Robert, I respect your thoughts and what you are saying here but I disagree with you; Trump is not running as a populist, he is running as an American who loves this country and its people. Instead of using the same old tired tactic of attacking Trump, as the left and the democrats do (that seems to be the only thing Biden does), why not better explain to us what are your plans and what do you propose to do if you are ever president?

I subscribe to your Substack because I am interested in what you have to say, but seeing you following the same strategy as the left is a little disappointing; the reason why I voted for Trump is because he has amply demonstrated that he is the better choice between the globalists and our freedom, the main issue is globalism against nationalism, not left and right.

Please explain how are you going to solve the massive economic problem our nation faces today, how are you going to solve the rampant illegal immigration problem, the indoctrination of our children in public schools, the inability for young people to buy their first home, etc etc. To read about what kind of awful orange man is, I can go to CNN or MSNBC and see and hear the same old thing they have been spewing for the last 8 years against Trump.

Of course this is just my opinion. Thank you for all you do anyway.

Also, I don't think you have a chance in this election, but you might have one in the next, and I wish you the best, as a side note, I remember seeing my dad crying in front of the t.v. the day RFK Sr. was assassinated, we were in Mexico City and I was just a child but I will never forget that day, people all over the world loved him, and I hope one day they will also love you the same or more, I know you are a good man and a great American, keep up the good fight, we are praying for you.

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I don’t think you have paid any attention to RFK Jr campaign….he’s has plans for many of the serious issues….he has a plan for home ownership, drug addition, the border, the deficit. Haven’t heard much except revenge plans from Trump.

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No he doesn't, he gets stumped every time he has to answer policy questions. Agenda 47 is the most detailed set of proposals ever released by a candidate. Everything from schedule F, to impoundment, to ending global free loading, eliminating the DOE, DEI, banning lobbying gigs for federal employees, expanding family leave for drug addiction support, setting up a Presidential commission on Pharma, reopening pipeline projects, reaccessing U.S. position in NATO.

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You’re so full of shit. He has made clear that success is his revenge. Some may be punished for their crimes but that is what we elected him to do

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Calling Trump a populist is not an insult. And RFK is not "using the same tactics as the Left." As for asking him for plans, how about you notice that Trump has not only never espoused a plan, he's never followed through on an idea (where was his "big beautiful healthcare?"). He plays his base for complete suckers.

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He has the most detailed policy proposals ever released by a candidate while RFK wants to cut the deficit by *checks his policy page* not fighting the Iraq War. Paul Ryan and John McCain nuked Obama are repeal. RFK just criticized the Chevron decision, so for him to talk about draining the swamp is rich. The guy is an out-of -touch, ignorant elitist. How many more times will he or Shanahan ask the interviewer for the answers during an appearance because they never show up prepared or well researched?

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Trump is a certifiable narcissist who, even when he has a decent idea, cannot state it without hyperbolic bombast. He sets world historical records for overuse of terms like "greatest, biggest, best, most beautiful, greatest ever, biggest ever" on & on until it's like he's a cartoon character. He's so damned embarrassing, he speaks to crowds like they are five year-olds being told fairy tales. You may consider that detail, any normal person considers it bullshitting.

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Yet, he still gets results. Results that speak for themselves in the lifted morale of the American people with him at the helm.

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The best you can do is a publication of Trump's office?? Lol.

Btw I don't care if Trump is elected. If I could actually rely on him ending support of Ukraine I'd vote for him. But he's a 110% bullshitter, so while he's better than Biden he still doesn't get it and he has zero sense of responsibility for what he says after he says it. His base are suckers, very embarrassing people.

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Pick one item from the list and dispute it.

I do have faith he will stop the majority of the killings between Ukraine and Russia also some sort of truce.

Probably in or before 1st 100 days.

What I find hilarious about the democrats is they would vote for the very person that has thier party on the verge of collapse, if they could.

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If you have been paying attention to the fundamentals of Russia's SMO in Ukraine you would not have such faith.

Lavrov, Putin, Medvedev, are all on record without flinching that the goals of the SMO will be accomplished, “… stopping the majority of the killings between Ukraine and Russia and also some sort of truce" is not in the expressed goals of these gentlemen. The expressed goals are, the denazification, demilitarization, and establishment of neutrality of Ukraine. They are also on record stating, “… we do not have a legitimate negotiating partner in the West." They are more recently on record stating, "The outcome of the US presidential election will not affect the galls of the SMO.“

There is an old diplomatic truism chiding Americans and other westerners perplexed & wondering about Russian intentions. It goes: “If you want to know what the Russians are up to and intending, just listen to them." Try that instead of invoking faith.

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I started replying and before i knew it it turned into quite a long reply, and since the space here is limited then i had to divide it into several parts. Please be sure to read to the end (even if you don't like what you're reading becasue it doesn't align with the billionaire's propaganda that is constantly hammered into your head in the conservative echo-chambers, to hypnotise you into believing you are sticking it to the man and voting for anti-establishment, while IN REALITY you're doing the exact opposite, and i'll give you numerous examples of that. Please read till the end becasue i bring up several different points and i back everything up with trump's own actions during his presidency and numerous resources for you to educate yourself), and please also be sure to see the following parts below. This is part one: What exactly makes you imagine that trump, this mass-murdering pro-Wall St. pro-war profiteering industry pro-billionaire God-denying anti-Christ NeoConservative ConMan (who - like his right-wing corporate-capitalist liberal democrat predessecors and successors - is an unabashed representitive of the hierarchical narrow interests of the corporate capitalist 0.1% ruling class, as i will elaborate on in a moment), what exactly makes you imagine that he is NOT going to continue doing exactly what he did the first time he was president - transfer trillions of our money to the 0.1% ultra wealthy billionaire global capitalist war machine military budget (which SKYROCKETED under this murderer's administration), and EXPAND the corporate-capitalists global military empire of abuse, bullying murder and control (to mention just a couple of this idiot's exploits. More coming later)

Why would this life-destroying infantile God-ignorant ruling-class mass-murderer stop perpetuating the pro-billionaire imperialist anti-humanity crimes he engaged in for four years while president (which i will elaborate on in a moment) if his gullible heavily-propagandized deceived cult followers are unintelligent enough to fall for the mossad-created Qanon narrative (that deceptively presents this mass-murdering billionaire ruling class member as a 'man of the people' who is "against war" and who "came to fight for the little guy against the elite". A fake narrative that his supremacist zionist PR team is spreading in order to get their guy into the white house, and ride themselves into the white house along with him). To learn about the MIC war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, surveillance capitalists, pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist, and ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalist control-freaks) that brought infantile psychologically-stunted heart-ignorant abusive narcissist love-less greedy ConMan anti-Christ right-wing murderer trump into power, kindly listen and read in full these profound research papers (you won't be told these facts in your deep-state billionaire-funded conservative echo-chambers that sell you the illusion of an anti-elite rebel in order to make sure your anger and frustration are neutralized and funnelled right back into the empire's fold and the status quo of ruling class domination of the few over the many is maintained) https://www.exposetheenemy.com/deep-politics-and-trump

and https://www.exposetheenemy.com/trump-war-the-pentagon-and-the-conservativeestablishment

and https://web.archive.org/web/20190720130650/https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/11/tomdispatch-trump-military-foreign-affairs/

and https://odysee.com/@ExposeTheEnemy:b/america-first-from-wall-street-to-the:a?lid=95a34b649ac72026c32466c45591322426c77cf1

and https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9e/c5/93/9ec59307f55ea5fabf59dbbdd7abb43a.png

and https://odysee.com/@ExposeTheEnemy:b/the-religious-right-revealed-(part-one):b?lid=8b0e67d6cbc1b26a69c6482eaa43b14930cdf1ee

Why do you imagine that this anti-christ mass-murdering cunning Godless NeoConservative corporate-capitalist attacker of humanity (for the benefit of his ultra-wealthy ruling class buddies) is NOT going to continue doing exactly what he did the first time he was president? Why wouldn't he? Is it because the mossad-created Qanon disinformation narrative says so? (selling to his gullible followers the story that this mass-murdering ruling class abuser who transfers triliions of our money to his billionaire buddies in the war profiteering industry, that EXPANDS the corporate-capitalists global military empire of abuse, bullying murder and control, and that does everything possible to transfer society's wealth to the ultra-wealthy - selling to his gullible followers the narrative that he is a 'man of the people' who came to help the little guy "fight the elite", because he really really loves us and cares about us).

Is it because this is the deceptive narrative that the deep-state NeoConservative billionaire propaganda machine keeps hammering into the heads of his heavily-propagandized, deceived followers in their insulated echo-chambers? Is this why you imagine he's not going to continue doing exactly what he did first time he was president? (which is, by the way, a continuation of 99% of the pro capitalist war policies of the other half the ruling class representitives, the right-wing liberal democrat wing of the corporate-capitalist empire. It makes zero difference to the global corporate-capitalist abusers' empire if you choose their right-wing corporate-capitalist liberal representitive or their right-wing corporate-capitalist conservative representitive. Underneath the billionaire's media theatre (as if these two are enemies and act differently and as if you have a genuine choice between two distinct options and as if the ruling class is "afraid" of trump), underneath the partisan propaganda in the billionaire-owned disinformation media, both of these anti-humanity right-wing corporate-capitalist scum - liberal or conservative - continue 99% of the policies of each other to enhance and cement the control, enrichment, profiteering & domination of the corporate-capitalist ultra-wealthy ruling class over humanity (One can clearly see that if one studies their ACTUAL ACTIONS, not the generated stories surrounding their actions, but their ACTUAL actions. The murderous anti-humanity right-wing corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class' empire functions in the EXACT SAME way regardless of whether it is a right-wing capitalist liberal or conservative in the white house, regardless of whether it is biden, trump, obama, bush jr, clinton, bush sr, reagen etc in the white house. The only difference is that their pro-ruling class murderous actions are couched in liberal or conservative jargon, but the actions are the same).

