Thank you, Daniel Kovalik, for your thoughtful and timely piece — “Why We Need RFK, Jr.” — in The Kennedy Beacon Substack about our urgent need for peace in Ukraine.
We need to move away from this hate and anger. RFK jr is a breath of clean air. I'm asking all people to listen to RFK jr. Just once. Maybe you all can join me in a change for the better.
We can't move forward until everyone is being accountable arrested and charged for crimes against humanity! From Fauxi, Gate, Biden, CEOs and school mandates the vax . Until cia/fbi charge for rigging the 2020 election. Until Antifa label as domestic terrorist.. until media stop propagandizing and censoring people... until the Biden Inc Cartel charge for treason! We can't move forward until it's acknowledged that Gov't is corrupt and We The People have been lied to.. or 30yrs from now they'll do it again.. rinse and repeat 🔁
It's my understanding that President Kennedy wanted Israel to be prevented from having nukes. He wrote letters to the Israeli PM saying as much
There is much speculation as to why the CIA/MOSSAD had our President murderer, but i tend to think it was Zionists who would not tolerate prevention from the Israeli "state" from having nukes which it now does. Where are the wespons inspectors? Where are the folks running for President mentioning the outright abuse Palestinians and Israel's neighbors endure at Zionist hands? There aren't any and not since President Kennedy..
The day that a potential President mentions or advocates for the prevention of Isreal to STOP harming Palestinians, taking AIPAC money and stop harassing and harming and threatening its neighbors and lastly the END of US taxpayer money sent to Israel, I cannot support in good conscience
Mr. Kennedy brings up many many good arguments about the changes the US needs abd an end to political corruption, Israel is a big red flag for me personally
There is evidence that LBJ illegally provided Israel with a lot of plutonium to make their first atomic bombs. I cannot prove it, but read a good investigation of the large amount of plutonium that went-missing.
Israel has been stealing nuclear secrets and covertly making bombs since the 1950s. And western governments, including Britain and the US, turn a blind eye. But how can we expect Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions if the Israelis won't come clean?
“29 November 2012, In a 138–9 vote (with 41 abstaining) General Assembly resolution 67/19 adopted, upgrading Palestine to "non-member observer state" status in the United Nations, allowing the State of Palestine to join treaties and specialized UN agencies, such as the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the Law of the Seas Treaty and the International Criminal Court. It shall permit the “State of Palestine” to claim legal rights over its territorial waters and air space as a sovereign state recognized by the UN. It shall also provide Palestine with the right to sue for control of disputed territory in the International Court of Justice and bring war-crimes charges, mainly those relating to Israel's occupation of the State of Palestine, against Israel in the International Criminal Court.” Yet, Israel ignores the resolution and continues its illegal occupation, settlements and apartheid of the Palestine people.
He's a newbie who's never held office. We need someone who knows what they're getting into at this point in time and that's Trump. If RFK were smart he'd ditch the dying DEMONRATS party who will only do to him what they've done to Trump. Take the high road for the good of the country and run as VP alongside DJT. That's the only way I can overlook his negatives.
I voted for Trump in 2020 after having voted D for 30 years prior to 2016 when the primary was rigged against Sanders.
THAT was my big wake up call.
But Trump did not drain the swamp, he HIRED it.
Trump: regime changed Bolivia and put a fascist in power. He tried to regime change VZ 3 TIMES, he sent arms to Ukraine, bombed Syria at the behest of ISRAEL , he moved US Embassy to Jerusalem, he had ths STOLEN Syrian Golan Heights named after himself! He pushed the jab and Operation Warp Speed and bragged about a jab injuring and killing 10's of 1000's!!
He had a beloved Iranian General w who fought against US backed ISIS, assassinated at the behest of Bibi Nutty Yahoo.
Trump was the bestest friend Israel ever had.
You see, I refuse to allow ideology or tribaliam blind me to the mistakes of each and every President.
And Biden? The most corrupt sociopathic President we've ever had!
If you were even considering voting Sanders there's not much I can say. I lived in Vermont 30 yrs, there's not enough room here for me to tell you what a lazy, lying, perverted, despicable piece of shit scumbag he is. The "socialist" now a proud millionaire bc he was paid off by HRC. Trump vax was THERAPEUTIC HCQ NOT MRNA. He gave each state the right to their own decisions, had he not they would have shut the entire country down and had forced vaxxes.Trump was fed false information constantly from the minute he stepped off the escalator. Idk where you're getting all the other nonsense from but stop watching CNN. You have nothing positive to contribute to any dialog here. You're certainly entitled to your opinions. Good luck w that. WE DON'T NEED A NEWBIE NOW, DJT KNOWS WHERE ALL THE BODIES LIE. RFK HAS TOO MANY NEGATIVES.
So was Trump, and he did alright. I am sure that RFK jr has the guts to do the same. Support his efforts and let's see how well he does. He will be a lot better than this corrupt clown in office now
I agree, however I sadly noted that this site has many hateful and angry people on it. I even got one bigoted remark about gays weakening our military. Another accused me of cowardice until I pointed out that I am a US Army veteran.
