It's like reading a microcosm of RFK Jr.'s brilliant work "The Real Anthony Fauci", minus the enormous amounts of murder evidence contained in his 400 page volume w/ over 2,200 footnotes documenting a mountain of war crime charges that cannot possibly be ignored for much longer. The number of people who permitted themselves to be bullied, coerced, bribed, or rewarded with exorbitant amounts of money & prestige is off the charts & frightening. In fact, this makes the tobacco industry look like rank amateurs compared to the cabal of actors & institutions involved with this massive obscenity of corruption & crimes committed by those proclaiming to be acting in the "Public Good". At least the tobacco industry never claimed to be acting in the interest of public health or protecting human health from infectious diseases or other harmful toxins.

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Welcome to Substack Robert.

Your book is easily the most important of the last 2 years and for me will go down as one of the most important book of all time.


Because of your book, I am now listening to Duesberg's book Inventing the AIDS Virus (I wonder if Duesberg can be convinced to join the fight)

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Sadly, Peter suffered a debilitating stroke at the beginning of the pandemic. He is only slowly regaining his capacity to speak.

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Thanks Robert. That's definitely sad to hear.

Just watched both parts of the Fauci doco. Excellent stuff, I'm glad your book was made even more accessible.

Thank you Robert for all that you do.

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My agency, Legal Link Confidential, offers 3 main pieces for you, plus contributes to your CHD doctors & writers.

i] Patent Trail of Tears (2.5 years of research)



ii] The Confidential Pfizer Files 📂 [🇺🇸 + 🇮🇱]



iii] The links between EXecutive Order 11110 & PoliCIÁ patent 11107588b2 alongside EXodus 20:5 + 34:9 to break the Kennedy Generational Curse. Our CEO, HaShem, hates infidelity and is the chief conductor to the ass'assⁱnations. He hates infidelity because it typically breaks 5 of 10 commandments at 1 time. SEE Norma[|] Gene 🧬

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Dear Robert, You are doing a great job keeping your composure amidst this barrage of personal attacks! As we know, if they don't have any way to justify the issues with you, they will resort to personally attacking you! This seems to be the order of their day, and the fact that so many seem to think this is a relevant form of debate is truly astonishing. As we know, it would not get past the 8th grade debate team.

I have also received similar attacks when I bring up your work and book and I say the same thing - "read the book and refute the facts instead of joining the slander parade."

There are so many sell-outs these days and we really need to pity them and pray for their souls. In a world of far too many cheating, barging, ugly step-sisters, be an honest, gracious, real-deal Cinderella. :)) hahah It feels like it goes unnoticed these days, but believe me - we are noticing!

All the best,

Kimberly Hale

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Dear Bobby,

Thank you not only for this excellent piece but for all your work. You are a class act, a true humanitarian, and as always so eloquent and succinct. I look forward to reading more.

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wow, thank you for this powerful piece, your strong voice is much needed now. Your courage and bravery during this time is much appreciated. Blessings.

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The slander from the NYT and now this...it's almost unbelievable. All designed to provoke.

Four of my sister's 9 grandkids have been diagnosed as sitting on the autism scale. In addition there are high rates of autism among my cousin's chlldren and grandchidren. I can’t help but wonder if this is related to mandated programs of vaccines. Otherwise we should have seen some evidence of autism in my generation (36 first cousins + larger extended family) or my parents & grandparent's generation (big families). Autism is simply not present.

The memory of holding one of my sister's grandkids when she was a toddler right after her vaccine ‘wellness” visit while watching her fight off near-convulsions for hours has continued to haunt me. Her brother essentially quit crying after his grotesque "one-shot" dose of vaccines, and now, he too is diagnosed with autism.

The schools today are filled with kids with all sorts of neurological disorders that translate into "learning disabilities". Yet there is NO attempt to look at the public health element of this unsettling phenomena.

Rather kids are simply branded "learning disabled" and under a distortion of the ADA, allowed to pass even if they flunk the class, and then promoted into a higher grade every year even if they haven't learned the material (because to be held back will hurt their "self esteem"). If they don't drop out from shame and embarrassment by the time they are 16 (thinking they are stupid), they graduate illiterate.

And then, of course, especially lower income kids --any race --can't perform any job requiring literacy and critical thinking, and thus they are doomed to poverty or to a life of numbing subsistence welfare. Meanwhile the federal government issues more and more work visas to educated foreigners who qualify and get the well-paying jobs. Probably not all caused by vaccines..but then again...maybe a lot of this is.

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I believe the number is one in thirty four US children have autism spectrum disorder. It is a public health crisis that a few, like Mr. Kennedy and the “ Mercury moms” have highlighted. It certainly qualifies as a national health emergency, but few in government are listening. When I read the Simpsonwood files excerpts in “Evidence of Harm,” I was shocked. Still, the government refuses to publicly admit the association of vaccines with autism, this after court settlements have been granted stating this is exactly what happened. Our nation needs an accounting, for this issue and the COVID issue. The bottom up approach is not working. We really need to elect Mr. Kennedy. He is seeking our support and willing if the support is there it appears. Show your support. Contribute to his campaign. Contribute to Children’s Health Defense. Spread the word. I would bet my bottom dollar that things would drastically change the week he took office.

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Eloquent, forceful truth. As always. Thank you.

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Wow. Sharing this widely.