Two quick examples (though there are many many more) to show you how you're being decrived and how the mass-murdering pro-empire billionaire ConMan trump is absolutely NOT a threat to the rule of the corporate-capitalist empire over humanity, not even close -

https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-billionaire-class-is-no-more and here https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/trump-minus-narrative-equals-bushbama-84a363947536

Of course it is not only the heavily-brainwashed gullible indoctrinated conservatives who are thus deceived by the corporate-capitalist ruling class (into cheering for one half of the ruling class and believe that they are 'sticking it to the man' this way). The empire also has an echo-chamber ready for the ignorant heavily-propagamdized right-wing liberal capitalists (the empire's propaganda machine and skillful narrative managers deceptively call this right-wing liberal corporate-capitalist echo-chamber 'the left'). When i'm interacting with propagandized and deceived right-wing liberals, supporters of the right-wing corporate-capitalist DNC for example, i emphatically show them how the corporate-capitalist abusers are playing them too (to cheer for the other half of the ruling class and believe they are avoiding conservative tyranny this way - not being aware that their guy is also part of the american oligarchy by the few ultra-rich for the few ultra-rich. Or for example how they're propagandized to believe they are helping the enviroment by following the dictates of the climate capitalist billionaire manipulators, the biggest destroyers and polluters and toxifiers of our soil, food, air and water etc etc. but since i seem to be dealing here with a heavily-propagandized conservative believer than i'm focusing here only on this half of the empire's propaganda machine, the half that is corralling conservatives into the empire's fold (while imagining that they are sticking it to the man by voting for the billionaire ConMan that repersents the interests of the most vile deep-state scum of the earth and who robs them blind (to enrich his love-ignorant soul-less billionaire buddies) and who cements the control of the corporate-capitalist ruling class over us. All becasue they fall for the mossad-generated narrative that is hammered into conservatives' head nonstop in their echo-chambers, as if their pro-MIC pro-billionaire pro-Wall St trump appeared on the scene becasue he really really cares about the little guy and wants to help the little guy fight the elite.. )

Space is finished. Please see part 2 below.

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My answer to all your verbal spewing BS is. I lived, I loved 4 years of the Trump presidency. He followed through with nearly every promise he made!! He took care of WE THE PEOPLE and its WE THE PEOPLE who see this and are full on AWAKE! And no, I didn't "read to the end" Your long winded Google searches are boring and tiring.

And I'm a "former" life long demoncrat. Switched in 2014 and never looked back. Thankfully sooooo many others are too, who actually have some sense and see what's right before our eyes.

I'm a "Constitutional Conservative FREEDOM Loving Patriot" and damn PROUD OF IT. 🇺🇲❤️🤍💙

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Thank you Erica. It's always a great pleasure to receive those screaming fact-free hate-filled violent barking responses from one the heavily-brainwshed emotionally-manipulated hypnotized factually-ignorant deceived cult members (whether a right-wing liberal or conservative cult member) who are repeatedly told (by the rest of the cult in their echo-chamber) how red-pilled and awake they are, and how they're sticking it to the elite by cheering for the war industry's favorite mass-murderer (and i gave you the full factual evidence in my comments above to show you the vile deep-state oligarch networks that broight your mass-murderimg anti-freedom billionaire messiah to power. But it seems that like all propagandized cult members you're terrified of actually looking at the facts of what your messiah ACTUALLY did during his presidency (not the deceptive Qanon narrative about what he supposedly meant to do, but what he ACTUALLY did), terrified of looking at the facts because they might burst the fairytale bubble you're living in (the Qanon/MAGA deceptive fairytale as if your mass-murdering anti-freedom war-funding empire-expanding psychologically-stunted greedy infantile billionaire ConMan Huckster is a 'man of the people' who appeared on the scene because he really cares about you and really wants to help the little guy fight the elite... )

Having said that, I congratulate you Erica on waking up from the deception of the liberal half of the corporate-capitalist empire, that's indeed an important first step, but from your profoundly ignorant response (of not only factual ignorance, but also deep hypnotism & emotional-attachment to your new identity in your new deceptive cult) it seems obvious that you still have a looong way to go and still a lot of awakening to do. You woke up to 50% of the machinations of empire, which is great, but like most newly awakon liberals (who realized the poison of the right-wing corporate-capitalist DNC and that the billionaire-representing capitalists in the liberal media have been lying to them), you unfortunately took the common route that most newly awoken liberals take and simply moved to the most visible and available "alternative" to the liberal half of the empire, you simply moved and invested your identity in the other half of the billionaire's murderous empire, the conservative half of the anti-humanity corporate-capitalist global american empire, the God-ignorand anti-Christ conservative half that smugly tell you that they represents "god's will" and "jesus" and "morality" and "freedom", the half that tells you that it is not the empire and that it is against the "deep state", even though your Godless messiah filled up his administration to the brim with the deep-state life-destroying anti-humanity swamp creatures, like all conservative presidents do (and I have shown you THE FACTS about what your ConMan anti-freedom messiah did in great detail in my comments above. Facts that you - like all cult members - are terrified to look at and learn the truth about your anti-Christ anti-freedom mass-murdering pro-M.I.C pro-billionaire anti-humanity ConMan messiah).

Erica, I have provided for you volumes upon volumes of ACTUAL facts of what your mass-murdering anti-freedom ConMan billionaire messiah ACTUALLY did during his presidency. You have provided zero facts but only violent hate-filled barking. Do you have the courage and basic human decency to actually read and learn the facts, Erica? Do you have the capacity to actually interact like a mature sane human being, or did your delusional brainwashed cult so completely indoctrinated you that all that you're capable of doing is to violently bark zero facts and attack like a rabid dog who is blind with hatred against anyone who dares to not also believe in the (mossad-created) Qanon/MAGA deceptive fairytale that's hammered nonstop into the head of gullible, ignorant, emotionally-immature and easily-deceived conservatives, the fairytale as if your mass-murdering anti-freedom war-funding empire-expanding psychologically-stunted greedy infantile billionaire ConMan Huckster is a 'man of the people' who appeared on the scene because he really cares about you and really wants to help the little guy fight the elite...

I would love to have a mature intelligent sane respectful dialogue with you Erica and learn from you what exactly did you find to be untrue about the facts i mentioned in my comment. Not a hate-based interaction of immature egos who try to 'win the argument' and CRUSH and DESTROY the other, but a sane mature care-filled dialogue of two human beings who are concerned about humanity and freedom and want to get at the root of things. I would also love to get to the bottom of conservative values and psychology, which in my view and experience is profoundly immature, hierarchical, God-ignorant, domineering, arrogant, violent, heart-rejecting, love-ignorant and tyranical, the polar opposite of freedom, of the heart, of God and of human-flourishing. In my perspective and experience, the conservative hierarchical and tyranical psychology (that thrives on force and aggression, on tribalistic-religious division and hatred, and is the polar opposite of freedom, despite your screams about freedom, in my experiemce, the Godless abusive controlling and aggressive conservative psyche doesn't have the slightest clue what true freedom actually means. In my view the immature conservative psyche is the most violent, tyranical, oppressive and lowest development that a human being is capable of, and it creates a divided warring right-wing hell on earth, but i'll be happy to have a respectful dialogue with you about it, if you'd like.

Do you have such a capacity, Erica? If you do, then perhaps we can start by inviting you to read my fact-filled comments above slowly and attentively. Actually, perhaps before you do that, perhaps first read the following two articles that will give you a quick overview of why i say that your anti-humanity emotionally-undeveloped billionaire messiah is actually a run-of-the-mill criminal american president, like all the corporate-capitalist pro-billionaire imperialist criminal presidents that came before him and after him (whether they were right-wing liberal corporate capitalists or conservatives).


And here


And after reading that, please read these profoundly important research papers about the deep-state NeoCon Zionist networks of Oligarch criminals that brought ConMan Huckster trump to the white house previously, and are doing it again now. The deep-state oligarch networks that brought trump to power of conservative Wall St billionaire military contractors, of mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers and war profiteers, of surveillance capitalists, of pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists, of big pharma capitalists, and of God-ignorant evangelical billionaire religious tyrants. These are the forces that brought your messiah to power. You can learn all about it here

https://www.exposetheenemy.com/deep-politics-and-trump and here https://www.exposetheenemy.com/trump-war-the-pentagon-and-the-conservativeestablishment and here https://web.archive.org/web/20190720130650/https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/11/tomdispatch-trump-military-foreign-affairs/ and here https://odysee.com/@ExposeTheEnemy:b/shadowgate:b04 and here https://www.trineday.com/products/pisces-moon-the-dark-arts-of-empire

Okay, plenty more to say, but i seriously doubt if you have the capacity to read so far anyway, so I'll stop here.

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Thank you Erica. It's always a great pleasure to receive those screaming fact-free hate-filled violent barking responses from one the heavily-brainwshed emotionally-manipulated hypnotized factually-ignorant deceived cult members (whether a right-wing liberal or conservative cult member) who are repeatedly told (by the rest of the cult in their echo-chamber) how red-pilled and awake they are, and how they're sticking it to the elite by cheering for the war industry's favorite mass-murderer (and i gave you the full factual evidence in my comments above to show you the vile deep-state oligarch networks that broight your mass-murderimg anti-freedom billionaire messiah to power. But it seems that like all propagandized cult members you're terrified of actually looking at the facts of what your messiah ACTUALLY did during his presidency (not the deceptive Qanon narrative about what he supposedly meant to do, but what he ACTUALLY did), terrified of looking at the facts because they might burst the fairytale bubble you're living in (the Qanon/MAGA deceptive fairytale as if your mass-murdering anti-freedom war-funding empire-expanding psychologically-stunted greedy infantile billionaire ConMan Huckster is a 'man of the people' who appeared on the scene because he really cares about you and really wants to help the little guy fight the elite... )

Having said that, I congratulate you Erica on waking up from the deception of the liberal half of the corporate-capitalist empire, that's indeed an important first step, but from your profoundly ignorant response (of not only factual ignorance, but also deep hypnotism & emotional-attachment to your new identity in your new deceptive cult) it seems obvious that you still have a looong way to go and still a lot of awakening to do. You woke up to 50% of the machinations of empire, which is great, but like most newly awakon liberals (who realized the poison of the right-wing corporate-capitalist DNC and that the billionaire-representing capitalists in the liberal media have been lying to them), you unfortunately took the common route that most newly awoken liberals take and simply moved to the most visible and available "alternative" to the liberal half of the empire, you simply moved and invested your identity in the other half of the billionaire's murderous empire, the conservative half of the anti-humanity corporate-capitalist global american empire, the God-ignorand anti-Christ conservative half that smugly tell you that they represents "god's will" and "jesus" and "morality" and "freedom", the half that tells you that it is not the empire and that it is against the "deep state", even though your Godless messiah filled up his administration to the brim with the deep-state life-destroying anti-humanity swamp creatures, like all conservative presidents do (and I have shown you THE FACTS about what your ConMan anti-freedom messiah did in great detail in my comments above. Facts that you - like all cult members - are terrified to look at and learn the truth about your anti-Christ anti-freedom mass-murdering pro-M.I.C pro-billionaire anti-humanity ConMan messiah).