My favorite statement in the article: “This is the type of rational and sensible leadership we need.” RFK embodies both. He has so many other laudable qualities: sincere caring for his fellow humans, decades working to protect our most vulnerable, especially children, restoring our environment, honoring our forefathers’ legacy, respecting Americans’ Constitutional rights. RFK will always have my vote. I am so thrilled he is finally running for President!
I don't think he hates Palestinians, and he has visited Sirhan Sirhan in prison, saying that he is an innocent patsy, hypnotzed and framed for the political-assassination of his father , Robert F. Kennedy, who was leading the Democratic primary, on an anti-war platform, to challenge LBJ. Sirhan's supposed motive for "killing" RFK was "RFK's pro-Israeli stance".
That being said, the one time I have seen Bobby Jr. uncomfortable was in the interview where he was questioned about his stance on Palestine/Israel. He was antsy.
It seems to me that some truce was signed by Bobby Jr. and the Israeli/Zionist powers-that-be, and he is keeping his part.
I am completely speculating. That is how it seems to me.
Thanks! In the full, unedited Reason interview on youtube, RFK Jr tried to explain the clip in which he wished there was a law that would let him prosecute climate-denying politicians ~"who do Koch's bidding". He claims it was clipped out of context but neither his campaign nor CHD will reveal the entire video with the alleged context that supposedly makes it all better. 🤔🤨 I dimly recall seeing the "context" a few months ago, and it didn't help. But it's apparently been removed from youtube. I don't think it was out of context.
He told Reason he thinks some companies should lose their corporate charters for "not working in the public interest", i.e. "climate fraud". He says he has proof Exxon committed fraud since some of its alleged scientists with ~"the world's greatest knowledge of the carbon molecule" claimed it would wreck the planet, and instead went "denier". $1m says Exxon had other scientists & petroleum engineers who disagreed with the climate alarmists. Mgt has a right to choose what & who to believe without being prosecuted or dissolved for fraud. Who knows, maybe Exxon had other "knowledgeable scientists" still pushing the new ice age hysteria.
It's becoming much more prolific within MSM articles as of late. The climate had always been changing lol!
I tell people this about climate change fraud: The US MIC is the biggest polluter on the planet.
Has US wars come to an end? These same climate alarmism just sent cluster munitions to Ukraine that will wreck it's climate for generations Its the same Neocon (Zionists) and NEOLIBERAL elites screaming about climate change
Believe pure science (hard data), not whore science, fake data plus fake computer models (like COVID modelling). Here's the link you need (the 1st one):
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
Friend or foe, you need to know. He is the best democrat candidate. Also, why anti-depressants cause suicide and that addiction (alcohol, drugs, cheating) can be cured, physically and spiritually, before it destroys you and everyone around you.
It’s important that you read this article if you are:
• A non-voter (a migrant, a foreigner) share this to US voters and to other countries: the whole world is facing the same battle against the global coup and can learn from this article, especially since “what happens in America doesn’t stay in America” but spreads all over the world.
• A skeptic, please vote anyone against the totalitarian digi-tatorship being built to murder all of us.
• A Democrat fan, who will never vote Republican, support Bobby: he is your only choice. Yet listen to the Republican candidates: some have good ideas that you can ask Bobby to apply.
• A Republican fan, who will never vote Democrat, please share this to convince your Dem-friends to vote Bobby and the non-partisan voter to pick-up the good ideas Bobby is promoting, and demand them to Republican candidates. If Biden (or should we say, Kamala) succeeds, he will continue his policies: “the enemy (Bobby) of my enemy (Biden/Kamala) is my friend”. If Bobby succeeds, a Presidential debate with Bobby will push the Republican candidate towards higher medical freedom and the other non-partisan good ideas.
If you don’t have an open primary, please change your party affiliation to Democrat so you can vote for Bobby in the PRIMARY and then change it back later in the same link:
Why? so you check who you've recruited and know with whom to have an easier deeper conversation, especially, to wake more people up about all vaccines having been weaponized and global digi-tatorship being prepared:
This piece is not intended to destroy Bobby but to help him grow and improve his political program. No matter our opinion, we are all indebted to him though his wonderful job at Children’s Health Defense. Because of that, even knowing that he was a staunch Democrat, Trump was going to name him in charge of a Vaccine evaluation commission in 2020 (unfortunately, Trump trumped Trump, he backed down). Anyway, the odds are against Bobby being let by the DNC to compete with Biden ... unless there’s an uproar from the Democrat bases.
This article is a work in progress and so is Bobby. Some see him as a glass half full, others, half empty. What if we could help to fill it up to the top? Cut the diamond in the rough? Many changes could happen in the next months!
Follow the evolution of his ideas on Twitter, he might surprise you:
Hero Aaron Kheriaty MD, who is a Heritage Foundation conservative, wrote “I am grateful that my friend Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced that he is running for President as a democrat. I am quite confident that he would embrace with many of my policy proposals1 for reforming our public health agencies within HHS, including the CDC, NIH, and FDA. Regardless of what happens in the election, I am pleased that RFK Jr. will bring these issues into the democrat primary debates, which otherwise would have ignored them entirely.”
