On Tuesday I visited East Palestine, Ohio, the site of one of the worst environmental disasters in decades, where 38 train cars carrying vinyl chloride and other toxic chemicals derailed when a wheel bearing overheated and came off.
More than 100 Palestinians have been killed and some 700 others wounded after Israeli troops opened fire on hundreds waiting for food aid southwest of Gaza City, health officials say, as the besieged enclave faces an unprecedented hunger crisis.
The Gaza Ministry of Health said on Thursday said at least 104 people were killed and more than 750 wounded, with the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemning what it said was a cold-blooded “massacre”.
People had congregated at al-Rashid Street, where aid trucks carrying flour were believed to be on the way. Al Jazeera verified footage showing the bodies of dozens of killed and wounded Palestinians being carried onto trucks as no ambulances could reach the area.
“We went to get flour. The Israeli army shot at us. There are many martyrs on the ground and until this moment we are withdrawing them. There is no first aid,” said one witness.
Reporting from the scene, Al Jazeera’s Ismail al-Ghoul said that after opening fire, Israeli tanks advanced and ran over many of the dead and injured bodies. “It is a massacre, on top of the starvation threatening citizens in Gaza,” he said.
Because they will lose all bargaining leverage when they return the remaining captured Israeli soldiers. This is how that game has always been played. It is why the Israeli Army seeks to "accidentally" kill those Israeli "hostages", to weaken the Palestinian bargaining position with Israeli Jews, who have been promised "protection" by their state.
Let's not forget my former President Trump is fully supporting Israel, and vowed just the other day to "use the full force of the US Govt against anyone who commits anti semitic" anything.
You can find the video, as it's out there.
So, although RFK2 "might" be supporting the genocide of the people of Gaza, so that Israel can take over the entire country after the population is wiped out, our Orange Buddy isn't far behind.
Besides Israel deserves that land. They need to build a Panama Canal copy to the Gulf of Aqaba there, so they can rake in Billions.
I fully appreciate your concern about the Palestinians of Gaza, and about our "undying love" for Israel. But, the subject is East Palestine, whose residents are US citizens. That must be our government and the Biden administration's first priority.
I absolutely agree which is why we can't trust RFK and his rabid pro-Israel stance. He, like the people he criticizes, would absolutely put defending our favorite "unsinkable aircraft carrier" before defending our own people. As we speak, our soldiers are helping to aim the missiles that our destroying Gaza and, in case you have forgotten, Biden went over Congress's head to send billions to Israel. This is the type of measure that RFK has no come out to criticize, so he isn't any different than the others. He talks a good game on Ukraine, but frankly on that issue it's easy to just go and repeat over and over and over again about NATO and information you can find in history books/on the internet without actually doing any critical thought. I doubt he has the ability to really think this stuff through, his stance on Israel points out glaring contradictions with him. So stop trying to bring it back to "America First" when that's what I want as well, and that's why we need him to speak out against US aid to Israel etc. Hate to break it to you, but foreign policy was one of his biggest talking points, it's what drew me in to support him to begin with, and there is NOTHING that is LESS interventionist than supporting the IDF. Wake up!
Status Coup News is the key consistent independent grassroots news outlet that has documented what happened to fellow Americans in Ohio/PA. I was thrilled of his candidacy but also researched Bobby since last Spring. In August I determined his dark money zionist campaign funders and zionist foreign lobby groups such as aipac corrupted and captured hus brain and conclusions regarding the other Palestine. Can’t wear rfk tees I purchased, no longer donate or attend Heal the Divide meetings etc in AK. In August, in October and since 1970-ethnic cleansing and apartheid racism is a enormous dividing red line I won’t cross. Gaza on Fire in a starvation-usa war monger enabling slaughter and Ohio’s Palestine or Flint or Lahaina are all interconnected. The mic (micimat) complex and DC sold out to special interests like Israel has gutted Americans. Trillions missing from Pentagon who fails six audits. UN Veto outlier USA! We need the money to stay home and do good deeds abroad. I listen to lying Israeli propaganda since teenager 1970 and most of recent ICJ testimony and first hand videos of murder by bloody Biden, Bibi and Blinken gang. Land, lives, oil, gas, port, food-medical unrwa aid thieves! All DC and with RFK unconditional support to Israel has made all us in USA less secure. The eight year old grieving Gaza boy has every right to strike us in ten years! Beware as we deserve more than 9-11 or 1-7 mayhem. Shame on war profiteers. Shame on duolopy. Shame on geriatric leaders. Shame on corrution captured DC Careerists staff like Nuland, DOD Ratheon hack. With that said-it’s immoral for no brain left Biden to deny secret service protection to rfk. Jill Stein is who I back due to RFK overseas Palestine stand. Bobby is captured by zionists $ starting with fake Rabbi Smucko.
