As RFK Jr. has done with all the problems of his campaign focus, he has a plan, in this case Healing Centers. As a man of his word, he will move on that plan “whatever the outcome” of his campaign. We need this man as the leader, ‘our national leader’, who identifies our problems and has specific action plans to take on these problems.

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He wants to lead, he wants ideas, he wants to unite us and he wants US to act.

We are a divided nation on the verge of the Second American Civil War and this war will be bloodier than the last. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants us to unite against our Oligarch Rulers. He spoke of the Uniparty feigning opposition to keep us divided hence conquered. That's exactly what the Oligarchs who own the politicians, corporations and media wants. They use those tools to accomplish just that!

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Sep 16, 2023
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Actually, the words of the song quoted in RFK Jr.’s post spell it out. But I’ll try: To reduce and perhaps cure the consequences of many who have been ‘left behind’, i.e., can’t keep up with the cost of living, their problems ignored, suffered from what’s happened to their ability to have sufficient income to provide for themselves and family, e.g., our economy has gone to Hell for low income citizens, and the resulting inability to keep pace for many has led to drugs, petty crime, mental problems, etc. for too many. The purpose of a Help Center, as I interpret, would be to assist these people in recovering the damage done them and provide assistance for a fresh start. Just my taking a shot at your question, which I appreciate and thank you for it.

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A place for addicts to recover. Have you been to Italy?

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Sep 16, 2023Edited
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Check out the Midnight at the Border documentary and the interview post-screening where Kennedy talked about that. But the problem with Fentanyl specifically goes way back to FDA deceiving about opioid addiction. It's difficult to completely stop Fentanyl trafficking, it's lethal in very minuscule doses. So Kennedy detailed his plans to not just secure the border and issue passport cards to eliminate the incentive for illegal immigration but also work with Mexico to deal with the trafficking through mutual cooperation. We don't have good diplomatic relations with Mexico currently.

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No let's not take opioids off the market. There are legitimate pain patients that

cannot function without them but they are being withheld bc of misuse.

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Refreshing to hear from and about two fellows I admire, Robert and Oliver.

I don’t second guess Roberts intentions even for a second. The man has been at it, honestly for many decades. Love that he can listen and debate respectfully, think critically and holistically. He is the real deal. And I want to add he has a spiritual awareness which to me is like gold during these times.

Oliver has a great voice and sings with heart and soul.

Why shouldn’t we celebrate these two sharing time with each other?

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I really don't care how Oliver Anthony's song became viral...was it pushed through some algorithm? through some right wing pundits? why does it bother people that someone knew how to market it? It absolutely struck a chord with people around the world. It doesn't matter if you're left-right-center-none of them, there is something to the words and the authenticity of this young man's voice. I love that Robert Kennedy Jr. has met with him and that they are partnering to make this world a better place for many suffering people.

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Has he been asked about it directly? I didn't catch the Joe Rogan episode. It seems like Kennedy met with him soon after listening to the song but didn't want to publicize it. Anthony's song is pretty much about the corrupt merger of state and corporate power strip mining the working people. It immediately occurred to me these two would get along.

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Agree with you completely that they seem very like-minded! I did not hear Oliver Anthony mention the Healing Centers during the Joe Rogan interview. I was only hoping our commenter BF would get a chance to listen to the JRE Oliver Anthony episode to reassure himself that Oliver Anthony is genuine and has a very authentic persona--no matter who took it upon themselves to catapult him to stardom :-)

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Chris alludes to these ideas here:


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You got a time stamp? I can't stand Peterson.

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In the JP interview it's at about 1hr 18.

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Listen: hope you can hear the authenticity.


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Sep 16, 2023
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Hope you get a chance to listen to Oliver Anthony's interview on the Joe Rogan Experience...the guy is definitely authentic. Not sure if you're arguing that authenticity only comes from NOT being "discovered," "marketed," or otherwise put into the spotlight? Maybe I'll just thank whoever did this (horrible?) act of marketing his song, because the world needed it right now.

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This interview conducted by Jordan Peterson is very strong: "The real deal", imo.


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How is it inauthentic? No piece of art comes to the attention of the broader world without some assistance from people who see value in it and promote it. Just because someone you don't like assisted Oliver Anthony in getting this song out, and he's been singing about topics like this for a long time, it doesn't devalue it at all.