The following twit alone, could lead the DNC to cancel either Bobby or the Democrat primaries, or that he’ll be assassinated by the CIA, just like his relatives (JFK, RFK, JFK2):
“Not retribution, but justice! As President, I will direct my attorney general to investigate and prosecute every person who knowingly defrauded or deceived the American public about the safety and efficacy of medical products and I will obtain justice and compensation for every American who was injured or suffered the death of family members from those actions. As a presidential candidate, I'll continue to expose corruption to obtain justice for the injured.” 2
In favor of Bobby:
1. Founded Children’s Health Defense. He's interviewed Catherine Austin Fitts and she appears regularly on CHD Defenders in a podcast called Financial Rebellion.
2. Is against the injuring vaccines (like the ones causing his kids’ allergies), Big Pharmafia and compulsory vaccination.
3. Is in favor of “a diverse ecology of currencies”3 and against the cashban IDgi-dollar, yet only “until we restore trust in Government (a distant prospect)”.4
4. Is against the WHO pandemic response and treaty.
5. Is against agency capture by Big Corp and by the military industrial complex: “Between Oct. 2021 and Sep. 2022, the U.S. spent $877 billion on the military, more than the next 10 countries combined. These huge military expenditures, along with the rising costs of a for-profit healthcare system, have driven the U.S. national debt to over $31 trillion, nearly $5 trillion more than US GDP.” 5
6. Is against Bank bailouts.6
7. Is against the WEF through Children’s Health Defense “The Great Freeset”.7
8. Wants to open vaccine safety DataLink (10 million people) and implement a digitized medical informatics system so that correlation studies can be rapidly done to determine the impact of drugs and vaccines on public health.
9. Wants to redirect federal grants away from infectious disease research to study chronic disease instead.
10. Wants to end the practice of allowing scientists with the National Institutes of Health to collect royalties on products they’ve worked on.
11. Wants a treaty to end gain-of-function research, as manmade pathogens have been responsible for most of the worst infectious outbreaks in modern history.8
12. Is against geoengineering. 9
13. Isn’t a climate Nazi. was against measures which disrupt the food supply and cause hunger, like the fertilizer ban in the Netherlands. 10
Caveat: unfortunately, he seems to follow the carbon 2030 agenda and the Paris agreement.
14. Is against the USA war against Russia in Ukraine.11 Pledges to close 800 US Bases and bring back troops.12
15. Is against open borders to criminals, currently without any control, and wants to shut it. 13
16. Says he’ll fight for the middle and working class, especially against inflation and oligopolies: “What we have in this country now is not free market capitalism—it’s corporate crony capitalism. It’s … a cushy kind of socialism for the rich and a brutal, barbaric, merciless capitalism for the poor.” 14
17. He’ll fight for free-speech and pardon Julian Assange (something Trump didn’t do) 15
18. Really cares about water pollution (masons poison us through tab water)
19. He’ll probably offer Robert Malone (campaign backer, vx convert), Ed Dowd (campaign treasurer, Blackrock convert) and Steve Kirsch (PAC leader, vx convert) a high position in his administration. 16
The most important issue is the WHO Pandemic treaty, which could override even the President, Governors, laws, and fiat currency: RFK’s Children’s Health Defense is leading a campaign against the WHO demanding a Health Freedom Bill of Rights17, including the right to:
1. No medical mandates, including medications or biologics.
2. No discrimination based on medical or healthcare decisions.
3. Informed consent without coercion.
4. Individualized medical care.
5. Exclude third parties from our medical care.
6. Receive medical care regardless of vaccination status.
7. A medical advocate of our choice.
8. Free movement/travel regardless of vaccination status.
9. Forego quarantine without due process.
As if that weren’t enough good news: “We will roll back the secrecy and make government transparent. We will protect whistleblowers and prosecute officials who abuse the public trust. We will rein in the lobbyists and slam shut the revolving door that shunts people from government agencies to lucrative positions in the companies they were supposed to regulate, and back again. We will get money out of politics. We will open our institutions to real citizen involvement.”18
He respects the right to guns for self defense:
5 Jun 2023 “I’m not going to take away anybody’s guns. I’m a constitutional maximalist and the issue has been settled by the Supreme Court19
to stop school shootings…if it comes down to protecting schools like we protect airlines, we’ll do that
We…have to look at the role of psychiatric drugs…prior to the introduction of Prozac we had almost no events like this.” 20
It’s not clear if he wants regulation on assault weapons. A non-technical fuzzy definition of assault weapons means a complete ban on weapons. He seems not aware that guns could be the last resort of resistance to the digi-tatorship, when they come to vax you, kill your hens for fake PCR avian flu, kill your cows for gasing CO2, or just close your homestead. 21
Reader’s comment: “Trump pushed and decreed gun control. Right after a school shooting, at the peak of hysteria, Trump betrayed us, held a gun control summit in the White House, sucked up to Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer and the other gun grabbers, urged them to put all kinds of crap in a bill that he would sign including raising gun buyer age to 21 and "due process later" Red Flag confiscation, dismissed pro-gun suggestions, bragged about how he would "stand up to the NRA and get it done", then banned bump stocks and pistol braces by executive order.” 22
Another good thing is that he is an outsider, still not corrupted and co-opted by the system, rigged to groom and select the most corrupt. That’s why Zuckerberg (Facebook’s Meta), took in May 2023 his campaign account down on Instagram for at least 6 months: no reason given.
