Huge fan here. An aside... On the off chance you have any metals in your mouth or body, please consider metal toxicity or, a type IV delayed hypersensitive reaction or a galvanic reaction between these metals as a potential cause of spasmodic dysphonia. Galvanism between metals with dissimilar charges creates an electrical current strong…
On the off chance you have any metals in your mouth or body, please consider metal toxicity or, a type IV delayed hypersensitive reaction or a galvanic reaction between these metals as a potential cause of spasmodic dysphonia.
Galvanism between metals with dissimilar charges creates an electrical current stronger than the action potential of the central nervous system, causing problems like disorders related to muscle spasms, intermittent quadraplegia and other problems involving the nervous system.
People suffering for years from problems like intermittent paralysis or constant muscle spasms -- patients who have been told they have MS, stiff person syndrome, ALS or Parkinson’s -- discover, once they get all metals removed from their bodies and mouths, their symptoms go away.
I learned of this while speaking to the FDA in 2019 about harm I personally experienced (neurological issues, Parkinson’s-like tremor, pain, mental/emotional/behavioral issues, tinnitus) because of metal medical devices and metal dental hardware I got in my 30s. Had I not been too young to have such terrible neurological issues, I might have accepted all the incorrect diagnoses I was given. Instead I got the offending metals removed, and after almost nine years of suffering, my good health returned!
At the FDA I heard the jaw-dropping presentation of a foot & ankle surgeon from Washington. I got permission to put his presentation on YouTube. It’s only 8 minutes. He speaks of his patient’s “incurable” neuro-issues and how the problems would go away after he convinced them to have all the metals taken out of their bodies and teeth OR got them to get tested for a Type IV delayed hypersensitivity to metals & if they were reactive to, for example, nickel, got them to switch to a low nickel diet. I’m highly reactive to nickel, yet I didn’t know until I was 40, and didn’t know I shouldn’t be eating high nickel foods until Dr. Schroeder told me when I was 50!
Please consider hearing what he has to say in case it could help you or anyone you love.
Huge fan here.
An aside...
On the off chance you have any metals in your mouth or body, please consider metal toxicity or, a type IV delayed hypersensitive reaction or a galvanic reaction between these metals as a potential cause of spasmodic dysphonia.
Galvanism between metals with dissimilar charges creates an electrical current stronger than the action potential of the central nervous system, causing problems like disorders related to muscle spasms, intermittent quadraplegia and other problems involving the nervous system.
People suffering for years from problems like intermittent paralysis or constant muscle spasms -- patients who have been told they have MS, stiff person syndrome, ALS or Parkinson’s -- discover, once they get all metals removed from their bodies and mouths, their symptoms go away.
I learned of this while speaking to the FDA in 2019 about harm I personally experienced (neurological issues, Parkinson’s-like tremor, pain, mental/emotional/behavioral issues, tinnitus) because of metal medical devices and metal dental hardware I got in my 30s. Had I not been too young to have such terrible neurological issues, I might have accepted all the incorrect diagnoses I was given. Instead I got the offending metals removed, and after almost nine years of suffering, my good health returned!
At the FDA I heard the jaw-dropping presentation of a foot & ankle surgeon from Washington. I got permission to put his presentation on YouTube. It’s only 8 minutes. He speaks of his patient’s “incurable” neuro-issues and how the problems would go away after he convinced them to have all the metals taken out of their bodies and teeth OR got them to get tested for a Type IV delayed hypersensitivity to metals & if they were reactive to, for example, nickel, got them to switch to a low nickel diet. I’m highly reactive to nickel, yet I didn’t know until I was 40, and didn’t know I shouldn’t be eating high nickel foods until Dr. Schroeder told me when I was 50!
Please consider hearing what he has to say in case it could help you or anyone you love.
Please forgive me if you already know about all this.