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Bongino is more than just "someone I don't like".... if you don't understand what association with him means maybe you need to go down a rabbit hole and do some research tonight

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You’re dissing a real patriot and there is no credible reason to dislike Dan Bongino unless you are a leftist asshole. Go down the rabbit hole yourself and stay there.

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I'm right wing and if you think Secret Service are "real patriots" then you're too much of a government loving leftist to understand a serious right wing perspective.

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I just read your profile. I hate to bring it to you but conservatives are centrists, not right wing. You're definitely further to the left than me.

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Seriously? Because you're dim witted mind finds a bogey man or bogey men you think the world has to follow you in that delusion?

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Um... where'd you read that?

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A contest between RFK Jr on one side, and Trump on the other sound good to me. I'd be happy with either one winning, because the deep state hates them both.

But the Democratic Party is so corrupt that there is no chance they will allow RFK Jr to get the nomination, even though he would probably win the election.

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Trump is a total fraud. He's in the swamp. He asked RFK to lead a commission for vaccine safety. Bill Gates heard about it and got Pfizer to give Trump millions to appoint Pfizer people to FDA and HHS and abandon the commission. It was at the first meeting of the commission that RFK asked Fauci to send him reports of pre-licensing safety trials. Fauci said he would send it and ghosted RFK, who then sued HHS. A year later, they sent a letter saying they don't have any safety trials.

Trump printed more for wall street than even Biden. His stimulus spree in 2020 is the cause of rampant inflation over the next 2 years. He killed over 40% black owned businesses with lockdown mandates and 3.5 million businesses in total. Just handed over the government to Fauci, an unelected bureaucrat. He also didn't do anything he promised to do. He just talks about "deep state" to pander for votes. He has no idea or indeed the balls to do anything.

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Trump failed on the vaxx, and still refuses to admit the mass death it has caused and is still causing.

But he does have many major accomplishments:

- didn't start any new wars

- excellent economy

- lowest black unemployment rate ever

- peace agreement in MidEast

- peace with N. Korea

And anyone who is being so obviously persecuted by a corrupt DOJ/FBI deserves our vote just for that reason alone.

I would definitely vote for Trump again for those reasons, unless JFK Jr gets on the ballot. Dealing with the vaxx criminals is the most important issue by far. This is also why I can't support Vivek. He consistently ignores the 300,000 Americans murdered by the toxxine mandates.

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- didn't resolve the Ukraine conflict, it's been going on for 9 years

- printed more than Biden

- lockdowns took out 41% black owned businesses

- what?

- still doing nuclear testing

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Trump did not involve us in the Ukraine conflict, which is about ethnic Russians living in Ukraine. How could he resolve that, and why should the US even be involved at all?

Biden's anti-energy policies are the main cause of inflation, but the Fed also ramped up printing under Biden to fund ill-advised US involvement in Ukraine.

Trump was great for blacks until DEMOCRAT shutdowns.

If you just hate Trump because you enjoy hating, you should admit that. But it's not about Trump's record, which is objectively way better than Biden's in every possible way.

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Watch the words; they become manifestors.

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I don't know what you mean.

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Well, everything is vibration. Our words and even our thoughts.

We draw these vibrations to us.

So if we’re thinking lower vibes for instance fear, or like perhaps worry about a bad possible outcome, then this is likely what will happen.

However if we think about joy love and abundance,

then this beautiful abundance is the frequency we attract to ourselves. We are actually manifesting (creating) the outcome with our own thoughts.

Words and thoughts can ‘cast a spell’ spell out what is to be.

‘The placebo effect’ is used in clinical trials for medicines to be released.

So your research.

Dr Bruce Lipton,’Bioligist Quantum Physicist

“The Biology of Belief’

We control our own destiny’s and when used on a collective consciousness level, we will heal the entire world. That’s my manifestation now.

Join along.

It’s Humanity’s Long Hidden Secret the secret governments and Dangerous Elite’s want kept secret.

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We can't afford a newbie right now. He's got too many skeletons besides

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Compared to any other Democrat, RFK Jr is a saint.

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That's not saying much.

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Lol, true, but he's still the best among Democrats imho.

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A newbie? What are you stupid? The very last thing we need is a career politician.