Erica, I have provided for you volumes upon volumes of ACTUAL facts of what your mass-murdering anti-freedom ConMan billionaire messiah ACTUALLY did during his presidency. You have provided zero facts but only violent hate-filled barking. Do you have the courage and basic human decency to actually read and learn the facts, Erica? Do you have the capacity to actually interact like a mature sane human being, or did your delusional brainwashed cult so completely indoctrinated you that all that you're capable of doing is to violently bark zero facts and attack like a rabid dog who is blind with hatred against anyone who dares to not also believe in the (mossad-created) Qanon/MAGA deceptive fairytale that's hammered nonstop into the head of gullible, ignorant, emotionally-immature and easily-deceived conservatives, the fairytale as if your mass-murdering anti-freedom war-funding empire-expanding psychologically-stunted greedy infantile billionaire ConMan Huckster is a 'man of the people' who appeared on the scene because he really cares about you and really wants to help the little guy fight the elite...

I would love to have a mature intelligent sane respectful dialogue with you Erica and learn from you what exactly did you find to be untrue about the facts i mentioned in my comment. Not a hate-based interaction of immature egos who try to 'win the argument' and CRUSH and DESTROY the other, but a sane mature care-filled dialogue of two human beings who are concerned about humanity and freedom and want to get at the root of things. I would also love to get to the bottom of conservative values and psychology, which in my view and experience is profoundly immature, hierarchical, God-ignorant, domineering, arrogant, violent, heart-rejecting, love-ignorant and tyranical, the polar opposite of freedom, of the heart, of God and of human-flourishing. In my perspective and experience, the conservative hierarchical and tyranical psychology (that thrives on force and aggression, on tribalistic-religious division and hatred, and is the polar opposite of freedom, despite your screams about freedom, in my experiemce, the Godless abusive controlling and aggressive conservative psyche doesn't have the slightest clue what true freedom actually means. In my view the immature conservative psyche is the most violent, tyranical, oppressive and lowest development that a human being is capable of, and it creates a divided warring right-wing hell on earth, but i'll be happy to have a respectful dialogue with you about it, if you'd like.

Do you have such a capacity, Erica? If you do, then perhaps we can start by inviting you to read my fact-filled comments above slowly and attentively. Actually, perhaps before you do that, perhaps first read the following two articles that will give you a quick overview of why i say that your anti-humanity emotionally-undeveloped billionaire messiah is actually a run-of-the-mill criminal american president, like all the corporate-capitalist pro-billionaire imperialist criminal presidents that came before him and after him (whether they were right-wing liberal corporate capitalists or conservatives).


And here


And after reading that, please read these profoundly important research papers about the deep-state NeoCon Zionist networks of Oligarch criminals that brought ConMan Huckster trump to the white house previously, and are doing it again now. The deep-state oligarch networks that brought trump to power of conservative Wall St billionaire military contractors, of mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers and war profiteers, of surveillance capitalists, of pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists, of big pharma capitalists, and of God-ignorant evangelical billionaire religious tyrants. These are the forces that brought your messiah to power. You can learn all about it here

https://www.exposetheenemy.com/deep-politics-and-trump and here https://www.exposetheenemy.com/trump-war-the-pentagon-and-the-conservativeestablishment and here https://web.archive.org/web/20190720130650/https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/11/tomdispatch-trump-military-foreign-affairs/ and here https://odysee.com/@ExposeTheEnemy:b/shadowgate:b04 and here https://www.trineday.com/products/pisces-moon-the-dark-arts-of-empire

Okay, plenty more to say, but i seriously doubt if you have the capacity to read so far anyway, so I'll stop here.

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This is part 2 (continued from above)

Pro ruling-class Godless abusive mass-murdering ConMan trump was already president once, remember? Need I remind you that he and his ruling-class PR team of deceivers already sold us the exact same deceptive Qanon narrative they are selling us now (as if he is an anti-elite man-of-the-people who came to fight the establishment for the little guy) and need i remind you that once elected he promptly spat in the face of all the gullible unintelligent brainwashed fools who believed him and his PR team of deceivers and proceeded to fill up his administration to the brim with deep-state NeoCon Zionist swamp creatures (handed foreign policy over to deep state zionist operatives in the form of compulsive-liar CIA director Pompeo, Chabad devotee and mossad representitive Kushner, ultra-zionist mass-murderer Bolton, NeoCon zionist lunatic ("starve them to death") Abrams etc. etc. Besides them, the state dept. was literally full of and run by israelis during trump's presidency), and deep state swamp creatures from Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Raytheon, Eric Prince's BlackWater merceneries and the rest of Wall St and the war profiteering industry filled up to the brim every single position in his administration of ruling class billionaire abusers.

What on earth makes you think it will be any different this time? Because the mossad's Qanon story says so (echoed by large portions of the so-called 'alternative conservative media' ecosystem)?

All trump did during his presidency was transfer trillions to the ultra-wealthy war profiteers and big pharma corporate capitalists, filled his admin to the brim with deep-state swamp creatures, gave tax breaks to the ultra-rich and made sure the most wealthy (the anti-life heartless billionaire abusers who brought him to power) became much wealthier while everyone else stagnated or impoverished, EXPANDED the billionaires' global capitalist empire of terror (of nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, dozens of warships colonizing every sea on the planet, and at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps where kidnapped human beings are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured by brainwashed conservatives because.."liberty" and "god") with his RECORD HIGH military spending to enrich his war profiteering capitalist billionaire pals; Created a welfare state for billionaires (with his government's coercive force used to lavish the scum of the earth with public funding, funneling trillions of our money to his backers the conservative war profiteers, who of course privatize the profits and give nothing back to the public that funded them) and crumbs for the non-wealthy; Armed and financed a coup in Bolivia so that his billionaire pal Elon Musk can steal the world's largest reserves of lithium from Bolivia for his "green"-electric car company (which is at the forefront of the climate capitalists' "4th industrial revolution" and "great reset". And of course Musk didn't forget to return trump the favor for this public-money funded coup and theft to enrich Musk, and didn't forget to show ruling class solidarity (and deception of the masses), when he took control over twitter and deceived conservatives into believing that the way to oppose the 'evil elite' is NOT by rejecting the class structure of domination of the many by the few and freeing ourselves entirely from the control of the abusive corporate-capitalist scumbags (see here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/why-have-no-rich-and-no-poor?) but rathet Musk deceptively funneled conservatives into getting behind his ruling class buddy, the other half of the corporate-capitalist elite murderers (who will likely arrange Musk's next resource-theft when he's back in office, in an act of ruling class solidarity) and telling conservatives that this is the way to rebel against the elite..

This is textbook example of how the ruling class deceivers funnel the masses' anger (at being controlled, abused, stressed out, and treated like dirt by the hierarchical domination ideology of tne God-ignorant corporate-capitist ruling class abusers) and the masses' desire for change, how the ruling class funnels these potentianally revolutionary energies into an elite-provided FALSE MESSIAH, a steam release "safety valve" that is falsely presented as an anti-elite change-maker, while IN REALITY (not in the MAGA/Qanon alternate universe of imagined narratives, but IN REALITY) absolutely nothing changes in the status quo of ruling class abuse and domination over the many.

I will say more about this in a moment, but I still didn't finish yet detailing the crimes against the people of this ruling class representitive, trump, during his first presidency (and there is zero reason why this ruling-class billionaire scum wouldn't continue exactly where he left off). Besides all his crimes above, this mass-murdering pro-MIC ConMan also Initiated three other coups & and assasination attempts, continuing with the deep state/CIA regime change operations just like all other right-wing corporate capolitalist american presidemts do (but don't forget, he came to "drain the swamp" and to "fight the deep state" and their criminal intelligence agencies, becasue he really really cares about the little guy, as the mossad's narrative hammers into conservatives' head nonstop (which is really the deep state/ruling class narrative. Generated in order to make sure that people's anger and rebellious-impulses are unintelligently funneled right back into support for the empire's status quo of domination of the few over the many, while believing you are supporting an "anti-elite rebel" who came becasue he cares about you and wants to "take down the establishment". Yeah, sure he does. Any minute now. He just didn't get round to it during the 4 years he had the power to do it, you see, but don't you worry, trust the process, you just need to vote for him again and this time he will absolutely definitely surely without-a-doubt definitely take down the deep state. Yes, we're not just telling you the same lying slogans like last time. This time he will surely do it. Because he's a real rebel and really really loves you and really really wants to fight the deep state for you. Yes, sure he does. Pinky promise. Just don't forget to vote him into office again, okay? Becasue, remember what we taught you in the conservative echo-chambers - this is how you can fight the evil elite and create meaningful change, by voting him into office. Because, don't forget what we taught you, he's a man-of-the-people who came to "drain the swamp" and take down the deep state. This time he will absolutely definitely surely do it. You just need to vote him into office and then close your eyes and BELIEVE) ;

