He has said numerous times he has no plan B - however should the situation arise I think it may actually come to fruition - he will be to Trump what VP-C was to Bush!
Of course the question will be how massive the corruption will be this time with the elections in order to stop them! The very first piece of legislation signed upon enterin…
He has said numerous times he has no plan B - however should the situation arise I think it may actually come to fruition - he will be to Trump what VP-C was to Bush!
Of course the question will be how massive the corruption will be this time with the elections in order to stop them! The very first piece of legislation signed upon entering office must be ONE set of voting rules for all 50 States!
Bill Clinton started all of this when he enacted the Voter Moter Act on HIS very first day in office! No proof of citizenship required when registering to vote!
What I meant was the brains behind the Bush administration! Robert would be the brains behind the Trump administration and then of course become POTUS after Trumps term ended allowing him to finish the job - total 12 years!
RFK Jnr is THE BRAINS, maturity experience knowledge, PR, legal experience and quality of personal character, besides so many other outstanding positive characteristics'. And he has universal validity.
Trump is way way behind Robert F Kennedy Jnr, and one cannot respect him much at all. I am not American and maybe that's why I can see more clearly?
He has said numerous times he has no plan B - however should the situation arise I think it may actually come to fruition - he will be to Trump what VP-C was to Bush!
Of course the question will be how massive the corruption will be this time with the elections in order to stop them! The very first piece of legislation signed upon entering office must be ONE set of voting rules for all 50 States!
Bill Clinton started all of this when he enacted the Voter Moter Act on HIS very first day in office! No proof of citizenship required when registering to vote!
VP-C? Cheney? Dear Lord, don't ever compare anyone to that monster let alone RFK!
What I meant was the brains behind the Bush administration! Robert would be the brains behind the Trump administration and then of course become POTUS after Trumps term ended allowing him to finish the job - total 12 years!
RFK Jnr is THE BRAINS, maturity experience knowledge, PR, legal experience and quality of personal character, besides so many other outstanding positive characteristics'. And he has universal validity.
Trump is way way behind Robert F Kennedy Jnr, and one cannot respect him much at all. I am not American and maybe that's why I can see more clearly?
Yes but Trump sells - it's the greatest act since Obama!
Trump did well on his own considering most of his administration was working against him. Don't underestimate the man.