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A fraud and Fauci's lap dog? No, thanks. You need your head examined if you're still even talking about Trump. Trump is irrelevant. Rally all efforts to get Kennedy in the white house. He's been doing over the last 40 years way more than what Trump or Biden could do if they were given 40 years of presidency.

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And you've been sucked in by MSM none of that bullshit you're spouting is true. RFK Jr. is a misogynistic ex junkie, bad marriages, w a Hollyweird wife who is pro-vax. We can't afford a newbie wannabe politician as President. Wake the f up. His followers are also a bunch of retards.

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Kennedy has done more in 40 years draining the swamp of corporate monopolies and government agencies than any president during that period.

Trump is an self-serving clown. All he does is brag about himself and make up silly nicknames for people. He doesn't have the balls to take on anyone in the deep state. He literally proved it for 4 years. You can't even say he kept the country out of war because Ukraine-Russia situation was not resolved during that time, it's been ongoing since 2014.

Trump asked RFK to lead a commission on vaccine safety. Gates called Trump after learning about it asking him to drop the plans. Trump then took millions from Pfizer appointed Pfizer's Azar and Gottlieb to HHS and FDA. Letting Pfizer regulate itself. He also let unelected bureaucrat Fauci to run the country for a year.

Trump printed more money for wall street than even Biden. The rampant inflation of 2021-22 was a direct consequence of his 8 trillion wall street stimulus. Lockdowns destroyed 4 million SMB and 41% of all black owned businesses. He promised to release JFK docs and didn't. He promised to pardon Assange and didn't. He promised to drain the swamp and didn't. Instead let the swamp run FDA and public health policies. He promised to make Mexico pay for the wall and didn't.

All of this before you talk about how divisive he is with his personal attacks and hateful rhetoric. Anyone voting for Trump over Kennedy definitely does not love this country.

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Seriously, like a business man who ran a casino into bankruptcy? What about a politician who's signature legislation was a massive tax cut for the ultra wealthy, or who appointed two former pharma execs to be the heads of the FDA and HHS? Maybe one who doubled the national debt or one who allowed the pharma industry to railroad an untested, unsafe gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine onto the market to be mandated on the public by the next corrupt leader pushed onto us by the kabal? Here's a clue for you Mr Dunning Kruger, Trump's a pathological liar, it's what he does and what he's always done. If you're too dim to see that you're an utter failure in the intelligence contest.

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I'm not here to cure your TDS. Keep believing MSM bullshit. Dwad.

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RFK Jr. ex-junkie, misogynist, ex-wife committed suicide, wife is Hollyweird pro-vax. Never held office, now is not the time. NO, I'M ADVOCATING FOR A BUSINESSMAN WHO KNOWS WHERE ALL THE SKELETONS ARE BURIED! DJT! ♥️🇺🇸 MAGA!♥️🇺🇸

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There are a few things that RFK can do right out of the gate to solve many of our problems. First, follow the lead of the rest of the world (except New Zealand) and ban advertisement of pharmaceuticals on online and on TV.

We know that the WHO is driving the death by jab agenda so let's pull out of the WHO. Better yet, lets pull out of the organization that runs the WHO - the UN. Then we can do away with the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, the NIAID... in fact, lets just cancel all of HHS.

Then we save countless billions of taxpayer dollars by pulling out of war mongering NATO.

Then we can save countless billions more by stopping corporate welfare.

Then we can save billions more as well as save billions of lives by stopping the earth killing effects of geoengineering.

Then we can save billions of dollars and many lives by stopping the use of DEW's and preventing the coming space wars.

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Ending the corrupt merger of state and corporate power, nixing citizens united, reviving JFK's EO 11110 are the first steps to disempower Rich Men North of Richmond

Kennedy is the remedy!

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Good slogan.

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Awesome to see this! As a young man, I can attest to the depression, loneliness, lack of purpose and good messages in my generation. We need men like Oliver Anthony, JBP, RFK Jr. to model a healthy, strong lifestyle and spiritual maturity.

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True Ryan, but we also need young men like yourself. Stay in the fight til the end brother. We need you.