I'm not suggesting you approve of or vote for RFK. My interest is in taking care of our own citizens and to STOP the killing where ever and when ever wars occur.
I don't see either of these interests being satisfied by Biden. Trump is not in the office, so that's a moot point. RFK is saying ONE thing in this interview that I agree with. The residents in East Palestine have been victimized. I think the same goes for the residents of Maui following the fires. And, YES, I totally support taking care of our citizens before pouring money into foreign wars.
No doubt it isn't dealt w by Biden, that's type obvious and yet this post had nothing to do with Biden or Trump. It's a post about RFK's position on the derailement, and since he allows open comments section this is EXACTLY the right place to condemn his immoral take on Israel. And yet you were contributing to the trend of trying to silence voices speaking on Gaza with your exact words being "[Palestine, Ohio] whose residents are US citizens" and that it thus "must be the first priority" above the ongoing genocide. The mass murder taking place in Palestine is an issue that, due to us all being human and due to genocide being an act of international interest (think WW2), must come first! International politics is what contextualized American politics, and RFK has always had strong opinions on international politics, which is what drew many in to support him to begin with. And as I said, none of the candidates, including RFK, can be trusted to take care of Americans first so long as they put Israel before us. And so, yes, it is the "undying love for Israel" that must be checked by facts and reality, before we can even approach things to do with our own citizens. These types of issues are filter issues, meaning they are a good way to temperature check a candidate. Each candidate fails miserably in this regard. And don't you dare tell me to chill out, it's not my problem that you believe in silencing voices speaking about Gaza and yet you simultaneously claim you desire an end to "all violence" related to wars. Those things contradict each other, so I am pointing out the contradiction. And if you aren't heated about these issues, then you should be. What I'm telling you is that you hold an incorrect position. You thought this was not the place to talk about Gaza, and yet this is exactly the place to talk about it - this is the exact place where we can point out the flaws in the logic of the candidate that we supported. Lastly, if you aren't here to discuss whether or not RFK is a good candidate for office then what are you here for?
Also, neither Trump nor RFK are in office yet. Saying that it's a "moot point" during an election year is silly. It has never been less of a moot point than right here and right now.
Maybe cuz it shows the utter moral depravity of our government & many of out fellow citizens. He’s talked about East Palestine before. I sure wouldn’t have chosen that city right now. The world is looking at us and they see….
It's shameful that so many people in this forum are more concerned with the Palestine in the Middle East than they are with the one in our own country. I suspect y'all are paid trolls of the DNC.
Bullshit. Fuck the Democrats, but to act as if international politics isn't one of the primary reasons we were standing for him to begin with is crazy. International politics was meant to be RFKs central policy change that he was running on. He talks a lot about ending the war in Ukraine, etc, but he would not stand up for Gaza and goes along with genocide? How can we trust him on international politics if he's slimy when it comes to things as important as Gaza and the genocide occuring there. Stop being so daft.
Sad to see the comments turn into another foreign affairs argument. Lets see that passion for the millions of vax injured and dead, the Maui lack of response, East Palestine, the victims of open border here in America....... the list goes on. America first, everybody else after our mess at home is corrected and the debt is paid down. RFK is a good man and very well intended even when I disagree with him. Can't say that for the current occupant of the White House. I wont even refer to him as president, because I don't think he legally is.
PS one last thing, you really think someone who is pro-Israel is going to take care of Americans first? Shills like that will always defend our favorite unsinkable aircraft carrier first. As we speak, American troops are in Israel helping to guide the missiles that are destroying Gaza. Why do you think Bushnell protested like that? If you think someone who states support for the IDF will turn around and take care of Americans before participating in genocide, you will eat your words. America first requires anti-interventionism, which is why I supported him to begin with. He spoke in that way when talking about Ukraine, but apparently he has limits to his morality. Why should I trust him? Give me even one good reason.
I really do not care if you trust him or not. I like the fact that he spoke out publicly against the largest genocide in the history of the world in this forced vaccination process. He was and is scorned and ridiculed for his work regarding this. What he did took much courage. What is happening in the Middle East has gone on for centuries and will go on until the end of time. It is a turbulent area in the world due to wars for resources and wars over religion. We should have compassion for all of the helpless victims of these wars, and call out the evil hearted villains who start them and perpetuate them. I do not side with Hamas or the IDF. The Palestinians are as much victims of Hamas as they are of the IDF. The dead Israeli's were a victim of their failed government as they were of Hamas.
I suspect this whole war is about the offshore natural gas reserves off the coast of Gaza, both sides want access to them.
I'm not even gonna validate that w a response, because you evidently have no understanding about the conflict. You need a history lesson, but I'm not going to be the one to give u that.
