supporting Trump. You brilliantly set them in their place and charged them with their misdeeds in supporting the off shore wind farms that are destroying marine life. I hope I misunderstood your support of on shore wind farms. They are destroying fowl by the thousands, including eagles which have been an endangered species, although I’m not sure if they still are. Additionally, they are an eyesore and take up farmland. I also hate the solar panels that cover large swaths of land that could be used for better purposes. Another eyesore. I haven’t even discussed how these 2options support China and will create more wasteful debris as they have to be replaced. My understanding is the nuclear power is much safer and our fossil fuels are cleaner than elsewhere. Please look carefully at these other options for energy other than the wasteful wind and solar. Thank you.

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Good comment but you need to stop using the term 'fossil fuels'. Oil is not generated from fossils or dinosaur bones. It is abiotic, the earth makes it in the same way it makes water and air. 'Fossil fuels' is a term created by JD Rockefeller to support his monopoly in the oil and gas industries. He earned his reputation for being one of the most evil men in history.

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And the Rockefeller Foundation is still spreading its evil.

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OMG and the Truman foundation and all of those foundations- Bill Gates and Zuckerberg and all of them they're all part of it. Whenever you see a PBS show if you watch PBS at all, I don't just have seen it once or twice, as it scrolls through all these foundations you can bet they're all part of it.

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Rockefeller and his ilk will get what's coming to them! Swaruuoficial.com

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Kennedy 2028

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Rockefeller also used waste products of oil and forced poisonous allopathic “medicine” into medical schools with his riches. Pure Evil.

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Good luck in your battle.

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Agree about RFK's seemingly schizophrenic support for onshore wind -- everything that makes offshore wind an abhorrent debacle applies also and even more to onshore wind. Wind farms are destroying bald eagles and birds of all kinds by the millions, disrupting and adversely affecting migratory patterns and natural habitat for all wildlife, destroying otherwise scenic vistas, and providing no offsetting benefits given that they can't be justified economically and can't be built without government subsidies, and detract from electric grid reliability since wind is inherently unreliable. Yet for some reason RFK, Jr unnecessarily volunteered unabashed support for environmentally detrimental onshore wind. It seems like the usual NIMBY approach -- "I don't want this devastating stupidness fouling my backyard (the ocean where I play), but knock yourselves out fouling fly-over country."

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Let me help you to understand the difference. Our taxes are being used to fund (through subsidies mislabeled as "inflation-reduction,") the construction of 3x less efficient power-generation technology, that is destroying our most endangered and precious species. The last time I checked, the Bald Eagle was thriving in North America - perhaps you would enlighten us with some actual data to defend your statements?

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Nope, your post didn't help with anything. Regardless, anybody paying even passive attention to wind farm stupidity is well aware that they have devastating impacts on birds (including protected bald and golden eagles) and other wildlife. In fact, the impact is so obvious that the federal government corruptly gave the big wind energy companies carte blanche to take bald eagles -- they gave them 30-year permits to "incidentally" kill the eagles and excused them from having to publicly report the death toll.

Regarding your request for "enlightenment," here's a link to a story from several years ago reporting on the devastation. There are numerous such reports. It's well known. And it's shameful.


Another article posted by the American Eagle Foundation includes this telling quote, "It took over 30 years to bring the Bald Eagle back from the brink of extinction. A lot of work by hundreds of conservation groups and thousands of individuals across the country have put their heart and soul into this effort. To essentially give power companies a 30-year hunting license to kill eagles and other birds is unconscionable. I think we’re opening a Pandora’s Box that will kill millions of birds over the next 30 years, maybe tens of millions. I don’t understand why we’re making this devastating and senseless compromise.” https://eagles.org/wind-turbine-companies-given-30-year-exemption-from-federal-government-to-kill-eagles/

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Yeah, and then there is the weird effect on bats. Bats don’t have to be hit by the blades to be killed by them. You know that distortion effect when you speak into a fan? Something about that effect on the scale of the turbines causes a bat, passing in front of them at up to a 6th of a mile away, their lungs pop like grapes as they attempt to breathe the disrupted air & they’re dead before they hit the ground.

