Damn, the ruling class must be terrified by truth and potential unity among Americans to have a government that serves and seeks consent of the governed. Propaganda and smear operations against you Bobby are going full throttle... meanwhile our tech censors are scrubbing evidence of demented Joe on the world stage making more inappropriate grabs at little girls.
Damn, the ruling class must be terrified by truth and potential unity among Americans to have a government that serves and seeks consent of the governed. Propaganda and smear operations against you Bobby are going full throttle... meanwhile our tech censors are scrubbing evidence of demented Joe on the world stage making more inappropriate grabs at little girls.
Damn, the ruling class must be terrified by truth and potential unity among Americans to have a government that serves and seeks consent of the governed. Propaganda and smear operations against you Bobby are going full throttle... meanwhile our tech censors are scrubbing evidence of demented Joe on the world stage making more inappropriate grabs at little girls.