I'm sure glad we can speak to each other humanely. I always loved other RFK supporters. I just wish Bobby would have risen to the challenge of matching the intentions of his supporters, since this chat makes it fairly obvious that majority of his supporters are in the know regarding the situation in Palestine, and can't stand the hypocrisy of him speaking about capture when he himself was captured by Zionist $$$.
Sad to see people so blinded they can't understand that 1. If he is not being pro-Israel just to cop votes like a pathetic shill then 2. he is being intentionally supportive of state-sanctioned genocide so therefore 3. How the fuck are we supposed to trust him to follow through on any of these other topics that are also incredibly important to me and others like A) Ukraine (which is also foreign policy) or B) vaccines (where he will face an incredible push-back, even harder than the push-back on Israel which, in response to, he fell flat on back and showed his belly just like any politician would do).
Gaza is a sort of filter issue because of the extremely immoral nature of the violence happening there, and the fact that this genocide is being internationally condemned and the exact same people he says he would fight against are taking HIS position on the issue - mostly the Neo-cons and Democrats. How is it possible for someone to be clear sighted on certain things, and then dull witted when it comes to things as important as genocide. I don't think y'all are taking a criticical perspective on this. Nobody wants RFK to be the candidate I believed he was more than I do. Which is what makes me doubt his authenticity now. He says he supports critical thought, not blind acquiescence, so he ought to heed his own words in that regard. Additionally, if that's how he thinks than he would support this type of criticism not decry it as you are.
He needs to make a statement responding to this issue, and all the absolutely straight forward data that is all over the news and internet regarding it, not to mention all the commentary by people like Matt Taibbi and Max Blumenthal - people who ought to be on his side and would be under different circumstances. If he's planning on winning, he better figure this out and quick and make a genuine statement on it.
There is genocide happening all over the world as I stroke my keyboard. There always has been and always will be. We can't have selective outrage about genocide and consider ourselves caring adults. Is Robert's stance on every issue perfect enough to please everybody out here with a keyboard and an opinion? No.
If we go for all or nothing we will end up with nothing most of the time. We have a choice between, Robert, Trump, or Biden. That is if the voting process is not compromised. The only unacceptable candidate to me is Biden, so it is Robert or Trump, or not voting. As usual it will be the lesser of the evils to choose from.
I've said what you're saying for a long time btw, and only just decided my conscience can't take it anymore. It breaks my heart, but wrong is wrong and it's not about selective outrage. The reason it appears to you as selective is because the situation in Palestine is actually unique in that we have been dumping money for decades into that war machine. Trust me when I say, someone who truly meant their words on captured agencies, Ukraine, etc would not be on this side of this conflict. It proves that he's hollow, fake, a liar. Sucks but it's just a fact: he's captured so his words on capture are hypocritical. And I really get wanting to vote for the lesser of two evils but in this case it may not exist. I don't have a positive answer for you either, national politics needs an absolute and total change and idk how to achieve that - I never have. But I can't trust Bobby to achieve anything, when on the most important issue in the world right now he's laid flat on his back and offered his belly for scratches to the child-murdering, ethnic cleansing IDF/Netenyahu and their American Zionist counterparts. Somewhere down below there's another good take on him from someone who knows the history, and otherwise I recommend listening to Gray Zone and reading history that talks about the US role in this conflict. It is absolutely not a regional conflict, it's an international conflict and always has been and the US has held the reigns of Israel for a long, long time now. Bobby must know this, and if he doesn't then he isn't as educated as he purports to be. But yeah, if we don't draw the line at support for war criminals what does that make us?
Good post. After following all of this closely for decades. I think the only fix is to balance the budget and do away with foreign aid of any kind. This way the deep state gets defunded and we take the power to make wars at a whim away from these politicians. In other words, no more war unless we are directly attacked.
If any of our politicians were to promise that and do it, I suspect the problem would solve itself.....and then I woke up because I know that all of them are corrupted to some degree. I know this may sound simplistic, but it may work if tried.
I think that would be a good fix, after everything that our nation has done in the name of "good will" and "freedom", it wouldn't be such a bad idea to take a back seat in international politics.
In a perfect world every country would stay inside their own borders unless there was a natural disaster and people needed help, or they were on vacation. That alone would take care of most of our problems. I digress...sigh.
Wanted to also mention that genocide has a definition, and calling the vaccine situation a genocide is inaccurate and wrong. I want to see justice done on that issue, but not by someone who is backing war criminals. I'll state it plain, supporting war criminals loses my vote 🤷🏼♂️
You are entitled to your opinion. I respect that freedom that we all have, at lest for now. I search for common ground when possible, but realize that is not always possible. I wish you well in your endeavor listed on your bio.
It's hard to read this title without immediately jumping to the continuing horror, death, genocide and atrocities committed on the people of Palestine. Your lack of response, or completely misguided response, "people of Palestine are pampered", while your eyes are wide open to Ukraine, East Palestine, our border crisis, still shocks me.