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These wind turbines are more trouble than they are worth. We need life. Need to protect the food chain as well as us. I am sure that since life is more important then technology then life should be focused on more than the technology. God created life….. thank you

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Yep. Time for a deadly serious discussion about Geothermal, and I mean the Icelandic model for municipal scale use, not the alluvial personal units (which aren’t technically “geothermal” so much as a method for using the local earth as a solar panel). After 18 years since the Icelandic model was proven, I’m more convinced than ever that the establishment powers that be NEVER wanted a highly effective green energy, they WANT boondoggles to permanently subsidize and permanent wedge issues like forms of “green energy” that will NEVER be truly cost effective for municipal use. If a way to use wind or solar that was as safe and effective as the Icelandic geo model was ever found, I posit that they’d lose interest in green energy entirely! Greenie fanatics’ attitude upon realizing that most of America’s volcanic land are mostly within some parkland boundary or another hasn’t helped matters. Gaia worshippers treat the parks like sacred temples, so ANY discussion of a one time exception regarding the ban on industrial development of any parkland is utterly unthinkable for them, even if we have hard evidence that such a compromise would be far better for the environment as a whole in the long term. Specifically, we should build such power plants (and accompanying transmission lines), at least one per volcano, at least FOUR in Yellowstone for the use of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, possibly parts or even all of Colorado and Utah. That’s approximately 9.55 million people sustained by the heat of the super volcano, NOT by carbon fuels.

We have around FIFTY other volcanos we could potentially tap in the same way.

That leaves us 18 states too far from these volcanoes to benefit from tapping all our land:



North Dakota

South Dakota















So about 134.88 million who can’t use geothermal. Of those 18 states, three routinely get direct hits from hurricanes. Nuclear power plants should not be built in high hurricane zones, but only the southeastern half of Texas is most impacted, so with a well distributed complex of both geothermal and nuclear power, only two and a half states would need to continue using coal and other such conventional carbon energy, Florida, Louisiana and half of Texas for about 40-45 million people total.

We could whittle our total carbon footprint down to 13.24% of what it is… wait, that estimate doesn’t separate vehicle emissions from all other emissions dependent on the power plants. Damn I’m tired. 🥱 Sorry. But it still gives a sense of how much we can eliminate from municipal electricity use. But speaking of the cars, if, after transitioning to such a complex, we then build public transportation trams in every town with a population over 10,000, and require each township to put a stiff tax on local gasoline within each such township,

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…we could then also use positive incentives & perks on top of that to encourage people to use tried and true third rail services for most of their local transport needs. No giant batteries needed for those!

At the SAME time, make gasoline prices outside of and in between townships DIRT cheap. When preparing for traveling between townships, just buy a gallon of the expensive local gas, just enough to get you 20-30 miles outside of town, then fill the rest of the way up for the rest of your journey. Student drivers who need to practice locally can have a special discount.

Since studies indicate that local driving can lead to approximately 10-20% more emissions per mile than highway driving, this would take a significant chunk out of emissions as well.

Please understand, I don’t buy into climate alarmism, BUT everything ELSE that’s bad about oil dependency is absolutely true, from the health effects of smog to necessitating the difficult disposal of toxic sludge like the hundred tons of vinyl chloride that was spilled in Palestine Ohio two years ago (shale oil refinement produces ten times as much vinyl chloride as artesian oil refinement, by the way).

What I lay out his is ENTIRELY DOABLE. We have to educate one another and get the greenies and boondogglers OUT of our way to ever get any of it done.

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Have you ever heard of zero point?

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Such condescension when you are full of crap! I live near 1000’s of wind turbines and they decimate farm land, in addition to their frequencies causing tinnitus and other neurological issues! They kill living things!

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But what climate change IS occurring is almost all natural and not happening so fast that adaptation to it is more costly to human life and limb than drastic attempts to curtail net human carbon-dioxide emissions, which contribute only minimally to the ongoing increase in its concentration anyway. Moreover carbon dioxide's warming effect is close to if not actually zero.

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Wind farms have killed a disproportionate number of birds of prey. Golden Eagles have declined in California in every area where there are wind farms.