At the orders of his zionist financers anti-Christ mass-murdering trump imposed starvation embargo sanctions in Syria, Iran and venezuela which research showed have killed an estimatrd 400 thousand children as a result of lack of nutrition and medicine (but don't forget what we taught you in your echo-chamber- 'we conservatives are highly moral people, and really really care about the protection of children'). As an anecdote, my friend is an archeologist and he was doing archeological work in Iran exactly at the time of trump's imposed starvation sactions. He said the effect that trump's starvation policy had on the poorest of society was devastating, anti-human and cruel beyond what words can describe. Kindly notice that the corporate-capitalist billionaire right-wing abusers never target other right-wing ruling class abusers (like Iran's vile conservative-religious right-wing ruling class scumbags and God-ignorant religious idiots) but rather, the right-wing abusers ALWAYS target the citizens, in order to generate as much religious-nationalist-tribalist hostility as possible (which is what the right-wing billionaire ruling class in all countries thrives on, as I'll explain in a moment) and in order to generate the loyalty and support of the people for their respective right-wing ruling class (which deceptively presents itself as the supposed protector from the "evil enemies of the nation"). The corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class all over the planet know that the more they can create the sense of threat, lack of safety, and of an attack on the nation (through war, or threats of war, or starvation sanctions, or funded terrorist attacks, or promoting religious-nationalist division fear and hatred in a million different ways), then automatically the more tribalist and right-wing the people become, and automatically the people become more loyal to the ruling class and turn to their billionaire ruling class to protect them from the threat of the "evil enemies of the nation". This trick ('look over there, the evil boogeyman enemy of the nation is coming to get you') is an EXTREMELY COMMON trick that the billionaire ruling class play on the people in almost all countries in order to ensure that the people don't rebel and remain obedient to the ruling class (because "now is not the time to be critical of the rulers, the threat to the nation from "those evil enemies of the nation" is too great. Now is the time to rally around the flag and to unite behind our ultra-wealthy benevolent leader (who of course cares deeply about the non-wealthy masses and really really wants to protect us from this scary evil other religion/nation/ideology). To learn exactly how the ultra-wealthy ruling class play this trick on us again and again and again, i highly recommend attentively reading this profound essay which in my view is a MUST READ for every human on the planet https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

Space finished, please see part 3 below

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This is part 3 (continued from above)

Pro-billionaire ConMan trump also cancelled during his presidency numerous toxin bans, pesticide bans, environmental, health and worker protections, in a class solidarity gift to his corporate-capitalist billionaire backers so that they could more easily make profits without those evil commie regulations that prevent them from exercising their "god-given freedom" to pursue their self interest and freely pollute and poison the population to increase profits (after all, profits for his ultra-wealthy billionaire pals in the ruling class is clearly a million times more important than not poisoning the people and the habitat we depend on. It's what the abusive life-destroying anti-God right-wing soul-less corporate-capitalist abusers (trump's finanacial backers) call "freedom and liberty to pursue one's self-interest..").

And so on and on. It would fill up an entire book if I'd started now to detail all of this billionaire anti-Christ trump crimes against the people.

Again, see here some more of his anti-life exploits during presidency and why he is no different than his vile right-wing corporate-capitalist democrats predecessors and successors (despite what the deceptive narrative of CNN/Qanon says, as if he's different) https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/trump-minus-narrative-equals-bushbama-84a363947536

And here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-billionaire-class-is-no-more

If it wasn't for the propaganda story that's hammered into conservatives' head nonstop, as if this global mass-murderer God-denying pro-elite billionaire appeared on the scene in order to save the little guy from the elite, as if he is on the side of the people) if it wasn't for this deceptive story that the NeoConservative billionaires (and their financed 'alternative media' and influencers) hammer into conservatives' head nonstop, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the actions of trump's NeoCon war-profiteering pro-bilionaire pro-empire administration and the actions of biden/bush/obama's admins. They each continued 99% of the pro-empire pro-billionaire right-wing corporate-capitalist global terror and domination policies of their predecessors. If you looked jist at tje actions without knowing which president was in the white house at tje time of the action, then you wouldn't be able to tell if it was an action by rhe biden admind, or trump admin or obama admin or bush admin etc. Each one continues 99% of the policies of his predecessor. Trump's admin was NOT a deviation from these policies, but a continuation of them. If one looks at his actions (and not the fake narrative that was carefully crafted around him) then one clearly sees that.

Trump is poison NOT becasue he is any different from other american presidents (as the manipulative propagandists on cnn/WashPost/fox etc would have you believe) but he is poison precisely becasue he is like every other mass-murdering right-wing pro-billionaire imperialist american president (whether it's a right-wing liberal or conservative corporate-capitalist). It is only the deceptive Qanon+CNN liberal/conservative narrative (as if he is supposedly different) that hides this reality from his followers eyes. If you look at his actions (not the story/narrative that goes along with the actions, but the actions themselves) you'll see that they're almost identical to those of biden/bush/obama/clinton etc..

And of course don't forget trump's attack and assasination of Iran's top military general Suleimani (equivalent to assasinating the american head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) while Suleimani was on his way for talks about fighting ISIS (yet another one of the zionists and NeoCon's creations, but i won't go into that here for lack of space. You can read more about the zionist NeoConservative creation, funding and arming of ISIS here https://swprs.org/ari-ben-menashe-on-israeli-black-operations/, and why they do it you can see here https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies).

This zionist-inspired profoundly stupid attack by trump is one of the clearest indications that psychologically-undeveloped emotionally-stunted anti-Christ trump and the psychopathic NeoConservative zionist mass-murdering warmongers that he surrounded himself with, will have no qualms whatsoever about attacking iran and china once trump and his deep-state israelis are back in the white house in january.

It's not for nothing that genocidal supremacist child-abuser & torturer Netanyahu hailed trump as the greatest zionist president in history, and it's not for nothing that God-ignorant hierarchical supremacist neo-nazi settler-colonialists in palestine named in trump's honor a for-jews-only settlement (that they built on stolen land from murdered local farmers)

Once trump and his deep-state zionist maniacs are in the white house, you can be sure that an attack on iran and china is imminent and thus an almost certain nuclear world war (on iran for the neo-nazi God-forgetting zionist supremacist genociders who brought him to power, and on china for the Godlesss capitalist billionaire ruling class and their desire to destroy BRICS in order to ensure their corporate-capitalist global domination over humanity and the planet's resources, for their personal enrichment and benefit)

Going back to trump's assasination of soliemani, trump and mike pompeo, the CIA's deep state coup expert and compulsive liar and deceiver, which life-destroying anti-humanity trump made into his Secretary of State, both of these undeveloped idiots together lied through their teeth and manufactured a fake pretext to launch the brazen, anti-life, profoundly destructive assasination.

ConMan trump deliberately fabricated what he claimed was a "self-defense" rationale for the assassination (which was the most severe instance of direct state-on-state warfare attack by the american zionist ruling class on Iran since the Revolution of 1979, and a hint on what's to come once trump and the israeli billionaires are back in the white house). Trump and the NeoConservative zionist war-profiteers and regime change fanatics, with which he filled his administration, actually tried to invoke the 2002 AUMF in Iraq -- yes, the Iraq War resolution that Joe Biden infamously voted for -- as justification for the soleimani assasination. ConMan trump and his war-profiteering zionist handlers lied through his teeth and claimed there was an "imminent survival threat" to the US, parroting the language that the Bush Administration's used to sell the Iraq invasion to heavily-propagandized & deceived conservatives. ConMan liar trump, his CIA appointees and his genocidal zionist billionaire pals even absurdly claimed that part of the rationale for the assassination was that Iran had provided support to the 9/11 hijackers, 20 years previously. No argument was too preposterous for these greedy blood-thirsty anti-life Godless right-wing billionaire deceivers (and this lie by anti-humanity trump and his blood-thirsty NeoConservative Zionist murderers is especially sinister cynical immoral and monstrous becasue it was these right-wing NeoConservative zionists themselves who were behind 9/11, but i can't go into that here since this is a subject for an entire book. Some info on the right-wing zionist billionaire global network of false flag terror operations - which they blame on their funded and armed boogeyman enemy 'islamic terrorism' - can be seen here https://swprs.org/ari-ben-menashe-on-israeli-black-operations/ and here https://swprs.org/mossad-whistleblower-victor-ostrovsky-1994/.

To learn how the zionist supremacists did 9/11 see here https://www.unz.com/article/911-was-an-israeli-job/ and here https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2011/06/27/demystifying-911-israel-tactics-mistake/

And again, the rational for why these right-wing ruling class abusers do that can be seen in this profound MUST-READ essay https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies).

Trump's assasination of one of the most prominent figures in Iranian society effectively destroyed any prospect of future diplomatic engagement (which is precisely what the right-wing murderers were aiming for. A constant state of nationalist-religious division, animosity and violence is precisely what the right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class thrives on, as explained in detail in the essay linked above). Millions flooded the streets in protest in a clear shift to the right in iranian society as a result of trump's attack (while strengthening the popularity of the conservative-religious abusers in iran's rabidly right-wing government, as a direct result of trump's attacks), The Iraqi parliament demanded the immediate expulsion of all occupying US troops from the country, but rather than take this grand opportunity to finally extricate US forces, Trump (who before the elections promised he would withdraw the troops and who was supposed to be 'anti-war president' according to his heavily-propagandized conservative cult followers) refused to take this major opportunity to remove the occupying forces of american corporate-capitalist empire, but instead did the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he said before the electiins that he would do and kept the occupying soldiers there and even sent some more (but don't forget what we taught you in your echo-chamber - he's a 'president of peace' who is opposed to the zionist war profiteers, because he really really cares about the little guy and came to help free us from the deep state. Sure he does).