Did he actually say they were pampered? Can you pls send me the relevant information? That's insane. I knew he was bad on the issue, but for someone who purports to be "in the know" on international politics to say such a thing... Well, it would be tough to consider his words as anything but hot air in that context.
Fuck. Yeah, idk, listen I'm sure people on here will have a lot to say about how I'm a shill for the DNC and all that BS, but I'll have all y'all know, and some of you probably recognize me, that I was part of his early campaign volunteers and was grinding really hard for him. I made probably a hundred calls on his behalf, and went above and beyond for him. Then this happened, and I have TRIED AND TRIED to somehow justify it, thinking oh he feels he has to say this because of the pressure on him when they called him a Nazi and all that BS, but with statements like this I can no longer justify it. If anyone believes that he will take care of Americans first, or that he knows what he's talking about on international politics, they will eat their words I am sure. I'm not giving any of my hope and heart to RFK anymore. The issue is clear, the stance he takes is immoral, and I can't in good conscience vote for someone like that. Nor do I believe him on the other issues anymore, 1. if he rolls over and shows his belly on Palestine then what's to say he wouldn't do that on other stuff he is pushed back on like vaccines and the border 2. people have said "you and what army" in the comments, and I really can't argue that, who's to say he has the ability to achieve anything really once in office and 3. since it seems he actually believes this stuff, that means he's prone to being an ideologue and also to breakdowns in his critical thinking processes. In the end, I might write in Aaron Bushnell when I go out to vote.
We have to find other ways of fighting these issues - I never believed in the Presidency before when it came to creating change, and RFK changed my mind for a while but honestly my hope blinded me. That office is useless, it always has been. If we want change, it will come from elsewhere I'm sure.
As a former resident of this area in Columbiana County, I have been appalled by the dismissiveness and lack of response from the WH, but not at all surprised. We need an experienced and proven fighter like RFK Jr to come down on these corrupt and captured corporations and agencies.
Thank you for all the ways you speak out and act to protect people. I respect that. And I appreciate you not forgetting East Palestine.
What would you do differently in the other Palestine? I saw an interview with you on Al Jazeera and couldn't believe what I heard. The compassion you have for all the other oppressed peoples of the world seems to evaporate when Israel is involved. As a trauma educator, what I saw was a traumatized person lashing out against an "enemy" (Hamas), and literally justifying the deaths of thousands of civilians. Innocent people. Desperate people.
This contradicts everything else you stand for.
Please, please look at this. Israel, Palestine needs healing, not more killing, not more weapons. And we need you to be a man of integrity who is consistent in how he treats people, as much as we ourselves need to dig deeper and create a new path forward with the difficult people in our own lives.
I love RFK in many ways, but until he speaks out on Gaza I can't support him the way I used to. I want to hear how he would have handled things differently here. How can I trust that he will actually be different, if he obliges people who support genocide and even was so scared after being called a Nazi (which was ridiculous of course but you have to be strong in the face of antis, not just crumble) that he took a literal Zionist/race hustler on a speaking tour. I haven't thought of him the same way since then. All his words pale in light of tolerating genocide. If he can't stand up for that, I no longer believe he would stand up for anything else. If RFK takes a stand on Gaza, I would be working for his campaign day and night. But we have to draw lines in the sand, also how exactly would he have made this company pay for their part in the derailment? Sounds like pretty words to me. Idk, I'm just being honest, I can't trust him anymore. Sure none of the people running have good positions on Gaza, but since when is RFK supposed to be a lesser of two evils choice. We already have that choice.
Thank you, Mr. Kennedy. Resolving 'corporate capture' is critical. In addition, you are the only candidate who talks about resolving chronic disease. Thus, you would also likely support moving our allopathic medical system to one that can remove dioxin from the human body and help people like those damaged in East Palestine to fully recover their health. "May the road rise up to meet you..."
1. Thank you for allowing comments when some others will not.
2. For enhanced credibility, give us NAMES. "I’m going to expose and fire the people who are not doing the proper testing. I’m going to prosecute the people who are responsible at the outset." That is also a vague promise without specific NAMES of people who need to be investigated.
Yet another reason why there simply is no contest in this election. Mr. Kennedy is the only and obvious choice.
DOJ too busy going after Trump instead of doing its real job.
Please tell us what you would’ve “done” in Gaza.
More than 100 Palestinians have been killed and some 700 others wounded after Israeli troops opened fire on hundreds waiting for food aid southwest of Gaza City, health officials say, as the besieged enclave faces an unprecedented hunger crisis.
The Gaza Ministry of Health said on Thursday said at least 104 people were killed and more than 750 wounded, with the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemning what it said was a cold-blooded “massacre”.
