New York Post reporter Jon Levine got it wrong in his article today claiming that I said COVID was “ethnically targeted” to spare Jews. I have never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews. I accurately pointed out — during an off-the-record conversation — that the U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons and that a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows that COVID-19 appears to disproportionately affect certain races since the furin cleave docking site is most compatible with Blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews.
It will get uglier. We need to toughen up for the next 16 months. The voices are already belligerent and shrill spewing total lies and nonsense.
Our job is to raise the bar of civility, correct, educate and do our best to get RFK Jr. elected.
I see when goaded by some journalists, RFK Jr. won't take the bait to trash other candidates. He won't do it--which is very wise. We need to reflect his campaign spirit when we tell others about his campaign and message.
Lies, smearing, and misquotes are common. I just remembered some of the whispering lies of George Bush Jr. when running against Ann Richards for Governor of Texas in 1994. With the help of campaign strategist Karl Rove, famous for dirty campaign tricks, spread lies about Ann Richards regarding lesbianism. Whatever works. It was so close to election day and difficult to refute the lies in time. Also George Bush Jr. in 2000 did another smear regarding Senator John McCain running for president said McCain had an illegitimate black baby. So close to an election, it's hard to stop the political damage. They tapped into people's moral outrage to swing an election. I think this is technique is for low-information voters, but it works.
They don't have to do smear campaigns anymore per se - they just corrupt the entire voting process instead!!! It's sad. You would THINK those that are part of all of this would come to the realization they won't be able to escape it when the entire Country implodes!
I've often hoped they would actually join forces knowing he may be the only person to save what little is left!
Prof, you have a lot to say about many topics but I will add to only one: Dominion over US.
Dominion is a Canadian company incorporated in Toronto, Ontario in 2003. The name derives from the Dominion Elections Act of 1920. Yes, there are also headquarters in Denver, Colorado. There are over 200 registered companies in Canada that use “Dominion” in their name. Not a joke. No one is laughing. Why would they?
I could add a lot more but I know that it would be pointless. I do urge you to try a build more trust in our institutions. Everyone is not out to get you or to pull a fast one. Secret deals and secret handshakes are not the basis of every last thing. Tearing it all down will not bring a clean slate to start over again. History does not repeat but it echoes. Pay attention but don’t get lost in the labyrinths true as they may sound.
I would like to add that just because a person is elected rather than appointed to a position does not mean they are not biased, not beholden, not obligated elsewhere.
“You know you’re living in a world of lies when the mob is more enraged at the whistleblowers revealing the deceptions, corruption, and murder than they are at the lying liars, corrupt corrupters, and murdering murderers themselves—indeed, they trip over themselves racing to defend their narcissistic abusers.
“As Edward Snowden says: ‘When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals!’
“But guess what?
“Once they start calling you all those hideous names, you realize they’re nothing more than magician’s smoke.
“You gradually start to give fewer and fewer f*cks.
“You know you’ve hit zero when you feel the exhilarating liberation that comes from shouting the unfettered truth.
“That’s the words-can-never-hurt-you stage.
“You become untouchable.
“You start collecting libels like Purple Hearts.
“The more scars you can count, the more evidence of your efficacy, your threat to the hegemony.
“That’s when you can truly LIVE. And by truth, not by lies.…
“Stick it out long enough, and that tarnished reputation turns into burnished gold.
“Because when you are slandered by the propagandists, that means you are the good guy, even though the menticided public believes the opposite.
“In Upside-Down World, persisting in seeing things right-side up—despite the incessant, relentless, never-ending gaslighting—means you have valiantly guarded your most precious possessions: your integrity and your sanity.”
With all the hit pieces in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The Rolling Stone, The New Republic, plus the usual MSM propaganda, this means that RFK Jr.'s rise in the polls is causing as Darth Vader would say, 'A disturbance in the Force'. Yes, the dark forces of deep state operators and forever wars. Those are dark forces indeed. Bitch about vaccines all you want, but the real threat is for the Empire of Endless War.
Continue to spread the word about a better future, pray for peace, donate, and vote for RFK Jr. for President of the United States in November.
There may be some bad history there. Before Trump was President, Trump promised JFK an office in the White House to help explore vaccines etc. if Trump got elected. However once Trump became President Trump would not return JRK's calls. Just dropped him. Then later Trump gave Pfizer millions. Then of course Trump went full force warp speed on the shots and endorsed shots over and over again even after many, many people came forward with their shot injury, even after Senator Ron Johnson had his panel of shot injured to give their testimony.