I’m spreading the message why I am 100% behind your candidacy. 1. Vaccines 2. Love of nature - kayaking and falconry 3. Environmentalist 4. Anti war 5. I trust someone who lives by the principles of the12 steps knowing you must speak the truth.
I have read Daniel Kovalik's positive and helpful piece about the Cuban Missile Crisis.
It misses some important considerations, especially considering the "reverse Cuban Missile Crisis" now in place. Russia would not have put missiles in Cuba if the US/NATO had not put nuclear warheads in Turkey. Putting missiles in Cuba was meant to be a tit-for-tat response. There were not operational nuclear missiles in Cuba yet, but US pilots recognized the SAM defense-systems being put in place for them and acted to prevent it.
They also depth-charged a Soviet nuclear submarine off the coast of Cuba, which was nuclear-armed, and whose Captain "should" have fired his nuclear torpedo, which he could have done, but chose not to. It seemed to him that war had begun. He would have been justified, though he would have also died.
The secret quit-pro-quo, directly communicated for JFK by Robert Kennedy to the Russian Ambassador, was that the US would remove the nuclear weapons from Turkey in return for Russia removing all weapons systems from Cuba. JFK and RFK were considered by the Pentagon to be traitors for that.
The current situation is not a reversal of history, but a rhyming of history.
This verse may end differently, of course, very differently.
I love the ideas. However, I wonder, why the constant reliance on your father? Are you not your own man yet? Ready to stand on the power of your own ideas? I would like to think so
Sorry, I like his positions on Ukraine, Fauci & "vaccines", but I'm not willing to vote for, let alone donate to, a True Believer climate socialist & deluge immigration advocate who would sign gun bans he knows are unconstitutional. Not even for world peace.
Excellent analogy by Daniel Kovalik re Cuban crisis handled by JFK and current presidential goal of RFK Jr. to end the Ukraine war via negotiations. Further, Mr. Kovalik laid out the sequence of actions taken by Biden and Kiev which finally necessitated Putin to launch the Special Military Operation. RFK Jr. is the one candidate to who has the proven courage and character to fully do all possible to bring this tragic war to a negotiated peace.
For any interested, here’s a detailed sequence of why Article 51 finally had to be invoked, in addition to the eight year Kiev bombardment of Donbas and gathering of Kiev forces.
2008: Bucharest Summit Declaration: “We agreed today that these countries [Ukraine and Georgia] will become members of NATO.”
Apr 24 2019: Rand Corporation US/NATO strategies for total destabilization and collapse of Russia. 1) Extending Russia 2) Overextending and Unbalancing Russia
Nov 19 2021: US: “...Georgia and Ukraine will become NATO members...”
Dec 01 2021: Russia request for written security guarantees
Dec 10 2021 Russia: “... fundamental interests of the European security, ... necessary to formally disavow ... Bucharest Summit that ‘Ukraine and Georgia will become NATO members,”
Dec 17 2021: Putin published: Proposed Treaty between The United States of America and the Russian Federation on security guarantees. (Biden ignored)
Jan 26 2022: Putin: .“If we do not receive a constructive answer from the west ...” Biden ignored
Feb 23 2022: Putin: “This is that red line that I talked about multiple times. They have crossed it.
Feb 24 2022: Putin: UN Article 51 invoked. Russian Special Military Operation initiated.
Note: in Dec 2022 Both Francois Hollande (France) and Angela Merkel (Germany) admitted that the Minsk Protocols of 2014 and 2015 were falsely used by France and German to give Ukraine more time to arm for war, not for advertised purpose - peace.
If you try to make the analogy of this war with the Cuban missile crisis you are called a Putin apologist or worse. Yet in 1962 the Russians learned the US had put missiles in Turkey so they started to put missiles in Cuba. JFK and RFK were smart and called there blockade a quarantine as a blockade is an act of war. In the end the US removed their missiles from Turkey and the Russians removed the Cuban missiles. That was a saner time. This could all have been avoided with guarantees that missiles would not be aimed at Russia from Ukraine but here is where we are with less sane leaders. We need to move to sanity, but it will be difficult with the war machine.
Israel has been stealing nuclear secrets and covertly making bombs since the 1950s. And western governments, including Britain and the US, turn a blind eye. But how can we expect Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions if the Israelis won't come clean?
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but President Kennedy also had MAJOR concerns about ISRAEL and nuclear weapons .
As far as the CIA/MOSSAD were concerned, Israel would not be prevented from doing so. And now we have one of the most dangerous countries in the world with nuclear weapons that threatens its neighbors and utilizes its military to CONTINUE to displace and abuse an indigenous population: the Palestinians.
While I really appreciate your position regarding Ukraine and Russia and know it's the right one, I also know that no man running for President can do it now without Zionist presence, money and capitulation to Israel.
I would love to support your campaign, Mr. Kennedy, ISRAEL is my red flag
We need to move away from this hate and anger. RFK jr is a breath of clean air. I'm asking all people to listen to RFK jr. Just once. Maybe you all can join me in a change for the better.