People had congregated at al-Rashid Street, where aid trucks carrying flour were believed to be on the way. Al Jazeera verified footage showing the bodies of dozens of killed and wounded Palestinians being carried onto trucks as no ambulances could reach the area.
“We went to get flour. The Israeli army shot at us. There are many martyrs on the ground and until this moment we are withdrawing them. There is no first aid,” said one witness.
Reporting from the scene, Al Jazeera’s Ismail al-Ghoul said that after opening fire, Israeli tanks advanced and ran over many of the dead and injured bodies. “It is a massacre, on top of the starvation threatening citizens in Gaza,” he said.
Why won’t Hamas just return the hostages??
Because they will lose all bargaining leverage when they return the remaining captured Israeli soldiers. This is how that game has always been played. It is why the Israeli Army seeks to "accidentally" kill those Israeli "hostages", to weaken the Palestinian bargaining position with Israeli Jews, who have been promised "protection" by their state.
Palestine gets idf bombing. Cause he's a fascist supporter.
East Palestine he would help.
Let's not forget my former President Trump is fully supporting Israel, and vowed just the other day to "use the full force of the US Govt against anyone who commits anti semitic" anything.
You can find the video, as it's out there.
So, although RFK2 "might" be supporting the genocide of the people of Gaza, so that Israel can take over the entire country after the population is wiped out, our Orange Buddy isn't far behind.
Besides Israel deserves that land. They need to build a Panama Canal copy to the Gulf of Aqaba there, so they can rake in Billions.
Yeah, sure.
Can you stay on topic for just 20 seconds.
This is good and honorable.
Many of us wonder about the other Palestine, where US-supplied and abetted Israeli forces are carrying out genocide upon the native people.
I fully appreciate your concern about the Palestinians of Gaza, and about our "undying love" for Israel. But, the subject is East Palestine, whose residents are US citizens. That must be our government and the Biden administration's first priority.
I absolutely agree which is why we can't trust RFK and his rabid pro-Israel stance. He, like the people he criticizes, would absolutely put defending our favorite "unsinkable aircraft carrier" before defending our own people. As we speak, our soldiers are helping to aim the missiles that our destroying Gaza and, in case you have forgotten, Biden went over Congress's head to send billions to Israel. This is the type of measure that RFK has no come out to criticize, so he isn't any different than the others. He talks a good game on Ukraine, but frankly on that issue it's easy to just go and repeat over and over and over again about NATO and information you can find in history books/on the internet without actually doing any critical thought. I doubt he has the ability to really think this stuff through, his stance on Israel points out glaring contradictions with him. So stop trying to bring it back to "America First" when that's what I want as well, and that's why we need him to speak out against US aid to Israel etc. Hate to break it to you, but foreign policy was one of his biggest talking points, it's what drew me in to support him to begin with, and there is NOTHING that is LESS interventionist than supporting the IDF. Wake up!
Status Coup News is the key consistent independent grassroots news outlet that has documented what happened to fellow Americans in Ohio/PA. I was thrilled of his candidacy but also researched Bobby since last Spring. In August I determined his dark money zionist campaign funders and zionist foreign lobby groups such as aipac corrupted and captured hus brain and conclusions regarding the other Palestine. Can’t wear rfk tees I purchased, no longer donate or attend Heal the Divide meetings etc in AK. In August, in October and since 1970-ethnic cleansing and apartheid racism is a enormous dividing red line I won’t cross. Gaza on Fire in a starvation-usa war monger enabling slaughter and Ohio’s Palestine or Flint or Lahaina are all interconnected. The mic (micimat) complex and DC sold out to special interests like Israel has gutted Americans. Trillions missing from Pentagon who fails six audits. UN Veto outlier USA! We need the money to stay home and do good deeds abroad. I listen to lying Israeli propaganda since teenager 1970 and most of recent ICJ testimony and first hand videos of murder by bloody Biden, Bibi and Blinken gang. Land, lives, oil, gas, port, food-medical unrwa aid thieves! All DC and with RFK unconditional support to Israel has made all us in USA less secure. The eight year old grieving Gaza boy has every right to strike us in ten years! Beware as we deserve more than 9-11 or 1-7 mayhem. Shame on war profiteers. Shame on duolopy. Shame on geriatric leaders. Shame on corrution captured DC Careerists staff like Nuland, DOD Ratheon hack. With that said-it’s immoral for no brain left Biden to deny secret service protection to rfk. Jill Stein is who I back due to RFK overseas Palestine stand. Bobby is captured by zionists $ starting with fake Rabbi Smucko.
Very well said.
*less anti-interventionist - idk why they don't allow editing here
Chill out Dio...
I'm not suggesting you approve of or vote for RFK. My interest is in taking care of our own citizens and to STOP the killing where ever and when ever wars occur.