Why build wind or solar at all? They aren’t environmentally friendly in the least bit. Plus they don’t produce any damn energy when compared to conventional fossil fuels. They are only building them so they can pretend they care because they are carbon neutral (bunch of BS), cause all of their stupid electric cars run on electricity mainly produced from natural gas or coal fired power plants.

The most efficient & clean energy around is nuclear. If they can learn what went wrong with the old designs and make new plants with super redundant safety measures, it’s the most logical way to go. Of course, these morons don’t understand or have any idea what logical thinking is.

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Who is paying who? Follow the money.

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All worms leave for more than a mile radius of every wind turbine. That ground became barren, void of all life. It will take decades to support life again. Humans & all living creatures are harmed by the frequencies created by turbines! They need globally BANNED!

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Wow, Sandra --I didn't know about the effect on worms, but I'm not surprised! Everything about wind farms defies common sense. I'm convinced they never were about so-called "global warming," "climate change," or "green energy," never mind "saving the planet." It's simply a wealth transfer larded up with graft and corruption. They couldn't care less if they destroy birds, worms, whales or the planet itself. I also believe RFK, Jr is on the right side. I give him the benefit of the doubt. I suspect his comment about land-based wind farms, ill-advised as it was, probably was made to help emphasize his concern about the devastating effects these monstrosities are having on the oceans without really thinking about their equally destructive effects on land-based habitats.

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I thought of the harm onshore does also. Seems weird he condoned.

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You didn't mention those solar fields/plants that "microwave" birds by the thousands. As I recall, they use hundreds of mirrors to focus the sun's energy on a single spot. Any bird that gets into the path is instantly cooked. ☹️

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Thh at is called CPV. Concentrated photovoltaic.

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Hypocrisy is considered a righteous virtue by liberals.

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I completely disagree with your assessment of nuclear power. All the rest, you go.

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Dear Mr Kennedy. Thank you for always standing up for those who cannot speak: the whales, the fish, the ocean itself. Much love from a Canadian Grandma

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The irony of from one who can barely speak.

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Fantastic putdown of another Biden stasi agency!! I hope they're squirming. As someone involved with 'Save the Whales' campaign back in the 70s, it is appalling to watch the so-called democrats betray everything they used to stand for.

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Per PragerU, even the founder of Green Peace admits that the whole movement has been hijacked

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Or, per the founder of Greenpeace himself.

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Bait and switch is how democRATs operate. Always.

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There is a breakaway government running an agenda. In this agenda we and the rest of the life on this planet are seen as "Non-player characters" to use video game parlance. We mean nothing to them. We are only here to be experimented on, toyed with and lied to. As far as these elites are concerned we could and should drop dead, and they are doing what they can to kill us off, be that from spraying toxic aluminum from the skies or injecting it i nto our arms. They are poisoning our soils, the seas and for the purposes of power and control they are destroying life on this planet and we are just letting them do it in plain sight. We have exceeded the corruption that brought down the USSR, we have exceeded the abuse of Mother Nature that brought down Atlantis. How long do you think this will be allowed to continue..... not long, not long.

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Well said! You are one of the hero's to Dr. Stoller! :)

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Geez, I hope you never caught lightening bugs in a jar as a kid. I’d hate to see what govt agency they’d unleash on you for that.🤣

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Department of energy

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That was a home run, sir. Well done! MAHA 2024

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Pretty blatant selective targeting!!

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If this letter doesn't prove who are the good guys and who are the bad guys, then you're really not interested in finding out the truth. Thank you Robert, for your unending desire to 'repair the world.'

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nailing it as usual. cannot wait until you are in Washington.

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For all your multifaceted knowledge and applied wisdom… 💜

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This is why we need you more than ever in a public capacity! Go Trump!!

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Vote Orange it's the new Purple.

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We truly are blessed to have you in the world! Thank you for all you do and have done to make our world a better place!!

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Give them hell! I would have loved to have seen his face as he read your thoroughly detailed response. You are a beacon of light, and one that I have come to appreciate and admire, because of the stance you take when dealing with their BS. It’s very upsetting to learn about all of these beautiful mammals dying. I’ve decided this administration is just Evil to the core, and they don’t even try to hide it anymore. Thanks for sharing this with us. 🙏🏻

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Such a great response! 🇺🇸🙌

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