Space is finished. Please see part 4 below

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This is part 4 (continued from above)

As a direct result of infantile trump's actions, reprisal attacks were launched against US troops (who are used as cannon fodder by the Godless right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class), with 73 soldiers receiving Purple Hearts for the traumatic brain injuries they endured from the retaliatory missile strikes after trump's attack on iran. I'm sure these traumatised for life soldiers thank god that we had anti-life pro-empire Godless right-wing corporate-capitalist trump at the helm as 'president of peace' who came to 'help the little guy fight the elite'. They sure did sacrifice their life for a worthy cause, so that right-wing conservative trump and his corporate-capitalist ruling class can steal resources, enrich themselves, terrorize & dominate humanity (ooops, i meant to say, they did it in order to 'make america great again and bring liberty and prosperity to humanity', of course)

Trump loaded up his administration with the global capitalist empire's regime change murderers like the CIA's Pompeo, John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, among many others. Trump obeyed the fanatically "Israel-first" prerogatives of his chief financial patron Sheldon Adelson, and was heralded by mass-murderer child-abuser supremacist Netanyahu for carrying out the most hardcore pro-zionist policy agenda of any President in US history.

These stupid life-destroying actions carried out by infantile trump were all part of a larger strategic policy favored by supremacist torturer and abuser Netanyahu and the fanatically Israel-first GOP establishment. Trump essentially handed over control of his administration to Netanyahu, to Netanyahu's closest childhood friend Kushner (trump's son-in-law) and to the fanatically Israel-first GOP establishment (including CIA and Mossad operatives).

And as with almost all other issues, there's been almost seemless continuity between the Trump and Biden administrations. The cratering of US-Iran relations, initiated by trump and his deep-state zionist handlers, continued seemlessly by the right-wing corporate-capitalist Biden admin, and continues to this day. Vile murdrer trump still brags about how much death and pointless suffering his "crippling starvation sanctions" inflicted on ordinary Iranian citizens (with an estimated 190,000 children dying in Iran alone as a direct and indirect result of trump's starvation policies and stranglehold, and additionally an estimated 11 million ordinary citizens were "severly and possibly irreveresibly traumatised and crippled" by trump's starvation policies, as research from Manchester University has shown. Needless to say, the vile right-wing religious-conservative ruling class in Iran was unaffected (and in fact enjoyed its strongest public support in decades, as a result trump's actions). Trump's Godless policies caused death and unspeakable suffering exclusively to the poorest in society (and shifted iranian society much more to the right and into rallying behind its conservative-religious ruling class). He still brags about it to this day.. This is the abusive anti-Christ pro-billionaire pro-MIC pro-ruling class humanity-destroying right-wing zionist mass-murderer that conservatives have been brainwashed by the billionaires' propagandists to view as the 'anti-war peace president'

On the one hand, deceived MAGA fools will brag about how anti-war they claim trump is, but on the other, they'll brag about how awesome it was that he assassinated Iran's top military official and deliberately destroyed any possibility of stability and non-violent interaction in the region and made world war all the more likely (a hateful war-dominated reality which the right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class thrives on). This pro-trump argument by his brainwashed conservative followers is idiotically schizophrenic, but that's nothing new for deceived partisans.

It is true that trump was NOT more imperialist than any other right-wing corporate-capitalist president before or after him (republican or democrat). He was poison just like them, and did the ruling class bidding just like them. Not worse but definitely not better. However, as explained in more detail above, the mossad's deceptive Qanon story teaches his followers the opposite of that. It deceptively presents trump as a 'president of peace' which couldn't be more further from the truth, and unfortunately most his deceived, gullible and propagandized MAGA followers are ignorant of the facts and unfortunately love to believe in and repeat this manipulative Qanon fairytale.

The reason i mentioned the mossad-created Qanon story (as if trump came to save and fight for the little guy against the elite) is because this is the story that every brainwashed & deceived MAGA follower gullibly believes in (despite the overwhelming evidence that contradicts this fairytale, as detailed above). This false story is literally the number one reason that people give for why they support him and vote for him. It is all becasue of the belief in that deceptive fairytale. This is the false narrative that brought him and the israelis to the white house before and will bring him and the israelis to power again.

You might not like the name Qanon, you can drop that name if you prefer, but the gist of the Qanon fairytale (that says that trump came to help the little guy against the elite) is what his gullible MAGA followers actually believe in - whether they call it Qanon or not - and that is the manipulative story that he and the zionist billionaires are riding on, all the way to the white house...

I have yet to hear a single reason to support this life-destroying God-ignorant representitive of the interests of the billiionaire ruling class (whose actions show that he's clearly not much different than other destructive american presidents before and after him, but a continuation of the same anti-life billionaire empire) never heard any reason to support this poisonous life-destroying short-sighted billionaire manipulator other than the belief in the false Qanon narrative (as if he is the man of the people who is here to fight the elite). Whether they use the name Qanon or not, the story for why people support him is the same..

When faced with the obvious falsity of the Qanon narrative (that says that trump came to help the little guy against the elite), many of his devout followers resort to a different fairytale, an idea of a pure and righteous trump in the inner circle who is somehow surrounded by bad people in the outer circle of his administration (how did they get there if it wasn't this murderous thieving billionaire deceiver who put them there?) who are somehow corrupting his pure and righteous anti-war intentions. This story (which is fully inspired by the religious Qanon mythology, by the way, whether they recognize that or not) this fairytale also has NO EVIDENCE IN REALITY WHATSOEVER. It is nothing other than a made-up belief system that desperately tries to somehow find reasons to explain how it is possible that the actions of his administration are 180 degrees opposite to the image that the zionist deceivers have carefully built around him (as if he is a man of the people who came to fight for the little guy against the elite).

That's all it is. A blind gullible belief in a false messiah, in a false image of the benevolent leader, and a staunch refusal to let go of that immature idiotic belief even when in crashes on the shores of reality and even when all evidence from his own actions points to the falsity of this belief.

It seems to me that this (the need to explain how come his action are completely opposite to the image of him that his followers believe in and opposite to the story about him that they've been sold) this is where the mental gymnastics of his followers (the true believers) come from, the mental gymnastics that say that he's actually playing a very sophisticated 5D chess against the elite, 5D chess that no one can understand and that is so extremely wise and sophisticated to the point that ot appears on the surface as being part of the elite and doing actions that are similar to all pro-billionaire presidents before and after him..

Or the other mental gymnastics of his deceived followers that says that he is really of pure intentions in the inner circle but it's just those bad people around him in the outer circle of his administaration that corrupt his intentions etc etc. All of these are quasi-religious stories of gullible indoctrinated believers who hold on to the image of the benevolent leader and try to find reasons and explanations as to why his actions don't match the (mossad-created) image and story that they were led to believe in..

In a way, his deceived gullible devoted MAGA followers are like a battered girlfriend who keeps saying "no, no, you don't understand, he's different, he really loves me, he even told me so. Yes, he's an as*hole and his actions are the same as all the other men (presidents) who abused me before, to cement the control of 0.1% ruling class over humanity, but you don't understand, he's really different, he really really cares about me, he keeps telling me that, even as his actions show the opposite.." 


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This is part 5

Regarding immigration that you brought up, that's another area where the Godless corporate-capitist billionaire abusers and deceivers rely on the profound historical-ignorance and superficiality of conservatives and how easy it is to deceive conservatives into mis-identifying what is ACTUALLY happening here and what are the root causes, and thus screaming the corporate-capitalist billionaire's desired slogans that they're funneled into, becasue of conservative's extreme gullibility and propensity to herd mentality and to blindly repeat the ready-made slogans that the anti-Christ corporate-capitalist billionaire abusers teach them in their insulated echo-chambers, WITHOUT inquiring into the root cause of how issues come into existence (who has time for that, right? Much easier to not inquire and just stay on tne surface of things and cluelessly repeat the ready-made slogans that are provided by the billionaore-hired influencers and professional narrative managers in one's echo-chamber)

For an overview of the entirety of the issue, including root causes, kindly see here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/illegal-immigration-to-the-us-myth

And here https://www.pdrboston.org/illegal-immigration-what-should-we-

And here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/illegal-immigration-and-revolution

And here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/censored-the-truth-about-mass-migration

And here http://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-biden-trump-liars-debate-lies

As you can see, immigration is truly the gift that keeps on giving for the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class.

immigration obviously doesn't just happen by itself, but is largely deliberately caused and generated by the crimes, abuse, exploitation and atrocities of the corporate-capitalist rulilng class in the non-western world (this is the part conservatives are never told by the professional propagandists and narrative managers in their echo-chambers) who literally use it as a weapon against the 99%, against both working class non-westerners and working class westerners.

And as the ruling class always do with every single issue, they use this issue too to pit the 99% against each other.

The Big Money corporate-capitalists profit from their generated mass immigration in three significant ways -

One is before immigration even starts (but is the propelling force for it). Becasue the corporate-capitalist billionaores have their representitives in government (whether conservative or liberal), the corporate-capitalists get to use public funds and the coercive power of government, and specifically the brutal force of its military, to advance their own narrow class interests (for their own enrichment and domination) across the planet, and especially in the resource-rich global south, often in collaboration with local right-wing capitalist ruling-class abusers and tyrants (their actions are described in detail in the links above), thus bringing about profound devastation of families, communities and entire regions, forcing the poorest of the poor (the easiest target for capitalists since we have no voice or power in a corporate-capitalist centered economy and judicial system) forcing the poorest of the poor to be displaced and seek safety and livelhood elsewhere.

Two, once the poor - who are displaced by Godless corporate-capitalists - arrive in the wealthy country (where they're told that a more safe life for them and their children should be possible) then the second part of their exploitation by the corporate-capitalist billionaires begins. The immigrants now serve to provide the corporate-capitalist billionaires with a cheap labor force which is easy to exploit because new immigrants are willing to work for little and are usually not unionized and are terrified of complaining or protesting their blatant exploitation by the capitalist billionaires, becasue the threat of deportation (back to un-safety for their children) always hangs over their head. The cruel, selfish, heartless God-ignorant capitalist billionaires know this very well and take advantage of this fact to the fullest to squeeze as much as possible out of desparate people (whose communities were broken up by the same capitalist billionaire ruling class that now exploits them also in here) who have no legal or social recourse against their profoundly powerful corporate-capitalist billionaire exploiters and abusers.

