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A contest between RFK Jr on one side, and Trump on the other sound good to me. I'd be happy with either one winning, because the deep state hates them both.

But the Democratic Party is so corrupt that there is no chance they will allow RFK Jr to get the nomination, even though he would probably win the election.

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Trump is a total fraud. He's in the swamp. He asked RFK to lead a commission for vaccine safety. Bill Gates heard about it and got Pfizer to give Trump millions to appoint Pfizer people to FDA and HHS and abandon the commission. It was at the first meeting of the commission that RFK asked Fauci to send him reports of pre-licensing safety trials. Fauci said he would send it and ghosted RFK, who then sued HHS. A year later, they sent a letter saying they don't have any safety trials.

Trump printed more for wall street than even Biden. His stimulus spree in 2020 is the cause of rampant inflation over the next 2 years. He killed over 40% black owned businesses with lockdown mandates and 3.5 million businesses in total. Just handed over the government to Fauci, an unelected bureaucrat. He also didn't do anything he promised to do. He just talks about "deep state" to pander for votes. He has no idea or indeed the balls to do anything.

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Trump failed on the vaxx, and still refuses to admit the mass death it has caused and is still causing.

But he does have many major accomplishments:

- didn't start any new wars

- excellent economy

- lowest black unemployment rate ever

- peace agreement in MidEast

- peace with N. Korea

And anyone who is being so obviously persecuted by a corrupt DOJ/FBI deserves our vote just for that reason alone.

I would definitely vote for Trump again for those reasons, unless JFK Jr gets on the ballot. Dealing with the vaxx criminals is the most important issue by far. This is also why I can't support Vivek. He consistently ignores the 300,000 Americans murdered by the toxxine mandates.

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- didn't resolve the Ukraine conflict, it's been going on for 9 years

- printed more than Biden

- lockdowns took out 41% black owned businesses

- what?

- still doing nuclear testing

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Trump did not involve us in the Ukraine conflict, which is about ethnic Russians living in Ukraine. How could he resolve that, and why should the US even be involved at all?

Biden's anti-energy policies are the main cause of inflation, but the Fed also ramped up printing under Biden to fund ill-advised US involvement in Ukraine.

Trump was great for blacks until DEMOCRAT shutdowns.

If you just hate Trump because you enjoy hating, you should admit that. But it's not about Trump's record, which is objectively way better than Biden's in every possible way.

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Watch the words; they become manifestors.

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I don't know what you mean.

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Well, everything is vibration. Our words and even our thoughts.

We draw these vibrations to us.

So if we’re thinking lower vibes for instance fear, or like perhaps worry about a bad possible outcome, then this is likely what will happen.

However if we think about joy love and abundance,

then this beautiful abundance is the frequency we attract to ourselves. We are actually manifesting (creating) the outcome with our own thoughts.

Words and thoughts can ‘cast a spell’ spell out what is to be.

‘The placebo effect’ is used in clinical trials for medicines to be released.

So your research.

Dr Bruce Lipton,’Bioligist Quantum Physicist

“The Biology of Belief’

We control our own destiny’s and when used on a collective consciousness level, we will heal the entire world. That’s my manifestation now.

Join along.

It’s Humanity’s Long Hidden Secret the secret governments and Dangerous Elite’s want kept secret.

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We can't afford a newbie right now. He's got too many skeletons besides

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Compared to any other Democrat, RFK Jr is a saint.

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That's not saying much.

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Lol, true, but he's still the best among Democrats imho.

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A newbie? What are you stupid? The very last thing we need is a career politician.

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A fraud and Fauci's lap dog? No, thanks. You need your head examined if you're still even talking about Trump. Trump is irrelevant. Rally all efforts to get Kennedy in the white house. He's been doing over the last 40 years way more than what Trump or Biden could do if they were given 40 years of presidency.

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And you've been sucked in by MSM none of that bullshit you're spouting is true. RFK Jr. is a misogynistic ex junkie, bad marriages, w a Hollyweird wife who is pro-vax. We can't afford a newbie wannabe politician as President. Wake the f up. His followers are also a bunch of retards.

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Kennedy has done more in 40 years draining the swamp of corporate monopolies and government agencies than any president during that period.

Trump is an self-serving clown. All he does is brag about himself and make up silly nicknames for people. He doesn't have the balls to take on anyone in the deep state. He literally proved it for 4 years. You can't even say he kept the country out of war because Ukraine-Russia situation was not resolved during that time, it's been ongoing since 2014.

Trump asked RFK to lead a commission on vaccine safety. Gates called Trump after learning about it asking him to drop the plans. Trump then took millions from Pfizer appointed Pfizer's Azar and Gottlieb to HHS and FDA. Letting Pfizer regulate itself. He also let unelected bureaucrat Fauci to run the country for a year.

Trump printed more money for wall street than even Biden. The rampant inflation of 2021-22 was a direct consequence of his 8 trillion wall street stimulus. Lockdowns destroyed 4 million SMB and 41% of all black owned businesses. He promised to release JFK docs and didn't. He promised to pardon Assange and didn't. He promised to drain the swamp and didn't. Instead let the swamp run FDA and public health policies. He promised to make Mexico pay for the wall and didn't.

All of this before you talk about how divisive he is with his personal attacks and hateful rhetoric. Anyone voting for Trump over Kennedy definitely does not love this country.

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Too bad you listen to and are brainwashed by MSM. None of what you say about DJT is true. Go mind your own FUCKING business I'm not here to cure your TDS.

RFK Jr ex junkie, misogynist, Hollyweird wife who is pro vax. Oh yeah, and now remind me why he let everyone think JFK Jr is still alive? No thanks. DJT is a real alpha man sorry you can't handle it.

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Seriously, like a business man who ran a casino into bankruptcy? What about a politician who's signature legislation was a massive tax cut for the ultra wealthy, or who appointed two former pharma execs to be the heads of the FDA and HHS? Maybe one who doubled the national debt or one who allowed the pharma industry to railroad an untested, unsafe gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine onto the market to be mandated on the public by the next corrupt leader pushed onto us by the kabal? Here's a clue for you Mr Dunning Kruger, Trump's a pathological liar, it's what he does and what he's always done. If you're too dim to see that you're an utter failure in the intelligence contest.

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I'm not here to cure your TDS. Keep believing MSM bullshit. Dwad.

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RFK Jr. ex-junkie, misogynist, ex-wife committed suicide, wife is Hollyweird pro-vax. Never held office, now is not the time. NO, I'M ADVOCATING FOR A BUSINESSMAN WHO KNOWS WHERE ALL THE SKELETONS ARE BURIED! DJT! ♥️🇺🇸 MAGA!♥️🇺🇸

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