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Do you know a good lawyer? Maybe you could sue them for slander! Just saying the lawyer part in jest. I loved your book. It was a difficult read for me because a lot of it dealt with HIV and AIDS And it made me look back at my life when I was more of a right wing Republican and less compassionate as I am today.

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So thankful for REAL JOURNALISTS! Like you! Thank you for writing out so well what so many of us have been digging up for decades! The first I had heard of vaccine injury was my coworkers son. She must've had some premonition as a mother. She didn't want to vaccinate her son. But school and government pressure finally made her cave in. And I watched in real time, her brilliant son who was 3 years old, who could read, count to 100, play well with my son, who could not read or count to 10 at the same age and had been vaccinated to the inth degree.

I watched him debilitated into tantrums and violent behaviors. Wouldn't do any kind of school work or play for that matter. Just acted, "crazy". Not the same kid, what happened? She knew, and was devastated. This was the only child she would ever have. She had to go to all kinds of fertility drugs and procedures just to have this child. It was the saddest thing I ever saw.

How did she know? I hadn't heard anything. She was well connected on the internet. Back then, it was surprising to be connected where we barely had service. They obviously got internet service before we did. This was Sumner County Tennessee. And you'd think we would have had high speed internet by 2000. But no. I had to buy this special satellite router to attach to my laptop to get internet outside if I was lucky by 2007.

Took me 10 years to catch up. But I did.

I used ivermectin ever since I read several articles on it as a wonder drug. 50 years of research can't be bad. And I had given it to my animals for the last 25 years. So why not? I just wished I had known all those years I worked in health care and had to work sick, flu, colds, whooping cough, you name it. Like 2 decades of sickness I could have avoided if they weren't promoting vaccines that spread the flu instead of ivermectin that kills the flu. Yep, we've all been Faucied and Pfizered.

High time their Reign came to an end!

Bring back day of the rope! Because mass murder won't be appeased by anything else!

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Great job on writing the book of medical revelations that is helping to free humanity from $$ corruption. You're a hero. God bless!

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Twitter now blocking a member of the UK’s Vaccine Confidence Project. How ironic.


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I do not take issue with Robert Kennedy Jr's response to Jake Tapper. I'm not a scientist therefore I leave that area of debate to experts. I do not doubt that Kennedy is an expert.

However, I do take issue with Kennedy’s comment - “When I responded to his slander with a respectful tweet inviting him to debate me, Tapper declined, explaining he would not debate a ‘conspiracy theorist.’ Characteristically, he neglected to cite any conspiracy theory he believes I promoted.”

Robert Kennedy has consistently promoted the RFK Assassination conspiracy theory promoted by Lisa Pease which alleges Ambassador Hotel security guard Thane Eugene Cesar was the real RFK assassin. Kennedy has promoted this conspiracy theory without any credible evidence whatsoever – see https://www.washingtondecoded.com/site/2019/03/pease.html#more

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What a completely unnecessary, unkind, below the belt comment, the type of comment that says a lot about the commenter and nothing about the person they are attacking.

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What a petty, self serving, nasty jab totally unrelated to the issue. Lisa Pease has tens of thousands of hours in archives and interviews underlying her theories, just as one would hope your research was extensive. Until the full archive of conspiracy evidence is declassified nobody can lay claim to having all the answers. Folks who put themselves on a pedestal, as you have, give me a big time cramp, go pound sand.

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Uh huh.

And Putin had nothing to with putting that orange poodle in 1600 and bleach injected internally kills Covid.

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This one got traction on WFB's Firing Line program as well. The forensic evidence was never fully examined for reasons that boggles the mind, and therefore created the wedge necessary for the conspiracies to break in. However, given the current documentation amassed by RFK Jr. on this totally unrelated matter, I'll give him a pass on his father's brutal assassination. The emotional ties might be too strong for him to detach his rational faculties long enough to entertain alternative evidence given the family trauma.

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Hi Glenn, The anomalies in the forensics evidence was solved by investigative journalist Dan Moldea - see his new edition of The Killing of Robert Kennedy

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Thanks Mel. I just ordered the book. Curious to see the evidence.

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Dear Mel,

If anyone has latitude to question the narrative of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, it is his son. Your comments in this forum are, at minimum, insensitive. Save them for another forum where this is the subject. Respectfully, Harold Gielow.

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Nov 4, 2022
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To whom are you referring to?

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Mel Ayton

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I guess I'm out of the loop. I'm a huge fan of RFK Jr.'s work and hate to be thought of as insensitive, or worse attacking him in any way.

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My apologies if my comment accidentally got sorted as a reply to your comment. It was intended for the person you were replying to.

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Thanks for clarifying.

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You did make me laugh with this line... “I concede that I’m a dangerous menace...” Hilarious.

I showed my husband some video I stumbled across years ago of you, sneaking up behind and picking up a rattlesnake (or maybe it was a different kind of snake, but still...) with your bare hands.

We agreed, from going after Big Chem to Big Pharma to rattlers, you are a national treasure and a true bad*ss.

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Thank you, Robert, for your unwavering fight for what's right and true. I cannot believe Fauci is still walking free after your book. All members of the House committee that will investigate COVID need to read your book (or at least a short summary of it? Maybe you could send them that?)

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You people are so far beyond the bend it is amazing.

Next stop, .Moscow!

Whooo Whoo!

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Wow! I don't think Jake Tapper will attack RFK again. This one got him a hosing down that left him totally naked. A nauseating sight to behold.

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