First, I think you mean RFK. Second, Trump's vax was therapeutic HCQ not mRNA. Had he not done that they would have mandated jabs for everyone and shut down everything. Trump was being fed false information. They're both mature grown men who both have the best interest of our country and could easily let bygones be bygones.
Yes indeed I did mean JFK the second time I wrote his name. I noticed my typo as soon as I posted it, however for whatever reason when I go to edit what I write my entire post disappears. I have no idea why. I was hoping that others would be able to figure out that was a typo as this post was made at night and I didn't think it would deter my ultimate message as this entire post is about JFK plus I did write it correctly the first time.
All true but how many negative things did Biden say about Obama? It's water under the bridge! RFK Jr is the only person Trump can actually trust! That's what got him into so much trouble the first time - he hasn't a clue how the game is played! They played him! Adoration is the blood that runs through his veins he doesn't realize they are all in it for themselves!!
This could wind up being the most volatile administration to ever take office when it comes to abolishing the corruption and malfeasance! Trump is all talk Bobby has the means to accomplish it!
Thank Bill Gates for shooting down Trumps exploration into vaccines. That was his doing because he has a huge stake in his ‘decade of vaccines’. It’s all about money for him and the pandemic was already planned. Snake in the grass.
He has said numerous times he has no plan B - however should the situation arise I think it may actually come to fruition - he will be to Trump what VP-C was to Bush!
Of course the question will be how massive the corruption will be this time with the elections in order to stop them! The very first piece of legislation signed upon entering office must be ONE set of voting rules for all 50 States!
Bill Clinton started all of this when he enacted the Voter Moter Act on HIS very first day in office! No proof of citizenship required when registering to vote!
What I meant was the brains behind the Bush administration! Robert would be the brains behind the Trump administration and then of course become POTUS after Trumps term ended allowing him to finish the job - total 12 years!
RFK Jnr is THE BRAINS, maturity experience knowledge, PR, legal experience and quality of personal character, besides so many other outstanding positive characteristics'. And he has universal validity.
Trump is way way behind Robert F Kennedy Jnr, and one cannot respect him much at all. I am not American and maybe that's why I can see more clearly?
The media democrat industrial complex is TOTALLY desperate to silence him. RFK Jr is brave and noble with an encyclopedic knowledge of history who fearlessly speaks truth to power. The more he speaks the more his followers grow and grow. From the left and right and middle AMERICANS all of us.A sad beaten down country, a once great country has finally found our hero. We’ll give him that sword.
Yes but in this particular case - he handed them the ammunition! I must say I was quite shocked when he said it was supposed to be off the record No one could possible be that stupid to know no such venue's exist! We all know why he said it - to educate people but he had to have known how they would skew and run with it the second he did so! The only good thing to come of this will be education folks that bio-weapons most certainly exist when it comes to eradicating certain people!
As I've stated repeatedly, once the number of deaths and injuries from these injections become to insurmountable to bury - people will be flocking to him as there only savior
I've always felt it's why he ran and what will catapult him into office - there isn't anyone that now doesn't know someone who has been injured and or died from these things!!
Even if they don't say it aloud they sure as hell certainly suspect it! I myself know of over 20 people that have died from them! The sudden heart attacks and strokes amongst healthy people are astronomical - go to any hospital and talk to any nurse and they will confirm they've NEVER seen anything like this! These are inarguable facts that can't be hidden!! The skyrocketing auto immune diseases and turbo cancer are all the others!
I have not heard of “The Gift of Fear,” but the mainstream media and the U.S. government have been gifting the American people with fear and finger-pointing for decades. The New York Post reporter is pointing a finger at RFK, Jr. in an attempt to associate him with something heinous, of course. Nothing new. I can’t imagine this well-spoken, rigorously intelligent man making an assertion about Covid sparing Jews. Ridiculous. Ironically, the media and forces behind the media are afraid of R.F.K., Jr. because he tells the truth, doesn’t play the name-calling game, and is against feeding the war machine that keeps so many fat and happy. Sadly, they may not even realize this because they believe their own lies.