It's time we all move forward.
We can't move forward until everyone is being accountable arrested and charged for crimes against humanity! From Fauxi, Gate, Biden, CEOs and school mandates the vax . Until cia/fbi charge for rigging the 2020 election. Until Antifa label as domestic terrorist.. until media stop propagandizing and censoring people... until the Biden Inc Cartel charge for treason! We can't move forward until it's acknowledged that Gov't is corrupt and We The People have been lied to.. or 30yrs from now they'll do it again.. rinse and repeat 🔁
he's hateful. he's pro war. dan has misled you here
He's not hateful, and he is not pro-war. Bobby Jr. is anti-war every day of the week.
That being said, I share your concern about his position on occupied-Palestine.
I speculate that it may be that he would die suddenly if he changed his position on Palestine/Israel. He would "die" politically, at any rate.
It's my understanding that President Kennedy wanted Israel to be prevented from having nukes. He wrote letters to the Israeli PM saying as much
There is much speculation as to why the CIA/MOSSAD had our President murderer, but i tend to think it was Zionists who would not tolerate prevention from the Israeli "state" from having nukes which it now does. Where are the wespons inspectors? Where are the folks running for President mentioning the outright abuse Palestinians and Israel's neighbors endure at Zionist hands? There aren't any and not since President Kennedy..
The day that a potential President mentions or advocates for the prevention of Isreal to STOP harming Palestinians, taking AIPAC money and stop harassing and harming and threatening its neighbors and lastly the END of US taxpayer money sent to Israel, I cannot support in good conscience
Mr. Kennedy brings up many many good arguments about the changes the US needs abd an end to political corruption, Israel is a big red flag for me personally
No one in the US is elected w
without ZIONIST support
There is evidence that LBJ illegally provided Israel with a lot of plutonium to make their first atomic bombs. I cannot prove it, but read a good investigation of the large amount of plutonium that went-missing.
Article from THE GUARDIAN, 2014
Israel has been stealing nuclear secrets and covertly making bombs since the 1950s. And western governments, including Britain and the US, turn a blind eye. But how can we expect Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions if the Israelis won't come clean?
“29 November 2012, In a 138–9 vote (with 41 abstaining) General Assembly resolution 67/19 adopted, upgrading Palestine to "non-member observer state" status in the United Nations, allowing the State of Palestine to join treaties and specialized UN agencies, such as the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the Law of the Seas Treaty and the International Criminal Court. It shall permit the “State of Palestine” to claim legal rights over its territorial waters and air space as a sovereign state recognized by the UN. It shall also provide Palestine with the right to sue for control of disputed territory in the International Court of Justice and bring war-crimes charges, mainly those relating to Israel's occupation of the State of Palestine, against Israel in the International Criminal Court.” Yet, Israel ignores the resolution and continues its illegal occupation, settlements and apartheid of the Palestine people.
Will soon post more in ScientificProgress.
In the meantime read this:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Relevant UN Resolutions date back to 1947, as I recall.
Make sure you know what you are talking about. Throwing shade is not good.
If you know anything good, say that! Only..
RFK jr is better than the rest. I can say this honestly
He's a newbie who's never held office. We need someone who knows what they're getting into at this point in time and that's Trump. If RFK were smart he'd ditch the dying DEMONRATS party who will only do to him what they've done to Trump. Take the high road for the good of the country and run as VP alongside DJT. That's the only way I can overlook his negatives.
The Trump revenge tour is not the answer.
I voted for Trump in 2020 after having voted D for 30 years prior to 2016 when the primary was rigged against Sanders.
THAT was my big wake up call.
But Trump did not drain the swamp, he HIRED it.
Trump: regime changed Bolivia and put a fascist in power. He tried to regime change VZ 3 TIMES, he sent arms to Ukraine, bombed Syria at the behest of ISRAEL , he moved US Embassy to Jerusalem, he had ths STOLEN Syrian Golan Heights named after himself! He pushed the jab and Operation Warp Speed and bragged about a jab injuring and killing 10's of 1000's!!
He had a beloved Iranian General w who fought against US backed ISIS, assassinated at the behest of Bibi Nutty Yahoo.
Trump was the bestest friend Israel ever had.
You see, I refuse to allow ideology or tribaliam blind me to the mistakes of each and every President.
And Biden? The most corrupt sociopathic President we've ever had!
If you were even considering voting Sanders there's not much I can say. I lived in Vermont 30 yrs, there's not enough room here for me to tell you what a lazy, lying, perverted, despicable piece of shit scumbag he is. The "socialist" now a proud millionaire bc he was paid off by HRC. Trump vax was THERAPEUTIC HCQ NOT MRNA. He gave each state the right to their own decisions, had he not they would have shut the entire country down and had forced vaxxes.Trump was fed false information constantly from the minute he stepped off the escalator. Idk where you're getting all the other nonsense from but stop watching CNN. You have nothing positive to contribute to any dialog here. You're certainly entitled to your opinions. Good luck w that. WE DON'T NEED A NEWBIE NOW, DJT KNOWS WHERE ALL THE BODIES LIE. RFK HAS TOO MANY NEGATIVES.