I don't see either of these interests being satisfied by Biden. Trump is not in the office, so that's a moot point. RFK is saying ONE thing in this interview that I agree with. The residents in East Palestine have been victimized. I think the same goes for the residents of Maui following the fires. And, YES, I totally support taking care of our citizens before pouring money into foreign wars.
No doubt it isn't dealt w by Biden, that's type obvious and yet this post had nothing to do with Biden or Trump. It's a post about RFK's position on the derailement, and since he allows open comments section this is EXACTLY the right place to condemn his immoral take on Israel. And yet you were contributing to the trend of trying to silence voices speaking on Gaza with your exact words being "[Palestine, Ohio] whose residents are US citizens" and that it thus "must be the first priority" above the ongoing genocide. The mass murder taking place in Palestine is an issue that, due to us all being human and due to genocide being an act of international interest (think WW2), must come first! International politics is what contextualized American politics, and RFK has always had strong opinions on international politics, which is what drew many in to support him to begin with. And as I said, none of the candidates, including RFK, can be trusted to take care of Americans first so long as they put Israel before us. And so, yes, it is the "undying love for Israel" that must be checked by facts and reality, before we can even approach things to do with our own citizens. These types of issues are filter issues, meaning they are a good way to temperature check a candidate. Each candidate fails miserably in this regard. And don't you dare tell me to chill out, it's not my problem that you believe in silencing voices speaking about Gaza and yet you simultaneously claim you desire an end to "all violence" related to wars. Those things contradict each other, so I am pointing out the contradiction. And if you aren't heated about these issues, then you should be. What I'm telling you is that you hold an incorrect position. You thought this was not the place to talk about Gaza, and yet this is exactly the place to talk about it - this is the exact place where we can point out the flaws in the logic of the candidate that we supported. Lastly, if you aren't here to discuss whether or not RFK is a good candidate for office then what are you here for?
Also, neither Trump nor RFK are in office yet. Saying that it's a "moot point" during an election year is silly. It has never been less of a moot point than right here and right now.
Agreed, so we should help East Palestine and cut off all support for the genocide in old-Palestine.
Maybe cuz it shows the utter moral depravity of our government & many of out fellow citizens. He’s talked about East Palestine before. I sure wouldn’t have chosen that city right now. The world is looking at us and they see….
It's shameful that so many people in this forum are more concerned with the Palestine in the Middle East than they are with the one in our own country. I suspect y'all are paid trolls of the DNC.
Bullshit. Fuck the Democrats, but to act as if international politics isn't one of the primary reasons we were standing for him to begin with is crazy. International politics was meant to be RFKs central policy change that he was running on. He talks a lot about ending the war in Ukraine, etc, but he would not stand up for Gaza and goes along with genocide? How can we trust him on international politics if he's slimy when it comes to things as important as Gaza and the genocide occuring there. Stop being so daft.
Sad to see the comments turn into another foreign affairs argument. Lets see that passion for the millions of vax injured and dead, the Maui lack of response, East Palestine, the victims of open border here in America....... the list goes on. America first, everybody else after our mess at home is corrected and the debt is paid down. RFK is a good man and very well intended even when I disagree with him. Can't say that for the current occupant of the White House. I wont even refer to him as president, because I don't think he legally is.
PS one last thing, you really think someone who is pro-Israel is going to take care of Americans first? Shills like that will always defend our favorite unsinkable aircraft carrier first. As we speak, American troops are in Israel helping to guide the missiles that are destroying Gaza. Why do you think Bushnell protested like that? If you think someone who states support for the IDF will turn around and take care of Americans before participating in genocide, you will eat your words. America first requires anti-interventionism, which is why I supported him to begin with. He spoke in that way when talking about Ukraine, but apparently he has limits to his morality. Why should I trust him? Give me even one good reason.
I really do not care if you trust him or not. I like the fact that he spoke out publicly against the largest genocide in the history of the world in this forced vaccination process. He was and is scorned and ridiculed for his work regarding this. What he did took much courage. What is happening in the Middle East has gone on for centuries and will go on until the end of time. It is a turbulent area in the world due to wars for resources and wars over religion. We should have compassion for all of the helpless victims of these wars, and call out the evil hearted villains who start them and perpetuate them. I do not side with Hamas or the IDF. The Palestinians are as much victims of Hamas as they are of the IDF. The dead Israeli's were a victim of their failed government as they were of Hamas.
I suspect this whole war is about the offshore natural gas reserves off the coast of Gaza, both sides want access to them.
I'm not even gonna validate that w a response, because you evidently have no understanding about the conflict. You need a history lesson, but I'm not going to be the one to give u that.
You are rightly entitled to that opinion.
I'm sure glad we can speak to each other humanely. I always loved other RFK supporters. I just wish Bobby would have risen to the challenge of matching the intentions of his supporters, since this chat makes it fairly obvious that majority of his supporters are in the know regarding the situation in Palestine, and can't stand the hypocrisy of him speaking about capture when he himself was captured by Zionist $$$.