Another boon that this provides for the abusive capitalist billionares is that it forces the local (non-immigrant) poor and working class to accept lower pay and worse conditions in the corporate-capitalist industrial plantations, and to largely avoid complaining, striking or rebelling, becasue the capitalists now have an army of desperate powerless immigrants ready to call on to break the strike and replace any striking or disobedient or rebellious workers and to punish those who demand a living wage. It's a really MASSIVE WIN from the selfish God-ignorant perspective of the corporate-capitalist ruling class abusers.

But that's not all. The corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class get to extract another massive boon from the phenomena of mass immigration (that they themselves generated), perhaps the biggest boon of all - the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class have their paid influencers and professional narrative managers tell conservatives (who are profoundly ignorant of the facts and of the root causes of issues and of the course of events that brought us to this point, and therefore easily decieved and emotionally-manipulated) tell conservatives that the immigrants (dispossed and impoverished in their original communities by the corporate-capitist billionaire ruling class) are our enemy, are evil criminal people who came to steal our jobs and our women, AND that it's those famous evil marxists communists who are responsible for the immigration and for the immigrant competition for their jobs (because, according to this line of propaganda, the legendary mythical creatures of scary monstrous diabolical communists - who of course run the world - spend their days scheming up plans on how to hurt hard working righteous americans, becasue this is what evil monstrous communists do, of course, and these legendary frightening creatures also have enormous power, don't you know, they are literally about to take over kill all americans any minute now) and so, dear conservatives, you need to vote for this "righteous" right wing conservative billionaire that we have ready for you here, becasue he loves you and wants to save you and your family from the diabolical plans of the evil monstrous communists who hate you and wish to hurt you through immigration..

So NOT ONLY do the ruling class corporate-capitalists MASSIVELY profit financially from immigration twice (BOTH in the initial destabilization and destruction of the lower classes original communities, described in detail the links above, AS WELL AS once the displaced migrants arrive in the empire's home country, described above), but the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class ALSO get to score massive political wins through it, by cynically pretending to be the ones who will protect "the people" from those evil scary immigrants (who were of course sent by the monstrous diabolical communists to take your jobs and your women), the very immigrants that the Big Money capitalists themselves brought in and use as a weapon against the working class..

So immigration is truly the gift that keeps on giving for the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class - they get to BOTH massively profit financially off of it, AND they get to use it as a way to politically shift the population to the right and convince many well-intentioned but totally unaware and propagandized people to vote for their billionaire representitive into power (who works tirelessly to further the narrow ruling class billionaire interests, funnel society's wealth upwards to the ultra-wealthy and cement the hierarchical class nature of society, the control of the few over the many) becasue the billionaire's narrative managers successfully sold hyonotized conservatives the fairytale narrative that this billionaire is on their side and came to "fight the elite" and protect them from the dire threat of the evil immigrants, the very immigrants that the corporate-capitalists themselves largely generated through resource-extraction, exploitation, abuse, destabilization and destruction of lower class communities south of the border, described in the links above.. do you see how this works?!)

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This is part 6:

Additionally, biden is not going to get any conservative riled up and enthusiastic about the ruling class' coming planned attack on china like trump is going to. It seems very obvious that the ruling class need trump in the white house before they can launch their planned attack on china. They need him to be at the helm to lead americans into the attack because conservatives (who are the backbone of the corporate-capitalists' global execution force, known as the american military) are not going to be very enthused to go across the ocean to murder for the ruling class if Biden or Newsom tells them to do so, but if it's trump, their own righteous billioanire messiah, leading the charge and telling them to go kill those evil commies/globalists/leftists (for "freedom and morality", of course) then his well-intentioned but heavily-propagamdized and deceived MAGA/Qanon followers will be extremely enthusiastic to do the billionaire's bidding, with a gusto of extremely powerful religious-nationalistic passion in their support for the troops and the president. It will be the just like the psychosis of religious nationslist war frenzy after 9/11 all over again. The ruling class absolutely must have trump (and not biden or newsom) leading americans into their planned attack.

There is also going to be a lot of bible waving, while Anti-Christ trump and his God-ignorant deep-state GOP war profiteers will frequently use the words "jesus" and "holy war" and "the last battle of good vs evil", which will send their well-intentioned but thoroughly deceived conservative base into a gushing orgasm, a nationalist-religious feeding frenzy and extreme enthusiasm for the ruling class' war plans.

That's why they need trump (and not biden) in office to lead the planned attack. Trump and his deep state zionist war-profiteering billionaires will enter the white house in january, and then of course they'll need to set the stage with a few months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall propagaganda in the billionaire's disinformation media about the "evil aggression of china" (which doesn't have a single military base outside its territory, while the american empire has about 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, in addition to dozens of warships colonizing every ocean on the face of the globe, as well as at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps, where american conservative merceneries hold kidnapped human beings in captivity for years without trial or accusation and torture them, because.. "freedom and moral values").

After a few months of hammering into americans' head nonstop 24/7 how china is an evil aggressor and the new hitler, then you'll have the conveniently-timed decleration of independence by american-paid separatists in taiwan, which china will obviously reject, and the stage will be set for the "righteous" attack (for "liberty and prosperity and moral values" of course), possibly in the spring/summer of 2025. And just like after 9/11, the majority of heavily-propagandized americans will be fully in support of it (including 99% of well-intentioned but thoroughly deceived conservatives who will be in the mode of holy-war end-times jesus-is-coming-back, and fully united behind their mass-murdering psychologically-undeveloped narcissist infantile pro-billionaire pro-Wall St anti-Christ God-ignorant zionist messiah leading the charge against 'the evil commie aggression'.

So we have about a year, give or take, before they pull the trigger, before they put all the pieces of the puzzle together (1. trump in office and leading the charge, 2. months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall nationalist propaganda to turn china into a literal hitler, an unbearable scary evil monster who wants to hurt americans in any way it can, so we just must take down this hitler-like monster first before they take "us" down 3. taiwan separatists declaration of independence. 4. American military bases in the countries surrounding china completed and ready to launch misslies and war planes) and pull the trigger.

PS. If the billionaire ruling class cannot generate strong public support for their planned attack, despite their months of 24/7 wall-to-wall intense propaganda campaign to turn china into a hitler and evil aggressor in the eyes of americans, then there is also the possibility that they'll pull another 9/11 sort of false flag event, to get everyone into a state of traumatic shock, fear, anger and hatred, and fully on board with their attack plans..

See https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-billionaire-class-is-no-more

And https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/trump-minus-narrative-equals-bushbama-84a363947536

As for why the billionaire ruling class are going to attack china soon - after trump and his deep-state zionist billionaire war-profiteers enter the white house in January - see this profound essay (which includes full citations) which IMHO is a must read for every human on the planet who wishes to understand exactly how we are being played https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

PPS. Two more pieces of the puzzle (which i didn’t mention above) that the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class put together to get everything ready for the attack in 2025, is that they had the leaders in the countries surrounding china replaced, from those not committed to china-hostility and the planned attack, into right-wing puppets who do exactly as the empire tells them, ramp up anti-china hostility and open their country to american military bases in preparation for the attack.

Two examples of this are in Japan and the philippines. In Japan they assasinated prime minister Abe, who refused to commit to their attack plans on china, and replaced him with their ultra-nationalist right-wing puppet, Kishida, who changed japan’s constitution to allow for greater militarization of society, removed constitutional limits on military spending, filled his cabinet with pro-american pro-zionist NeoCons, and approved massive american military build up in Japan's southern okinawan islands (literally minutes of flight/missle distance from the chinese mainland), in preparation for the attack. And in the philippines, where they replaced Duerte (who was against the war plans on china and sought greater cooperation) with their well-paid right-wing puppet Marcos, who gave the american war machine the northen Luzon island (the closest philipino island to china) to build several military bases in preparation for the attack, and who drastically changed course from Duerte and immediately started promoting china hatred in the philippines, and constantly sends the philippines navy into idiotic skirmishes with chinese boats in the south china sea in order to promote nationalist hostility towards china in the philippines, in preparation for the attack. He and his pay-masters in the american ruling class are doing that becasue they are playing on the people the trick that corporate-capitalist ruling class billionaire oppressors always play on us. Again, this trick is described in detail in this profoundly important essay https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

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Long worded, and round and round way of going about it, but true, none the less

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I don't like Mr Trump, and I think his policies, just like most of the policies coming out of any people in Washington, do the opposite of what people think they do, I could not stand to read your comment because of all the name calling and bashing. You have totally discredited yourself by putting all the character assassination that you did. As far as that goes, you sound like Trump himself, bashing half of the US citizenship. Yuck.

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I undetstand and thank you for pointing this out. I promise that i will take your comment to heart and I apologize that the language i used was unappealing to you and was interpreted as bashing people themselves. My intention was and is never to attack any person in themselves but to highlight the profound dysfunctionslity in the belief patterns of many of us. I do understand that i might have do so unskillfully, and i thank you for pointing this out. I will take your words to heart. Thank you

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Sounds good, appreciate it

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Thank you. And if that's okay with you, I'd just like to quickly explain why certain tones were used (not as an excuse for anything. There is zero excuse for personal ad hominem attacks on the person, and that was absolutely NOT my intention, but just as a way to explain why i chose a certain tone). The reason is this - I interact a lot with both conservatives and liberals, trying to point out to each of them the hypnoticism and faulty assumptions of their respective camps (and the destructive implications this has) and what are the tactics/slogans that the ruling class uses to play each of the camps, and what I've noticed, in my own personal experience, is that unless I use a very forceful and aggressive tone, conservatives simply don't listen to you or take seriously what you are saying. I do not claim this to be a universal truth, but this has been my experiemce in 99% of the cases of interacting with conservatives (like our friends above). And this seems to be doubly so when interacting with conservative men. At least in my experience. There seems to be great respect among conservative men for forceful and aggressive conduct, so as not to appear weak, and you will simply not be taken seriously and listened to if you don't interact in this forceful way (you will be seen as weak and vulnerable, and weakness and vulnerability are apparently one of the greatest sins and faults that a human being can display, in the conservatives perspective, it seems. I think that this is why you see a great emphasis in the conservative circles on the concepts of strength, force, invincibility, invulnerability, and great respect for displays of dominance, power over, hierarchy, militarized power and discipline, crushing the "enemies", etc etc).