Peter MCullough MD's site has this, with clear perspective, and medical references which confirm the statements that white and black males were hit harder by COVID-19 (original strain) and that Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese were relatively spared.
Interesting point. I happen to believe that if no govt could provide a viral isolate under numerous FOIAS then there cannot be a SARS Covid 2 virus. Full stop
To read the viral genome takes millions of copies of the virus, which get destroyed into little pieces, which get machine-read, then statistically grouped back together like a jigsaw puzzle, since they are all different, and the overlapping segments are used to reconstitute the genome through statistical probability. It's a mess, but they put in enough of it until the machine-reader and computer are as "certain" as is deemed necessary.
As things get smaller and smaller, our daily experience of "reality" in the world becomes less and less applicable.
You can have a billion destroyed viruses, but not one intact virus. That's just virology.
I followed most of the breadcrumbs early on including CDC lies about the virus being isolated ( the link they provided to a lab stated theyd never isolated any virus) the Head chinese wuhan scientist interviewed by US media stating that theyd never isolated any virus. Multiple Global journalists including Ireland stating on the record that the govt admitted under FOIA they couldnt provide any proof of a sars covid 2 virus isolate. No isolate = no virus. Period. Good luck on your own research.
Welp i guess all the experts like dr Mcculough, Marik and otgers are all wrong about Kochs postulate. Its pretty clear in virology : no isolate , no virus.
I think you misrepresent the positions of Dr.s McCullough and Marik, who have both treated the SARS CoV-2 virus, based upon their understanding of cliical virology, as I also have done.
Unfortunately but thankfully many of his substackers are rushing to his defense! This will be a huge clean up! Again, we all know why he said it but he should have thought about what he was saying first! He has to learn to be more succinct with this answers!
You know that - I know that - and his supporters know that. But that's not the way our corrupt media works! What's even worse is now having to hear and listen to all those whiney liberals bark about what was said.
They are trying to make a Kennedy-derangement-syndrome, like they made T.D.S.
I don't think it will work, because Bobby always sounds so-reasonable, and he doesn't have the irritating mannerisms that are so easy to focus on in Trump.
RFK jr. is a real profile in courage. He is likely the most intelligent, most experienced, and most logical thinker of all candidates running for president. And his love for America and mankind is above reproach. There is no reason for him to run, except that he clearly sees the dangerous, deliberate foolishness that is running average people into the ground. In the wake of cancel culture and blatant disinformation, talk him up to your family, friends and neighbors. I’m not a Democrat but would vote for him in a heartbeat. Read his book “American Values” and see how a flawed human being can find humility and noble purpose.
I have said the same to all there is NOTHING IN THIS FOR HIM! He has already amassed what all the other are so desperate to attain which is FAME and FORTUNE!! For him this is not about buying notoriety which is why they all go in to politics For him this is solely about saving what little is left of this Country!
Damn, the ruling class must be terrified by truth and potential unity among Americans to have a government that serves and seeks consent of the governed. Propaganda and smear operations against you Bobby are going full throttle... meanwhile our tech censors are scrubbing evidence of demented Joe on the world stage making more inappropriate grabs at little girls.
The media assault on this campaign is as vicious as anything I’ve ever seen.
It will get uglier. We need to toughen up for the next 16 months. The voices are already belligerent and shrill spewing total lies and nonsense.
Our job is to raise the bar of civility, correct, educate and do our best to get RFK Jr. elected.
I see when goaded by some journalists, RFK Jr. won't take the bait to trash other candidates. He won't do it--which is very wise. We need to reflect his campaign spirit when we tell others about his campaign and message.
Key word throughout this post . . . . WE!!!
If he is to succeed it will be because of the effort of those supporting him! THIS made our job harder.
Lies, smearing, and misquotes are common. I just remembered some of the whispering lies of George Bush Jr. when running against Ann Richards for Governor of Texas in 1994. With the help of campaign strategist Karl Rove, famous for dirty campaign tricks, spread lies about Ann Richards regarding lesbianism. Whatever works. It was so close to election day and difficult to refute the lies in time. Also George Bush Jr. in 2000 did another smear regarding Senator John McCain running for president said McCain had an illegitimate black baby. So close to an election, it's hard to stop the political damage. They tapped into people's moral outrage to swing an election. I think this is technique is for low-information voters, but it works.
