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We need to move away from this hate and anger. RFK jr is a breath of clean air. I'm asking all people to listen to RFK jr. Just once. Maybe you all can join me in a change for the better.

It's time we all move forward.

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We can't move forward until everyone is being accountable arrested and charged for crimes against humanity! From Fauxi, Gate, Biden, CEOs and school mandates the vax . Until cia/fbi charge for rigging the 2020 election. Until Antifa label as domestic terrorist.. until media stop propagandizing and censoring people... until the Biden Inc Cartel charge for treason! We can't move forward until it's acknowledged that Gov't is corrupt and We The People have been lied to.. or 30yrs from now they'll do it again.. rinse and repeat 🔁

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he's hateful. he's pro war. dan has misled you here

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He's not hateful, and he is not pro-war. Bobby Jr. is anti-war every day of the week.

That being said, I share your concern about his position on occupied-Palestine.

I speculate that it may be that he would die suddenly if he changed his position on Palestine/Israel. He would "die" politically, at any rate.

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It's my understanding that President Kennedy wanted Israel to be prevented from having nukes. He wrote letters to the Israeli PM saying as much

There is much speculation as to why the CIA/MOSSAD had our President murderer, but i tend to think it was Zionists who would not tolerate prevention from the Israeli "state" from having nukes which it now does. Where are the wespons inspectors? Where are the folks running for President mentioning the outright abuse Palestinians and Israel's neighbors endure at Zionist hands? There aren't any and not since President Kennedy..

The day that a potential President mentions or advocates for the prevention of Isreal to STOP harming Palestinians, taking AIPAC money and stop harassing and harming and threatening its neighbors and lastly the END of US taxpayer money sent to Israel, I cannot support in good conscience

Mr. Kennedy brings up many many good arguments about the changes the US needs abd an end to political corruption, Israel is a big red flag for me personally

No one in the US is elected w

without ZIONIST support

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There is evidence that LBJ illegally provided Israel with a lot of plutonium to make their first atomic bombs. I cannot prove it, but read a good investigation of the large amount of plutonium that went-missing.

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Article from THE GUARDIAN, 2014

Israel has been stealing nuclear secrets and covertly making bombs since the 1950s. And western governments, including Britain and the US, turn a blind eye. But how can we expect Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions if the Israelis won't come clean?


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“29 November 2012, In a 138–9 vote (with 41 abstaining) General Assembly resolution 67/19 adopted, upgrading Palestine to "non-member observer state" status in the United Nations, allowing the State of Palestine to join treaties and specialized UN agencies, such as the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the Law of the Seas Treaty and the International Criminal Court. It shall permit the “State of Palestine” to claim legal rights over its territorial waters and air space as a sovereign state recognized by the UN. It shall also provide Palestine with the right to sue for control of disputed territory in the International Court of Justice and bring war-crimes charges, mainly those relating to Israel's occupation of the State of Palestine, against Israel in the International Criminal Court.” Yet, Israel ignores the resolution and continues its illegal occupation, settlements and apartheid of the Palestine people.

Will soon post more in ScientificProgress.

In the meantime read this:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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Relevant UN Resolutions date back to 1947, as I recall.


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Make sure you know what you are talking about. Throwing shade is not good.

If you know anything good, say that! Only..

RFK jr is better than the rest. I can say this honestly

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He's a newbie who's never held office. We need someone who knows what they're getting into at this point in time and that's Trump. If RFK were smart he'd ditch the dying DEMONRATS party who will only do to him what they've done to Trump. Take the high road for the good of the country and run as VP alongside DJT. That's the only way I can overlook his negatives.

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The Trump revenge tour is not the answer.

I voted for Trump in 2020 after having voted D for 30 years prior to 2016 when the primary was rigged against Sanders.

THAT was my big wake up call.

But Trump did not drain the swamp, he HIRED it.

Trump: regime changed Bolivia and put a fascist in power. He tried to regime change VZ 3 TIMES, he sent arms to Ukraine, bombed Syria at the behest of ISRAEL , he moved US Embassy to Jerusalem, he had ths STOLEN Syrian Golan Heights named after himself! He pushed the jab and Operation Warp Speed and bragged about a jab injuring and killing 10's of 1000's!!

He had a beloved Iranian General w who fought against US backed ISIS, assassinated at the behest of Bibi Nutty Yahoo.

Trump was the bestest friend Israel ever had.

You see, I refuse to allow ideology or tribaliam blind me to the mistakes of each and every President.

And Biden? The most corrupt sociopathic President we've ever had!

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If you were even considering voting Sanders there's not much I can say. I lived in Vermont 30 yrs, there's not enough room here for me to tell you what a lazy, lying, perverted, despicable piece of shit scumbag he is. The "socialist" now a proud millionaire bc he was paid off by HRC. Trump vax was THERAPEUTIC HCQ NOT MRNA. He gave each state the right to their own decisions, had he not they would have shut the entire country down and had forced vaxxes.Trump was fed false information constantly from the minute he stepped off the escalator. Idk where you're getting all the other nonsense from but stop watching CNN. You have nothing positive to contribute to any dialog here. You're certainly entitled to your opinions. Good luck w that. WE DON'T NEED A NEWBIE NOW, DJT KNOWS WHERE ALL THE BODIES LIE. RFK HAS TOO MANY NEGATIVES.

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So was Trump, and he did alright. I am sure that RFK jr has the guts to do the same. Support his efforts and let's see how well he does. He will be a lot better than this corrupt clown in office now

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Except when Trump took office things hadn't degenerated to this extent. He knows where the bodies are buried now

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I agree, however I sadly noted that this site has many hateful and angry people on it. I even got one bigoted remark about gays weakening our military. Another accused me of cowardice until I pointed out that I am a US Army veteran.

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