Again, i am not claiming that this is a universal truth, but this has been my personal experience. And i mentioning this in order to explain why certain tones are used with certain people. Of course you can't satisfy everyone and certain people will find certain tones repulsive (while others have great respect and will listen to you only if you use a certain tone. I have personally experienced this again and again and again).

So it's a tight rope to walk, to say the least :-) and you definitely can't satisfy every mannerism and outlook out there.

So hopefully this clarifies a little more why a certain tone was used, though i did hear you and take to heart your feedback. Again, my intention was and is absolutely NOT to attack anyone personally (I absolutely abhor such attacks) but only to highlight certain destructive dysfuctions and how the ruling class are playing using slogans adjusted to each echo-chamber. I will pay closer attention from now on to the kind of tones and words I use. Thank you very much for your feedback. It is appreciated.

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Trump an 'American who loves this country'?? How about the jailed ones for J6 with Trump's commando, for whom he did nothing? How about Trumps debt, covid response, his WAR(p) S(p)EED which genetically modified billions, killed and injured millions???? How about all the other serious issues Trump is involved with, including visiting Epstein's island so many times, a place with a clear goal. How about his great idol, the late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, the 33 deg mason, who taught Trump to worship nobody but himself, and that while claiming to be a clearly questionable Christian, owing a Tower full of masonic symbols?

Trump never drained any swamp, well, only his friend Epstein disappeared during his presidency... Did he knew too much???

What a bunch of hypocrisy in your statements, Makabrios.. You do not seem to listen/read to ANY of RFK's speeches/articles/books, you only follow MSM and as result stay clueless, unfortunately.

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Trump did not cause the Jan 6 event, the FBI, JSOC and many others had people inserted to cause this. Even the head of the Capitol Police was not allowed to call in any help or do anything. Nancy and her minions did Jan 6. Also remember the massive cheating that the courts dismissed due to "No standing."

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Cultist says what?

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My opinion is your response is so defensive because that’s the stance you’ve been taking for so long as a supporter of Trump, that it’s difficult for you to see a broader perspective. Understandable because you, like almost half the country, have been treated like “deplorables” by the other half for having opposing political beliefs that support a candidate who understands the needs of his supporters.

Try to put down your defenses and read RFK’s article again, but this time not hearing him as someone misunderstanding or criticizing Trump, but as someone seeking understanding of all sides of the aisle and attempting to establish common ground. Globalism versus nationalism can still be accurate at the same time as populism versus the establishment… like two sides of the same coin.

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I think you may be too late to stop the CIA from killing millions more innocent people but please don't stop trying.

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The CIA is a huge compartmentalize organization. Those working there are not all bad. We need a fight inside. We need that the good guys there to neutralize the bad ones.

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Smash it in to a thousand pieces and scatter it in to the wind. World peace would suddenly be possible. These scum all depend on neverending wars so they make sure that is what happens.

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World peace? Much longed for. But they hate even their own fellow citizens.

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¨Smash it in to a thousand pieces.¨ How?

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Sack them all, close all the military bases, bring all the troops home. Suddenly peace at last. Obviously it’s not going to happen but you can dream…

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You cannot sack them all. Those at the top work for the cabal.

I have posted this statement few months ago. The only way we can get out of this situation where we are now is if the CIA starts to work for us, ¨We The People¨ and not the Cabal.

I have a message for then. They are been asked to open their hearts and to stop supporting the Cabal. The Cabal is not supported anymore by Negative Aliens. They have been evicted and neutralized from this planet, Moon, planet Mars and every where in this solar system aroung 2021.

I am not asking them to resign. I am asking them to follow the United States Constitution and been part of the liberation.

If it is not in accordance to the Constitution, it is their duty to say NO!

On the meantime, if you know somebody, a friend, a neighbour who works for the CIA, it is time to have a little conversation with them.

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Good luck with that. The military industrial complex has been in charge since 1963 when they shot JFK. No “president” since has dared to cut their budget, most have vastly increased it. They need constant war to justify their existence so that is what happens. Any pause in war is quickly followed by a CIA arranged false flag to convince the sheep more war is necessary.

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The CIA will never work for us, the American people, because they are controlled by international elites that own world governments through debt slavery. The CIA is complicit in the deliberate attempts to bring down the USA to allow these elites to control all of us little people through one world government. Watch The Capitalist Conspiracy on Youtube from 1969 - more relevant than ever today.

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You're missing the point here. "Smash it in to a thousand pieces and scatter it in to the wind." Was a JFK quote. One often cited as the reason for his assassination.

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I'd love to see it happen.

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Smash it by executive order, it exists at the whim of the president.

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Upon Trump's election there will be a tidal wave of whistle blowers coming forward from every agency.

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Please speak plainly about the climate change fraud.

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Climate Change, Transgenderism, Black Lives Matter all are Marxist plots to divide and conquer us and create instability that allows evil elites to seize power and subject us to tyranny. Stand up for your individual rights to freedom!

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Boomer here, you’ve got my vote, Robert.

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Both Trump and Kennedy remain devoted Zionists despite Israel's naked ethnic cleansing and genocide. Biden's string-pullers have made the U.S. complicit in the crimes. Populism that supports raining death and destruction on other people is not genuine.

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This bothers me too. But on literally every other issue I like RFK Jr. better than Trump or Biden. Considering how close the USA is to some very dangerous tipping points, ruptures in the social fabric that can and do lead to insurgencies and civil wars, I'm planning to overlook this one flaw and vote for him anyways. But, if that issue trumps all others for you, then vote for Jill Stein. She recently got arrested at a pro-Palestinian rally.

Also, I really don't know how much stock to put in this so I'll just say it and let the readers decide for themselves. It might be a ploy. Criticism of Israel gets you branded as an antisemite, which is way worse for a politician that a brain worm, criticising vaccines, or losing to the Tories, it very nearly destroyed Jeremy Corbyn. Despite the fact that he never said anything remotely antisemitic.

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There is no purity in politics, you always get some bad elements.

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Correct. And I can overlook a lot but genocide weighs too heavily on the cost-benefit scale.

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I do not think Mr Kennedy would support genocide, I truly believe he is a man of peace. I think he would come around once in office.

I agree that the problem of Israeli aggression is completely out of control.

I think Mr Kennedy's policies in almost all other areas are right on target and I know that the agencies that are supposed to safeguard us from poisonous patent medicines and poisons in our food are doing the opposite for big personal gains. I have professional relationships with the CDC,FDA,USDA,and NIH . They are all lying and selling out our health. If we save ourselves first, we will be strong and sane enough to rescue Palestine.

The comment about Jill Stein was accurate. She said she saw an 80 year old professor beaten down by police.

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"Genocide?" Far more Uhygers have been slaughtered, imprisoned, exploited, & abused by China than Gazans by Israel; Syria is murdering its own Muslim separatists; Niger is slaughtering Christians; and a lot of Ukrainians wouldn't have been slaughtered, raped, traumatized, their buildings in ruins, had the Obama White House policy of bating Putin not been put back into place after its surprise disruption in 2016.

Listen to Douglas Murray & more importantly, the "Son of Hamas." It's an Ideology of Snuff. Their schoolbooks could be lifted out of the Third Reich, which is deliberate. They were cultivated as such by the USSR since the 1960s when they realized how much Israel represented a threat in the Middle East.

Hamas is destroying Palestinians. I'm no fan of Netanyahu, whom I'll never forget whipped up anti Rabin sentiment the night a member of Netanyahu's mob assassinated him. But in 2000 Arafat was offered ALL of it, to his shock, and he said he'd have to decline or else be assassinated next, two weeks later.

Blaming Israel for self-defense is like blaming the victim of a violent stalker who has to put up boundaries and finally has to fight back.

America was committed far more war crimes in Iraq and specifically Falujah with NO provocation. Until we hold ourselves to a better standard, we should shut the F up about how Israel handles a snuff misogynistic Stone Age cult that steals donations to its starving children & puts daycares in arsenals to improve their streaming "victim" footage.

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The extremist, inchoate projections of rage in the responses here remind me of how transactivists behaved as social media was gaining in popularity. The rage was inexplicable, until you understood the psychological addictions driving it. I'm beginning to think there really is agit-prop when I see such overreaction when anyone moves a millimeter to the L or R of the official "position." But then, this mentality arose from the birthplace of Zoroastrianism & then Manichaeism. No surprise.

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I'm seeing mostly discussion with differing viewpoints. Your comment seems rageful and personally attacking. I guess you see what you want to.

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The Uyghur (not "Uhyger") story is anti-China agitprop ginned up by the Neocons in the US intelligence community and handed off to the stenographers in US MSM, where anything anti-China helps them sell gold coins and My Pillows to suckers, and where Zionists like you dip in to generate hapless "whatboutism" as you do here.

Of course propaganda works by torturing the truth, thus to anyone who studies central Asian culture it is well know that over centuries of Asian history the Uyghurs have practiced hardcore anti-social Islamic fundamentalism, including terrorism in modern China. China necessarily deals with terrorists as any nation must, thus there are law enforcement measures used against violent Islamic fundamentalist Uyghurs in China.

You really ought to be ashamed of yourself for your tortured interpretation of history, but we know militarized Zionists know no shame, only gain.

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I think the word "terrorist" is quite manipulative. It's the word the United states used to convince the citizenry that murdering half a million Iraqi citizens was a really good thing to do. Now it's used to label students who can't stomach Israeli revenge of a life for an eye as terrorists.

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Yes, I'm a militant Orthodox Jew. How did you guess?

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Behold readers: here you see the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism in action. Specifically, the example of antisemitism consisting of "Applying double standards by requiring of it [the state of Israel] a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation. "

P.S. If our AIPAC controlled Congress gets its way, the IHRA definition of antisemitism will be legally enforceable with criminal penalties.

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I’m a 77 year old baby boomer—- I voted for Trump in 2016 & 2020— I found RFK JR on Children’s Health Defense site during the pandemic —- purchased his book about Fauci and the rest is history—- he totally speaks to me and my response to people is to just take the time to listen to what he has to say and to open their minds and think about what he has to say—- he will and he must be our next President!