They don't have to do smear campaigns anymore per se - they just corrupt the entire voting process instead!!! It's sad. You would THINK those that are part of all of this would come to the realization they won't be able to escape it when the entire Country implodes!
I've often hoped they would actually join forces knowing he may be the only person to save what little is left!
The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):
J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know
The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
Dominion over US
You can’t make this stuff up. Do they laugh in our faces? Was the name Dominion chosen to prove their dominion?
A Republic or a Democracy? Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?
How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?
Prof, you have a lot to say about many topics but I will add to only one: Dominion over US.
Dominion is a Canadian company incorporated in Toronto, Ontario in 2003. The name derives from the Dominion Elections Act of 1920. Yes, there are also headquarters in Denver, Colorado. There are over 200 registered companies in Canada that use “Dominion” in their name. Not a joke. No one is laughing. Why would they?
I could add a lot more but I know that it would be pointless. I do urge you to try a build more trust in our institutions. Everyone is not out to get you or to pull a fast one. Secret deals and secret handshakes are not the basis of every last thing. Tearing it all down will not bring a clean slate to start over again. History does not repeat but it echoes. Pay attention but don’t get lost in the labyrinths true as they may sound.
I would like to add that just because a person is elected rather than appointed to a position does not mean they are not biased, not beholden, not obligated elsewhere.
Congratulations, Bobby, you have earned another trophy for your Evidence of Efficacy cabinet.
As I write in “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (
“You know you’re living in a world of lies when the mob is more enraged at the whistleblowers revealing the deceptions, corruption, and murder than they are at the lying liars, corrupt corrupters, and murdering murderers themselves—indeed, they trip over themselves racing to defend their narcissistic abusers.
“As Edward Snowden says: ‘When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals!’
“But guess what?
“Once they start calling you all those hideous names, you realize they’re nothing more than magician’s smoke.
“You gradually start to give fewer and fewer f*cks.
“You know you’ve hit zero when you feel the exhilarating liberation that comes from shouting the unfettered truth.
“That’s the words-can-never-hurt-you stage.
“You become untouchable.
“You start collecting libels like Purple Hearts.
“The more scars you can count, the more evidence of your efficacy, your threat to the hegemony.
“That’s when you can truly LIVE. And by truth, not by lies.…
“Stick it out long enough, and that tarnished reputation turns into burnished gold.
“Because when you are slandered by the propagandists, that means you are the good guy, even though the menticided public believes the opposite.
“In Upside-Down World, persisting in seeing things right-side up—despite the incessant, relentless, never-ending gaslighting—means you have valiantly guarded your most precious possessions: your integrity and your sanity.”
The best of luck in your campaign Mr. Kennedy.
Many disillusioned voters in the UK support your bid for election.
You carry much needed sense and gravitas.
With all the hit pieces in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The Rolling Stone, The New Republic, plus the usual MSM propaganda, this means that RFK Jr.'s rise in the polls is causing as Darth Vader would say, 'A disturbance in the Force'. Yes, the dark forces of deep state operators and forever wars. Those are dark forces indeed. Bitch about vaccines all you want, but the real threat is for the Empire of Endless War.
Continue to spread the word about a better future, pray for peace, donate, and vote for RFK Jr. for President of the United States in November.
RFK, please leave the disgraceful dems and run as VP for Trump. A guaranteed landslide and a win for America!
There may be some bad history there. Before Trump was President, Trump promised JFK an office in the White House to help explore vaccines etc. if Trump got elected. However once Trump became President Trump would not return JRK's calls. Just dropped him. Then later Trump gave Pfizer millions. Then of course Trump went full force warp speed on the shots and endorsed shots over and over again even after many, many people came forward with their shot injury, even after Senator Ron Johnson had his panel of shot injured to give their testimony.
First, I think you mean RFK. Second, Trump's vax was therapeutic HCQ not mRNA. Had he not done that they would have mandated jabs for everyone and shut down everything. Trump was being fed false information. They're both mature grown men who both have the best interest of our country and could easily let bygones be bygones.
Yes indeed I did mean JFK the second time I wrote his name. I noticed my typo as soon as I posted it, however for whatever reason when I go to edit what I write my entire post disappears. I have no idea why. I was hoping that others would be able to figure out that was a typo as this post was made at night and I didn't think it would deter my ultimate message as this entire post is about JFK plus I did write it correctly the first time.
JFK was not alive when Trump was elected. He died 1963.