So was Trump, and he did alright. I am sure that RFK jr has the guts to do the same. Support his efforts and let's see how well he does. He will be a lot better than this corrupt clown in office now
Except when Trump took office things hadn't degenerated to this extent. He knows where the bodies are buried now
I agree, however I sadly noted that this site has many hateful and angry people on it. I even got one bigoted remark about gays weakening our military. Another accused me of cowardice until I pointed out that I am a US Army veteran.
My favorite statement in the article: “This is the type of rational and sensible leadership we need.” RFK embodies both. He has so many other laudable qualities: sincere caring for his fellow humans, decades working to protect our most vulnerable, especially children, restoring our environment, honoring our forefathers’ legacy, respecting Americans’ Constitutional rights. RFK will always have my vote. I am so thrilled he is finally running for President!
he literally hates Palestinians. he is all on board with their genocide
I don't think he hates Palestinians, and he has visited Sirhan Sirhan in prison, saying that he is an innocent patsy, hypnotzed and framed for the political-assassination of his father , Robert F. Kennedy, who was leading the Democratic primary, on an anti-war platform, to challenge LBJ. Sirhan's supposed motive for "killing" RFK was "RFK's pro-Israeli stance".
That being said, the one time I have seen Bobby Jr. uncomfortable was in the interview where he was questioned about his stance on Palestine/Israel. He was antsy.
It seems to me that some truce was signed by Bobby Jr. and the Israeli/Zionist powers-that-be, and he is keeping his part.
I am completely speculating. That is how it seems to me.
No one is President without supporting Zionism that runs the country
Oh what a load of commie bull.
PROVE it wrong.
PROVE he hates Palestinians.
Rfk jr makes more sense then Trump and Biden combined! It’s just a fact that’s true. I can vote for him
And so can my Republican wife.
Really? He's a socialist. Bigly.
Specifically, he supports green communism (and probably also the pink and rainbow versions):
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
Thanks! In the full, unedited Reason interview on youtube, RFK Jr tried to explain the clip in which he wished there was a law that would let him prosecute climate-denying politicians ~"who do Koch's bidding". He claims it was clipped out of context but neither his campaign nor CHD will reveal the entire video with the alleged context that supposedly makes it all better. 🤔🤨 I dimly recall seeing the "context" a few months ago, and it didn't help. But it's apparently been removed from youtube. I don't think it was out of context.
He told Reason he thinks some companies should lose their corporate charters for "not working in the public interest", i.e. "climate fraud". He says he has proof Exxon committed fraud since some of its alleged scientists with ~"the world's greatest knowledge of the carbon molecule" claimed it would wreck the planet, and instead went "denier". $1m says Exxon had other scientists & petroleum engineers who disagreed with the climate alarmists. Mgt has a right to choose what & who to believe without being prosecuted or dissolved for fraud. Who knows, maybe Exxon had other "knowledgeable scientists" still pushing the new ice age hysteria.
Who ya gonna believe?
Climate change alarmism.
Part and parcel of the WEF GREAT Reset
It's becoming much more prolific within MSM articles as of late. The climate had always been changing lol!
I tell people this about climate change fraud: The US MIC is the biggest polluter on the planet.
Has US wars come to an end? These same climate alarmism just sent cluster munitions to Ukraine that will wreck it's climate for generations Its the same Neocon (Zionists) and NEOLIBERAL elites screaming about climate change
Believe pure science (hard data), not whore science, fake data plus fake computer models (like COVID modelling). Here's the link you need (the 1st one):
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
Good grief. You just reposted your exact same reply I just replied to.
I'm sorry, substack sends me an email with each comment, not the previous one. It's impossible to keep track =)
Roger that. Thanks again.
We're so glad you found Daniel's piece insightful, Mr. Kennedy!
Friend or foe, you need to know. He is the best democrat candidate. Also, why anti-depressants cause suicide and that addiction (alcohol, drugs, cheating) can be cured, physically and spiritually, before it destroys you and everyone around you.
It’s important that you read this article if you are:
• A non-voter (a migrant, a foreigner) share this to US voters and to other countries: the whole world is facing the same battle against the global coup and can learn from this article, especially since “what happens in America doesn’t stay in America” but spreads all over the world.
• A skeptic, please vote anyone against the totalitarian digi-tatorship being built to murder all of us.
• A Democrat fan, who will never vote Republican, support Bobby: he is your only choice. Yet listen to the Republican candidates: some have good ideas that you can ask Bobby to apply.
• A Republican fan, who will never vote Democrat, please share this to convince your Dem-friends to vote Bobby and the non-partisan voter to pick-up the good ideas Bobby is promoting, and demand them to Republican candidates. If Biden (or should we say, Kamala) succeeds, he will continue his policies: “the enemy (Bobby) of my enemy (Biden/Kamala) is my friend”. If Bobby succeeds, a Presidential debate with Bobby will push the Republican candidate towards higher medical freedom and the other non-partisan good ideas.
If you don’t have an open primary, please change your party affiliation to Democrat so you can vote for Bobby in the PRIMARY and then change it back later in the same link:
In sum, whether you are capable of understanding how crucial this election is or not, please share this!