This is what free speech and open discussion is about. I learn from every encounter, especially with people I may not agree with.
Sad to see people so blinded they can't understand that 1. If he is not being pro-Israel just to cop votes like a pathetic shill then 2. he is being intentionally supportive of state-sanctioned genocide so therefore 3. How the fuck are we supposed to trust him to follow through on any of these other topics that are also incredibly important to me and others like A) Ukraine (which is also foreign policy) or B) vaccines (where he will face an incredible push-back, even harder than the push-back on Israel which, in response to, he fell flat on back and showed his belly just like any politician would do).
Gaza is a sort of filter issue because of the extremely immoral nature of the violence happening there, and the fact that this genocide is being internationally condemned and the exact same people he says he would fight against are taking HIS position on the issue - mostly the Neo-cons and Democrats. How is it possible for someone to be clear sighted on certain things, and then dull witted when it comes to things as important as genocide. I don't think y'all are taking a criticical perspective on this. Nobody wants RFK to be the candidate I believed he was more than I do. Which is what makes me doubt his authenticity now. He says he supports critical thought, not blind acquiescence, so he ought to heed his own words in that regard. Additionally, if that's how he thinks than he would support this type of criticism not decry it as you are.
He needs to make a statement responding to this issue, and all the absolutely straight forward data that is all over the news and internet regarding it, not to mention all the commentary by people like Matt Taibbi and Max Blumenthal - people who ought to be on his side and would be under different circumstances. If he's planning on winning, he better figure this out and quick and make a genuine statement on it.
There is genocide happening all over the world as I stroke my keyboard. There always has been and always will be. We can't have selective outrage about genocide and consider ourselves caring adults. Is Robert's stance on every issue perfect enough to please everybody out here with a keyboard and an opinion? No.
If we go for all or nothing we will end up with nothing most of the time. We have a choice between, Robert, Trump, or Biden. That is if the voting process is not compromised. The only unacceptable candidate to me is Biden, so it is Robert or Trump, or not voting. As usual it will be the lesser of the evils to choose from.
I've said what you're saying for a long time btw, and only just decided my conscience can't take it anymore. It breaks my heart, but wrong is wrong and it's not about selective outrage. The reason it appears to you as selective is because the situation in Palestine is actually unique in that we have been dumping money for decades into that war machine. Trust me when I say, someone who truly meant their words on captured agencies, Ukraine, etc would not be on this side of this conflict. It proves that he's hollow, fake, a liar. Sucks but it's just a fact: he's captured so his words on capture are hypocritical. And I really get wanting to vote for the lesser of two evils but in this case it may not exist. I don't have a positive answer for you either, national politics needs an absolute and total change and idk how to achieve that - I never have. But I can't trust Bobby to achieve anything, when on the most important issue in the world right now he's laid flat on his back and offered his belly for scratches to the child-murdering, ethnic cleansing IDF/Netenyahu and their American Zionist counterparts. Somewhere down below there's another good take on him from someone who knows the history, and otherwise I recommend listening to Gray Zone and reading history that talks about the US role in this conflict. It is absolutely not a regional conflict, it's an international conflict and always has been and the US has held the reigns of Israel for a long, long time now. Bobby must know this, and if he doesn't then he isn't as educated as he purports to be. But yeah, if we don't draw the line at support for war criminals what does that make us?
Good post. After following all of this closely for decades. I think the only fix is to balance the budget and do away with foreign aid of any kind. This way the deep state gets defunded and we take the power to make wars at a whim away from these politicians. In other words, no more war unless we are directly attacked.
If any of our politicians were to promise that and do it, I suspect the problem would solve itself.....and then I woke up because I know that all of them are corrupted to some degree. I know this may sound simplistic, but it may work if tried.
I think that would be a good fix, after everything that our nation has done in the name of "good will" and "freedom", it wouldn't be such a bad idea to take a back seat in international politics.
In a perfect world every country would stay inside their own borders unless there was a natural disaster and people needed help, or they were on vacation. That alone would take care of most of our problems. I digress...sigh.
Wanted to also mention that genocide has a definition, and calling the vaccine situation a genocide is inaccurate and wrong. I want to see justice done on that issue, but not by someone who is backing war criminals. I'll state it plain, supporting war criminals loses my vote 🤷🏼♂️
You are entitled to your opinion. I respect that freedom that we all have, at lest for now. I search for common ground when possible, but realize that is not always possible. I wish you well in your endeavor listed on your bio.
It's hard to read this title without immediately jumping to the continuing horror, death, genocide and atrocities committed on the people of Palestine. Your lack of response, or completely misguided response, "people of Palestine are pampered", while your eyes are wide open to Ukraine, East Palestine, our border crisis, still shocks me.