All true but how many negative things did Biden say about Obama? It's water under the bridge! RFK Jr is the only person Trump can actually trust! That's what got him into so much trouble the first time - he hasn't a clue how the game is played! They played him! Adoration is the blood that runs through his veins he doesn't realize they are all in it for themselves!!
This could wind up being the most volatile administration to ever take office when it comes to abolishing the corruption and malfeasance! Trump is all talk Bobby has the means to accomplish it!
Start by abolishing the WHO NATO and the UN!
Thank Bill Gates for shooting down Trumps exploration into vaccines. That was his doing because he has a huge stake in his ‘decade of vaccines’. It’s all about money for him and the pandemic was already planned. Snake in the grass.
An insult to RFK jnr, who far outpaces Trump in so very many areas.
Trump is yesterdays irrational man.
That's your opinion. RFK history is sketchy. Wifey very Hollyweird and pro vaxxer.
He has said numerous times he has no plan B - however should the situation arise I think it may actually come to fruition - he will be to Trump what VP-C was to Bush!
Of course the question will be how massive the corruption will be this time with the elections in order to stop them! The very first piece of legislation signed upon entering office must be ONE set of voting rules for all 50 States!
Bill Clinton started all of this when he enacted the Voter Moter Act on HIS very first day in office! No proof of citizenship required when registering to vote!
VP-C? Cheney? Dear Lord, don't ever compare anyone to that monster let alone RFK!
What I meant was the brains behind the Bush administration! Robert would be the brains behind the Trump administration and then of course become POTUS after Trumps term ended allowing him to finish the job - total 12 years!
RFK Jnr is THE BRAINS, maturity experience knowledge, PR, legal experience and quality of personal character, besides so many other outstanding positive characteristics'. And he has universal validity.
Trump is way way behind Robert F Kennedy Jnr, and one cannot respect him much at all. I am not American and maybe that's why I can see more clearly?
Trump did well on his own considering most of his administration was working against him. Don't underestimate the man.
Chinese and Jewish here, love ya Bobby!
The media democrat industrial complex is TOTALLY desperate to silence him. RFK Jr is brave and noble with an encyclopedic knowledge of history who fearlessly speaks truth to power. The more he speaks the more his followers grow and grow. From the left and right and middle AMERICANS all of us.A sad beaten down country, a once great country has finally found our hero. We’ll give him that sword.
Yes but in this particular case - he handed them the ammunition! I must say I was quite shocked when he said it was supposed to be off the record No one could possible be that stupid to know no such venue's exist! We all know why he said it - to educate people but he had to have known how they would skew and run with it the second he did so! The only good thing to come of this will be education folks that bio-weapons most certainly exist when it comes to eradicating certain people!
What dinner guest at the table leaked this off the cuff discussion? What were the leakers motives and personal background?
From the angle they know who leaked this in a heartbeat
He will not die from this unfair attack. People have been noticing that he is being attacked unfairly, dishonestly. How does that play out over time?
As I've stated repeatedly, once the number of deaths and injuries from these injections become to insurmountable to bury - people will be flocking to him as there only savior
I've always felt it's why he ran and what will catapult him into office - there isn't anyone that now doesn't know someone who has been injured and or died from these things!!
Even if they don't say it aloud they sure as hell certainly suspect it! I myself know of over 20 people that have died from them! The sudden heart attacks and strokes amongst healthy people are astronomical - go to any hospital and talk to any nurse and they will confirm they've NEVER seen anything like this! These are inarguable facts that can't be hidden!! The skyrocketing auto immune diseases and turbo cancer are all the others!
And your CIA, and other dubious groups, and those who make $$$$ from WAR MONGERING - read DEATHS of millions of innocent people.
Who MURDERED his father AND uncle
I have not heard of “The Gift of Fear,” but the mainstream media and the U.S. government have been gifting the American people with fear and finger-pointing for decades. The New York Post reporter is pointing a finger at RFK, Jr. in an attempt to associate him with something heinous, of course. Nothing new. I can’t imagine this well-spoken, rigorously intelligent man making an assertion about Covid sparing Jews. Ridiculous. Ironically, the media and forces behind the media are afraid of R.F.K., Jr. because he tells the truth, doesn’t play the name-calling game, and is against feeding the war machine that keeps so many fat and happy. Sadly, they may not even realize this because they believe their own lies.
