Yet another reason why there simply is no contest in this election. Mr. Kennedy is the only and obvious choice.

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DOJ too busy going after Trump instead of doing its real job.

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Please tell us what you would’ve “done” in Gaza.

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This is good and honorable.

Many of us wonder about the other Palestine, where US-supplied and abetted Israeli forces are carrying out genocide upon the native people.

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It's shameful that so many people in this forum are more concerned with the Palestine in the Middle East than they are with the one in our own country. I suspect y'all are paid trolls of the DNC.

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Sad to see the comments turn into another foreign affairs argument. Lets see that passion for the millions of vax injured and dead, the Maui lack of response, East Palestine, the victims of open border here in America....... the list goes on. America first, everybody else after our mess at home is corrected and the debt is paid down. RFK is a good man and very well intended even when I disagree with him. Can't say that for the current occupant of the White House. I wont even refer to him as president, because I don't think he legally is.

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It's hard to read this title without immediately jumping to the continuing horror, death, genocide and atrocities committed on the people of Palestine. Your lack of response, or completely misguided response, "people of Palestine are pampered", while your eyes are wide open to Ukraine, East Palestine, our border crisis, still shocks me.

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As a former resident of this area in Columbiana County, I have been appalled by the dismissiveness and lack of response from the WH, but not at all surprised. We need an experienced and proven fighter like RFK Jr to come down on these corrupt and captured corporations and agencies.

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I love RFK in many ways, but until he speaks out on Gaza I can't support him the way I used to. I want to hear how he would have handled things differently here. How can I trust that he will actually be different, if he obliges people who support genocide and even was so scared after being called a Nazi (which was ridiculous of course but you have to be strong in the face of antis, not just crumble) that he took a literal Zionist/race hustler on a speaking tour. I haven't thought of him the same way since then. All his words pale in light of tolerating genocide. If he can't stand up for that, I no longer believe he would stand up for anything else. If RFK takes a stand on Gaza, I would be working for his campaign day and night. But we have to draw lines in the sand, also how exactly would he have made this company pay for their part in the derailment? Sounds like pretty words to me. Idk, I'm just being honest, I can't trust him anymore. Sure none of the people running have good positions on Gaza, but since when is RFK supposed to be a lesser of two evils choice. We already have that choice.

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Thank you, Mr. Kennedy. Resolving 'corporate capture' is critical. In addition, you are the only candidate who talks about resolving chronic disease. Thus, you would also likely support moving our allopathic medical system to one that can remove dioxin from the human body and help people like those damaged in East Palestine to fully recover their health. "May the road rise up to meet you..."

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1. Thank you for allowing comments when some others will not.

2. For enhanced credibility, give us NAMES. "I’m going to expose and fire the people who are not doing the proper testing. I’m going to prosecute the people who are responsible at the outset." That is also a vague promise without specific NAMES of people who need to be investigated.

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What about Palestine?

Genocide that you support.

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I too got my hopes up… when I saw the word Palestine that Mr Kennedy would make a humanitarian statement.

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These articles are fully supportive of RFK Jr's comments: https://www.alleghenyfront.org/series/east-palestine-one-year-later/

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I am truly looking forward to voting for you in November sir. Tupac will likely be upset to not get my vote this cycle though 😂


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For a moment, I thought you had finally come to your senses about Gaza and were going to address the Palestine slaughter.

Why do all your importances always seem so out of step?

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