Did he actually say they were pampered? Can you pls send me the relevant information? That's insane. I knew he was bad on the issue, but for someone who purports to be "in the know" on international politics to say such a thing... Well, it would be tough to consider his words as anything but hot air in that context.
Yes, unfortunately! https://www.mediaite.com/politics/are-you-kidding-me-rfk-jr-throws-down-with-krystal-ball-after-calling-palestinians-pampered-while-defending-israel/
Fuck. Yeah, idk, listen I'm sure people on here will have a lot to say about how I'm a shill for the DNC and all that BS, but I'll have all y'all know, and some of you probably recognize me, that I was part of his early campaign volunteers and was grinding really hard for him. I made probably a hundred calls on his behalf, and went above and beyond for him. Then this happened, and I have TRIED AND TRIED to somehow justify it, thinking oh he feels he has to say this because of the pressure on him when they called him a Nazi and all that BS, but with statements like this I can no longer justify it. If anyone believes that he will take care of Americans first, or that he knows what he's talking about on international politics, they will eat their words I am sure. I'm not giving any of my hope and heart to RFK anymore. The issue is clear, the stance he takes is immoral, and I can't in good conscience vote for someone like that. Nor do I believe him on the other issues anymore, 1. if he rolls over and shows his belly on Palestine then what's to say he wouldn't do that on other stuff he is pushed back on like vaccines and the border 2. people have said "you and what army" in the comments, and I really can't argue that, who's to say he has the ability to achieve anything really once in office and 3. since it seems he actually believes this stuff, that means he's prone to being an ideologue and also to breakdowns in his critical thinking processes. In the end, I might write in Aaron Bushnell when I go out to vote.
We have to find other ways of fighting these issues - I never believed in the Presidency before when it came to creating change, and RFK changed my mind for a while but honestly my hope blinded me. That office is useless, it always has been. If we want change, it will come from elsewhere I'm sure.
As a former resident of this area in Columbiana County, I have been appalled by the dismissiveness and lack of response from the WH, but not at all surprised. We need an experienced and proven fighter like RFK Jr to come down on these corrupt and captured corporations and agencies.
Thank you for all the ways you speak out and act to protect people. I respect that. And I appreciate you not forgetting East Palestine.
What would you do differently in the other Palestine? I saw an interview with you on Al Jazeera and couldn't believe what I heard. The compassion you have for all the other oppressed peoples of the world seems to evaporate when Israel is involved. As a trauma educator, what I saw was a traumatized person lashing out against an "enemy" (Hamas), and literally justifying the deaths of thousands of civilians. Innocent people. Desperate people.
This contradicts everything else you stand for.
Please, please look at this. Israel, Palestine needs healing, not more killing, not more weapons. And we need you to be a man of integrity who is consistent in how he treats people, as much as we ourselves need to dig deeper and create a new path forward with the difficult people in our own lives.
I love RFK in many ways, but until he speaks out on Gaza I can't support him the way I used to. I want to hear how he would have handled things differently here. How can I trust that he will actually be different, if he obliges people who support genocide and even was so scared after being called a Nazi (which was ridiculous of course but you have to be strong in the face of antis, not just crumble) that he took a literal Zionist/race hustler on a speaking tour. I haven't thought of him the same way since then. All his words pale in light of tolerating genocide. If he can't stand up for that, I no longer believe he would stand up for anything else. If RFK takes a stand on Gaza, I would be working for his campaign day and night. But we have to draw lines in the sand, also how exactly would he have made this company pay for their part in the derailment? Sounds like pretty words to me. Idk, I'm just being honest, I can't trust him anymore. Sure none of the people running have good positions on Gaza, but since when is RFK supposed to be a lesser of two evils choice. We already have that choice.
Thank you, Mr. Kennedy. Resolving 'corporate capture' is critical. In addition, you are the only candidate who talks about resolving chronic disease. Thus, you would also likely support moving our allopathic medical system to one that can remove dioxin from the human body and help people like those damaged in East Palestine to fully recover their health. "May the road rise up to meet you..."
1. Thank you for allowing comments when some others will not.
2. For enhanced credibility, give us NAMES. "I’m going to expose and fire the people who are not doing the proper testing. I’m going to prosecute the people who are responsible at the outset." That is also a vague promise without specific NAMES of people who need to be investigated.
What about Palestine?
Genocide that you support.
I too got my hopes up… when I saw the word Palestine that Mr Kennedy would make a humanitarian statement.
These articles are fully supportive of RFK Jr's comments: https://www.alleghenyfront.org/series/east-palestine-one-year-later/
Thank you for the link.
For a moment, I thought you had finally come to your senses about Gaza and were going to address the Palestine slaughter.
Why do all your importances always seem so out of step?