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Thank you brother 👏👏

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“Whatever the outcome of your presidential campaign“? You’ve already won….when all the candidates are copying you, your talking points, the way you outline things…they’re all following your lead (being really careful to not make it obvious) … even Joe Biden tried to preempt your hour on Cavuto last week. Knowing they would get heat if he didn’t show up in New York he chose 4 PM for a reason and they had Joe Manchin on standby in case the old fart couldn’t keep it up for the whole hour… but you’ve got a year to keep blowing everybody away. Your impact which seems effortless comes from just being the incredible human being that you are…. unfortunately, our screwed up society may not be able to connect as we wish but everyone believes in miracles especially after they occur. :)

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LOVE the Healing Centers plan/idea! Go Kennedy24!!

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I am glad you connected with Chris Bobby. I did my best to reach him. I hope he will consider letting us play his songs at events..... Yes, his ideas for retreats for sobriety is a fantastic Vision. I hope he will consider helping our quest.

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Nice, I was hoping from the first time I heard Oliver Anthony's song that the two of you would team up and spread the message of hope for America, and hope for the world.

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From a "far right" supporter of yours: please don't take current left positions on 2nd Amendment. Address crime and let the people keep and bear arms, as our founders wanted.

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Great article, thank you. I think a part of the problem is that while the Declaration of Independence talked about a "right to life" - which I interpret as a societal right of access to basic necessities - that didn't make it into the Constitution. So I think we need to understand that the social institution of private property is only conducive to social harmony in a system where everyone is guaranteed such access - otherwise, how can people be expected to respect private property and not steal, which unfortunately often leads to violence as well.

So I fully support your plan for communty centers of some kind which are able to offer immediate assistance to people with serious problems - and I think that and other government expenditures should be funded by a proportional asset tax, rather than a complicated income tax, whereby if you own, say, one percent of the assets owned by the citizens of the country then you pay one percent of the funds the government needs to operate. This is the way, in my opinion, to reduce the power of oligarchs, to bridge the tremendous gap between the super-rich, who own a very large percentage of all the wealth, and the average person struggling to get by.

Thank you for your brave, great work. We need to get you in the White House, Mr. K!

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A wealth tax makes sense. Used to be called death duties. The distribution of incomes has become as skewed as it was in 1929.

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Once again I had a idea, expressed it even to Chris the singer and behold this not photo shopped dream come true! More reason than ever I pray your hard working security guys are well rested and ever loyal! Thank you Team Kennedy. Let the light roll over our nation. Whoopee and break out the fudge rounds! ;)

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God bless you both! I pray that He keeps you safe throughout this campaign and into the future!

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"Oliver sees America's crisis as a class war, and he is distressed by the identity politics that keep the working poor locked in orchestrated conflict with each other: Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat, Black vs. White."


This is why Presidential Voting is NOT the answer:


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Trust me, I'm a fan on RFK. I wrote about him here:


and here again when he got banned from instagram during the pandemic:


however, voting for presidents is not the answer. we need to direct all that energy and start small -- start by voting for changes in ourselves. then our families, then our communities - then our cities. If we can do this, then we can truly make change across the country. lets not get distracted by our communities by focusing all our energies on presidential elections. if we want to do both, we need to prioritze community first.

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We need to prioritize the family structure.....too many kids have dad’s who have kids with 5 different women and mom’s who have kids with 5 different baby daddies. This is not how to raise healthy loving kids. They have no support, no confidence, no love. Their mentors are rappers and the unemployed thugs on the corners. Yes this is culture war. Something needs to change our young people are killing each other and ALL politicians black and white turn their heads like they don’t see.

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Agree. Cars make streets uninhabitable. Make the surroundings of the house an open and safe place for kids to play. Children that play with other kids at a young age are better balanced psychologically and socially. Take away the mortgage and the rent pressure, and partnerships will survive longer. School teachers will have an easier time.

Urban sprawl is not family friendly. It's not the sort of environment that favors street life. Cars suck the life out of communities.

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Sometimes the cars are the answer because they didn't want to be in a community (?)

I surely don't want to be subject to a bunch of HOA mandates by holier-than-thou people

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If you make design for kids a priority, they will introduce you to people that you will be happy to be associated with.

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I see value in here. Community leadership is indispensable. It could be possible to have national leaders directing local change, away from the corrupt halls of DC. That’s how King did it. Remove politics and rally the power of the people. That’s something I can get behind.

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