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I've been following the Children's Health defence since COVID too. I was happy to see RFK come to the forefront.

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I might have agreed with you until RFK stated he believed a woman had the right to "terminate a pregnancy" up until the day before birth. Support of a woman's right to choose does not include positive sanctions for murder. The man has no moral compass.

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He has clarified that position, in a very non-politician, full ownership, thoughtful and humble way. Check out some of his more recent interviews on his YT or IG.

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The right-wing corporate capitalist DNC would much rather lose to trump (who will continue 99% of their pro-billionaire imperialist policies, like he did last time he was president) than allow near the presidency anyome who might threaten the narrow interests of the ruling class.

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Absolutely. Happened w/ their cheating against Bernie, although losing to Trump was inconceivable to them until that Wednesday in November 2016.

What I realize now is that the Obama/Clinton/State Dept agenda to bait-Putin-into-Ukraine-to-profiteer-via-Blackrock-via-proxy-war was simply postponed by Trump's presidency. They CREATIVELY, quickly capitalized on his unexpected election by relentlessly, mendaciously slandering him as The Muscovite Candidate for four years, enabling them to build a Regime coalition of American institutions in which suddenly "we are always at War w/ Oceania (or Putin)"--not "Terror" or Islamic State. The lab-released COVID 19 & ensuing Regime solidified this emerging totalitarian infrastructure. The Bidens were employed to keep Ukrainian interests on ice so after the Regime-orchestrated 2020 election State Dept could quickly return to its plan bait Putin into invading Ukraine. That's why it was urgent to pull out of Afghanistan.

The US has been "at war" since Cheney's conference in Summer 2001 w/ oil leaders at the White House. There's too much money to be profiteered blanked $40 billion "aid packages" that aren't easily audited.

To Trump's "credit," he didn't start a new war, and by better securing the border helped w/ jobs for low-income Americans, esp. Black Americans. Plenty of Ukrainians would be alive today were he still in office.

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#Kennedy24 !!!

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I've been posting a comment in the NYT to the effect that; "We are all so lucky the brain trust at CNN kept RFK & Stein out of the debate, we were save having to listen to two candidate who are both coherent and dignified."

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Slandering MAGA supporters didn’t work for Hillary in 2016 why will it work for you now?? Thought you were better than this. You’re a blue-blood dem and after seeing your VP pick I was totally convinced of it. You’re no populist

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Jul 6Edited

I was truly interested in RFK2 's words, ideas, vision, and I've subscribed to his CHD platform for a couple years, as it is full of good info to help one understand and grow intellectually, about the goings on all around us.

RFK2 is the ONLY major political figure with the balls, the intestinal fortitude to discuss global Geoengineering, and the devastation its wreaking worldwide. RFK2 is the ONLY one who had the guts to have a conversation with Dane Wigington of Geoengineeringwatch.org, and i developed immense respect and admiration for RFK2, because of this. I actually thought about voting for him in the upcoming election, but as with most politicians, he himself ended that process overnight

Then, RFK2 shot himself in the foot with a proverbial shotgun. RFK2 brought in Nicole Shanahan, a self-serving global technocrat.

Way to go, RFK2!

Ms. Shanahan, clearly stated she wants to utilize AI to "fix our healthcare system, and our environmental issues of air, soil and water we are having", ultimately benefiting her technology company by doing so.

Hello? AI to fix our air, soil and water issues? Ignoring the elephant in the room? Not one peep about the horrors that solar geoengIneering and HAARP are causing, worldwide?

Oh yeah. How silly of me? The illegal federal gag order you're complying with. The lack of clearly defining the elephant in the room causing the main issues we're facing.

Shanahan is another failure. Another global pundit out for her own continued enrichment, and if RFK2 hasn't realized what a mistake he's made, then he can sit back and watch as this election cycle passes him by again.

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Are you able to clearly define what you see as the "elephant in the room?" I think Nicole is a good choice because she understands AI and can harness it for good and rein in the bad. They talk about ending the surveillance state and you need someone who understands the inner workings to know how to do that.

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Whoever wrote this for you: Fire him

Populist what? This was a rant down memory lane of opportunities, history and elections lost.

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Thank you and you are right — never forget so many recent lies in the US “Empire of Lies” as astute president Putin calls us.

• At least one million dead and permanently disfigured Slavs from two beautiful, closely related and largest Slavic nations — victims of Anglo-Saxon historical chauvinism and bipartisan War party permanent wars..

• And tens of millions dead and injured from a bioweapon virus -- designed and developed in a US lab. Yet St. Fauci and his team is not in jail – permanently protected by DNC-CIA cabal.

• Plus -- a US genocide in Gaza ! US actively sabotaged a two-state solution for decades;. In the latest and current Gaza genocide, the Nazi-dominated government monsters of Israel are just the executioners.

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Hats off to you Sir!!

If I had a say in the US election, I would know exactly who to vote for.

It would be someone who can express himself through writing as such.

There is no comparison.

…comparing apples to oranges…

Biden can’t put a sentence together, Trump needs to expand his vocabulary. No real presidential material here.

If you stay away from Gaza you may succeed, as there are many of us who value truth and human dignity.

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Beautiful. Such a clear explanation of the current political climate!

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Vote for hope

Kennedy '24 !

Rest of slots?

GOP vote:

They're anti-abort

Macron is a mason: they are part of the problem!

We won’t be able to find real solutions unless we identify “the powers that be” and their goals:


Is there any proof that they really want to murder all of us?


How to get out of this political genocidal mess?


1. Pray MAGA: Make America God’s again. Pray “Thy Kingdom come”. Make the world His Kingdom of love. “God is love”.

John Dickinson, Chairman of the Committee for the Declaration of Independence (1776): “Our liberties do not come from charters; for these are only the declaration of pre-existing rights. They do not depend on parchments or seals; but come from the King of Kings and the Lord of all the earth”

The US national motto is “in God we trust”1, the Oath of Allegiance sums up in “so help me God”2, and the Pledge of Allegiance is “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

“Under God”, not only means under God’s protection/providence, but also under God's will/authority and Commandments.

Separation of church and State doesn’t mean banning God from civil life, but "freedom of conscience", i.e. that a Government should not impose any particular religion. It doesn't mean that public officials can't show and live their faith in public, and it means that the State must always put all actions "under God", definitely not “over” or against God’s Will. Lincoln: “the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.” 3

SSS = Satanic Secret Societies like freemasons, who in their documents worship Lucifer as their “Great Architect”.

Freemasonry is the church of Satan. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void).

1st Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of (the masonic) religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (of other religions, like they did with lockdowns); or abridging the freedom of speech (like the massive masonic censorship since 2020), or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble (lockdowns), and to petition the government for a redress of grievances (like the wrongful COVID response).”


2. MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with trillions of fake money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !

Satanic secret societies like the masons are increasing the financial supply through:

- Forging dollars using the Federal Reserve they fully control

- Money creation through bank loans without reserves

- Financial “wealth” creation out of thin air through financial instruments such as derivatives

- Government debt

It's what I call finflation: inflation of financial instruments

The way out of this mess:

If you really understand what your enemies are doing, you'd prioritize other things essential for survival:

1. Issue asset-backed money: gold, silver, flour, gasoline, whatever tokenizable

2. Ban money not backed by assets

3. No legal tender: let markets decide

4. 100%-deposits-backed bank credit: so they don't create money out of thin air

5. Kill the Federal Reserve

Force all social networks and media to kill algorithmic moderation (shadow banning, etc.) and reinstate all closed accounts. Only messages selling things can be blocked IF it comes from outside one's network. Let people decide who's in their social network and that's it.

Replace the internet with a new peer to peer protocol, not government controlled, not centralized.

Get out of the UN organizations (including WHO), get out of the IMF, WorldBank, OAS, IADB, etc. All have been weaponized. Create alternative cooperative organizations.


3. The full plan exposed and 16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet



No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach laws urgently!


Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


Minimize the Federal Government. Repeal 16th amendment (income tax)

Rethinking science

Sciencing the rigged and corrupt scientific system for an overdue turnaround

Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!


Government spends 2x per student in public schools with respect to private ones and 3x at university level, with worse outcomes in all levels of education.

Time for a 100% voucher system, where parents can choose schools or earn the voucher money themselves if they homeschool (and their kids pass the exams), or through grand/parent/teacher coops.

This would allow many mothers to leave a work they hate and stay home with their babies and children, especially in the most important years of childhood until 6 years old. It would have a deep impact on society.

How to save the life from the COVID vaxxed in 10 easy fast steps?

Appeal to authority (that’s the only thing they listen to):

1. Show that, while it is still given in the USA, all countries in Northern Europe banned Moderna due to the severe after-effects (let’s not call them side effects, but deliberate effects).

2. Show them Florida’s declaration not recommending COVID vaccines to most of the population.

3. Show Texas suing Pfizer for lying about vaccine efficacy.

4. Show Health Canada’ statement about finding DNA in mRNA shots, proving they hacked the cell nucleus. Show the Swedish study proving that the cell nucleus is hacked by mRNA vaccines.

5. Show that Health Canada also says that Pfizer inserted a sequence of the SV40 monkey virus. Show the studies proving that SV40 is carcinogenic.

6. Show that the Republican Party declared COVID “vaccines” a “biological and technical biopeapon” and instructed the authorities to seize vials and run a forensic analysis.

Appeal to science:

7. Show the studies proving that the injected are still producing spike protein.

8. Show the studies proving that the spike protein was engineered to kill in Wuhan by adding HIV sequence and a Moderna cancer-related patent.

9. Convince them to labtest the amount of spike protein in their blood, which is still produced by their hacked cells, and if the can’t afford it:

10. Convince them to lower the spike protein in blood by trying any of the spike detox protocols based mostly on cheap medicines. They have nothing to lose, by trying it for a week, if their health improves, then they know that the bio-weapon caused their health problems:






God willingly, I’ll soon post that with all the references.

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This didnt age well

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