Peter MCullough MD's site has this, with clear perspective, and medical references which confirm the statements that white and black males were hit harder by COVID-19 (original strain) and that Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese were relatively spared.
Media Twists RFK's Remark at NY Press Event
My family is 100% ashkenazi. My mother was killed by Moderna shots. My father is injured. I dont believe the claim
The shots are not the virus.
The trend was more in males, and it was only a difference of degrees of vulnerability to the lab-virus.
Interesting point. I happen to believe that if no govt could provide a viral isolate under numerous FOIAS then there cannot be a SARS Covid 2 virus. Full stop
To read the viral genome takes millions of copies of the virus, which get destroyed into little pieces, which get machine-read, then statistically grouped back together like a jigsaw puzzle, since they are all different, and the overlapping segments are used to reconstitute the genome through statistical probability. It's a mess, but they put in enough of it until the machine-reader and computer are as "certain" as is deemed necessary.
As things get smaller and smaller, our daily experience of "reality" in the world becomes less and less applicable.
You can have a billion destroyed viruses, but not one intact virus. That's just virology.
I followed most of the breadcrumbs early on including CDC lies about the virus being isolated ( the link they provided to a lab stated theyd never isolated any virus) the Head chinese wuhan scientist interviewed by US media stating that theyd never isolated any virus. Multiple Global journalists including Ireland stating on the record that the govt admitted under FOIA they couldnt provide any proof of a sars covid 2 virus isolate. No isolate = no virus. Period. Good luck on your own research.
Good luck to you, also on your path in this life.
Welp i guess all the experts like dr Mcculough, Marik and otgers are all wrong about Kochs postulate. Its pretty clear in virology : no isolate , no virus.
I think you misrepresent the positions of Dr.s McCullough and Marik, who have both treated the SARS CoV-2 virus, based upon their understanding of cliical virology, as I also have done.
Unfortunately but thankfully many of his substackers are rushing to his defense! This will be a huge clean up! Again, we all know why he said it but he should have thought about what he was saying first! He has to learn to be more succinct with this answers!
He was speaking to another person, having a conversation, yet what he said was factual, so now it is in discussion.
This is not an embarrasement, but the battle for publicising the truth has been advanced again.
You know that - I know that - and his supporters know that. But that's not the way our corrupt media works! What's even worse is now having to hear and listen to all those whiney liberals bark about what was said.
They are trying to make a Kennedy-derangement-syndrome, like they made T.D.S.
I don't think it will work, because Bobby always sounds so-reasonable, and he doesn't have the irritating mannerisms that are so easy to focus on in Trump.
Everything Bobby says is verifiable. BOOM!
True very true!
No, your media people have to be taught the hard way to NOT put their spin on the truth that RFK Jnr states.
Unbelievable - Let's all educate ourselves, so that we can continue to counter these vile attempts to bring our beloved Bobby down.
Meanwhile, let's all make another donation to show these media thugs how protective we are of him.
RFK jr. is a real profile in courage. He is likely the most intelligent, most experienced, and most logical thinker of all candidates running for president. And his love for America and mankind is above reproach. There is no reason for him to run, except that he clearly sees the dangerous, deliberate foolishness that is running average people into the ground. In the wake of cancel culture and blatant disinformation, talk him up to your family, friends and neighbors. I’m not a Democrat but would vote for him in a heartbeat. Read his book “American Values” and see how a flawed human being can find humility and noble purpose.
BRILLIANT and exceptionally said!
I have said the same to all there is NOTHING IN THIS FOR HIM! He has already amassed what all the other are so desperate to attain which is FAME and FORTUNE!! For him this is not about buying notoriety which is why they all go in to politics For him this is solely about saving what little is left of this Country!
Damn, the ruling class must be terrified by truth and potential unity among Americans to have a government that serves and seeks consent of the governed. Propaganda and smear operations against you Bobby are going full throttle... meanwhile our tech censors are scrubbing evidence of demented Joe on the world stage making more inappropriate grabs at little girls.
Keep it up, these people are disgusting and dishonest as can be.
RF Kennedy Junior is our best chance currently to try regaining our sanity as a nation.
Peace period.
Let’s have peace a chance, even a breeze would result in a victory, all hearts and souls come forward.
I no longer think it’s impossible for a Kennedy presidency. He’s going to win this one.