Support Bobby here:
The site has a tool for spreading the word and getting a personalized link:
Why? so you check who you've recruited and know with whom to have an easier deeper conversation, especially, to wake more people up about all vaccines having been weaponized and global digi-tatorship being prepared:
This piece is not intended to destroy Bobby but to help him grow and improve his political program. No matter our opinion, we are all indebted to him though his wonderful job at Children’s Health Defense. Because of that, even knowing that he was a staunch Democrat, Trump was going to name him in charge of a Vaccine evaluation commission in 2020 (unfortunately, Trump trumped Trump, he backed down). Anyway, the odds are against Bobby being let by the DNC to compete with Biden ... unless there’s an uproar from the Democrat bases.
This article is a work in progress and so is Bobby. Some see him as a glass half full, others, half empty. What if we could help to fill it up to the top? Cut the diamond in the rough? Many changes could happen in the next months!
Follow the evolution of his ideas on Twitter, he might surprise you:
The Good
Hero Aaron Kheriaty MD, who is a Heritage Foundation conservative, wrote “I am grateful that my friend Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced that he is running for President as a democrat. I am quite confident that he would embrace with many of my policy proposals1 for reforming our public health agencies within HHS, including the CDC, NIH, and FDA. Regardless of what happens in the election, I am pleased that RFK Jr. will bring these issues into the democrat primary debates, which otherwise would have ignored them entirely.”
The following twit alone, could lead the DNC to cancel either Bobby or the Democrat primaries, or that he’ll be assassinated by the CIA, just like his relatives (JFK, RFK, JFK2):
“Not retribution, but justice! As President, I will direct my attorney general to investigate and prosecute every person who knowingly defrauded or deceived the American public about the safety and efficacy of medical products and I will obtain justice and compensation for every American who was injured or suffered the death of family members from those actions. As a presidential candidate, I'll continue to expose corruption to obtain justice for the injured.” 2
In favor of Bobby:
1. Founded Children’s Health Defense. He's interviewed Catherine Austin Fitts and she appears regularly on CHD Defenders in a podcast called Financial Rebellion.
2. Is against the injuring vaccines (like the ones causing his kids’ allergies), Big Pharmafia and compulsory vaccination.
3. Is in favor of “a diverse ecology of currencies”3 and against the cashban IDgi-dollar, yet only “until we restore trust in Government (a distant prospect)”.4
4. Is against the WHO pandemic response and treaty.
5. Is against agency capture by Big Corp and by the military industrial complex: “Between Oct. 2021 and Sep. 2022, the U.S. spent $877 billion on the military, more than the next 10 countries combined. These huge military expenditures, along with the rising costs of a for-profit healthcare system, have driven the U.S. national debt to over $31 trillion, nearly $5 trillion more than US GDP.” 5
6. Is against Bank bailouts.6
7. Is against the WEF through Children’s Health Defense “The Great Freeset”.7
8. Wants to open vaccine safety DataLink (10 million people) and implement a digitized medical informatics system so that correlation studies can be rapidly done to determine the impact of drugs and vaccines on public health.
9. Wants to redirect federal grants away from infectious disease research to study chronic disease instead.
10. Wants to end the practice of allowing scientists with the National Institutes of Health to collect royalties on products they’ve worked on.
11. Wants a treaty to end gain-of-function research, as manmade pathogens have been responsible for most of the worst infectious outbreaks in modern history.8
12. Is against geoengineering. 9
13. Isn’t a climate Nazi. was against measures which disrupt the food supply and cause hunger, like the fertilizer ban in the Netherlands. 10
Caveat: unfortunately, he seems to follow the carbon 2030 agenda and the Paris agreement.
14. Is against the USA war against Russia in Ukraine.11 Pledges to close 800 US Bases and bring back troops.12
15. Is against open borders to criminals, currently without any control, and wants to shut it. 13
16. Says he’ll fight for the middle and working class, especially against inflation and oligopolies: “What we have in this country now is not free market capitalism—it’s corporate crony capitalism. It’s … a cushy kind of socialism for the rich and a brutal, barbaric, merciless capitalism for the poor.” 14
17. He’ll fight for free-speech and pardon Julian Assange (something Trump didn’t do) 15
18. Really cares about water pollution (masons poison us through tab water)
19. He’ll probably offer Robert Malone (campaign backer, vx convert), Ed Dowd (campaign treasurer, Blackrock convert) and Steve Kirsch (PAC leader, vx convert) a high position in his administration. 16
The most important issue is the WHO Pandemic treaty, which could override even the President, Governors, laws, and fiat currency: RFK’s Children’s Health Defense is leading a campaign against the WHO demanding a Health Freedom Bill of Rights17, including the right to:
1. No medical mandates, including medications or biologics.
2. No discrimination based on medical or healthcare decisions.
3. Informed consent without coercion.
4. Individualized medical care.
5. Exclude third parties from our medical care.
6. Receive medical care regardless of vaccination status.
7. A medical advocate of our choice.
8. Free movement/travel regardless of vaccination status.
9. Forego quarantine without due process.
As if that weren’t enough good news: “We will roll back the secrecy and make government transparent. We will protect whistleblowers and prosecute officials who abuse the public trust. We will rein in the lobbyists and slam shut the revolving door that shunts people from government agencies to lucrative positions in the companies they were supposed to regulate, and back again. We will get money out of politics. We will open our institutions to real citizen involvement.”18
He respects the right to guns for self defense:
5 Jun 2023 “I’m not going to take away anybody’s guns. I’m a constitutional maximalist and the issue has been settled by the Supreme Court19
to stop school shootings…if it comes down to protecting schools like we protect airlines, we’ll do that
We…have to look at the role of psychiatric drugs…prior to the introduction of Prozac we had almost no events like this.” 20
It’s not clear if he wants regulation on assault weapons. A non-technical fuzzy definition of assault weapons means a complete ban on weapons. He seems not aware that guns could be the last resort of resistance to the digi-tatorship, when they come to vax you, kill your hens for fake PCR avian flu, kill your cows for gasing CO2, or just close your homestead. 21
Reader’s comment: “Trump pushed and decreed gun control. Right after a school shooting, at the peak of hysteria, Trump betrayed us, held a gun control summit in the White House, sucked up to Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer and the other gun grabbers, urged them to put all kinds of crap in a bill that he would sign including raising gun buyer age to 21 and "due process later" Red Flag confiscation, dismissed pro-gun suggestions, bragged about how he would "stand up to the NRA and get it done", then banned bump stocks and pistol braces by executive order.” 22
Another good thing is that he is an outsider, still not corrupted and co-opted by the system, rigged to groom and select the most corrupt. That’s why Zuckerberg (Facebook’s Meta), took in May 2023 his campaign account down on Instagram for at least 6 months: no reason given.
I’m spreading the message why I am 100% behind your candidacy. 1. Vaccines 2. Love of nature - kayaking and falconry 3. Environmentalist 4. Anti war 5. I trust someone who lives by the principles of the12 steps knowing you must speak the truth.
I have read Daniel Kovalik's positive and helpful piece about the Cuban Missile Crisis.
It misses some important considerations, especially considering the "reverse Cuban Missile Crisis" now in place. Russia would not have put missiles in Cuba if the US/NATO had not put nuclear warheads in Turkey. Putting missiles in Cuba was meant to be a tit-for-tat response. There were not operational nuclear missiles in Cuba yet, but US pilots recognized the SAM defense-systems being put in place for them and acted to prevent it.
They also depth-charged a Soviet nuclear submarine off the coast of Cuba, which was nuclear-armed, and whose Captain "should" have fired his nuclear torpedo, which he could have done, but chose not to. It seemed to him that war had begun. He would have been justified, though he would have also died.
The secret quit-pro-quo, directly communicated for JFK by Robert Kennedy to the Russian Ambassador, was that the US would remove the nuclear weapons from Turkey in return for Russia removing all weapons systems from Cuba. JFK and RFK were considered by the Pentagon to be traitors for that.
The current situation is not a reversal of history, but a rhyming of history.
This verse may end differently, of course, very differently.
I love the ideas. However, I wonder, why the constant reliance on your father? Are you not your own man yet? Ready to stand on the power of your own ideas? I would like to think so
Sorry, I like his positions on Ukraine, Fauci & "vaccines", but I'm not willing to vote for, let alone donate to, a True Believer climate socialist & deluge immigration advocate who would sign gun bans he knows are unconstitutional. Not even for world peace.
Excellent analogy by Daniel Kovalik re Cuban crisis handled by JFK and current presidential goal of RFK Jr. to end the Ukraine war via negotiations. Further, Mr. Kovalik laid out the sequence of actions taken by Biden and Kiev which finally necessitated Putin to launch the Special Military Operation. RFK Jr. is the one candidate to who has the proven courage and character to fully do all possible to bring this tragic war to a negotiated peace.
For any interested, here’s a detailed sequence of why Article 51 finally had to be invoked, in addition to the eight year Kiev bombardment of Donbas and gathering of Kiev forces.
2008: Bucharest Summit Declaration: “We agreed today that these countries [Ukraine and Georgia] will become members of NATO.”
Apr 24 2019: Rand Corporation US/NATO strategies for total destabilization and collapse of Russia. 1) Extending Russia 2) Overextending and Unbalancing Russia
Nov 19 2021: US: “...Georgia and Ukraine will become NATO members...”
Dec 01 2021: Russia request for written security guarantees
Dec 10 2021 Russia: “... fundamental interests of the European security, ... necessary to formally disavow ... Bucharest Summit that ‘Ukraine and Georgia will become NATO members,”
Dec 17 2021: Putin published: Proposed Treaty between The United States of America and the Russian Federation on security guarantees. (Biden ignored)
Jan 26 2022: Putin: .“If we do not receive a constructive answer from the west ...” Biden ignored
Feb 23 2022: Putin: “This is that red line that I talked about multiple times. They have crossed it.
Feb 24 2022: Putin: UN Article 51 invoked. Russian Special Military Operation initiated.
Note: in Dec 2022 Both Francois Hollande (France) and Angela Merkel (Germany) admitted that the Minsk Protocols of 2014 and 2015 were falsely used by France and German to give Ukraine more time to arm for war, not for advertised purpose - peace.
When the federal reserve is destroyed then we will elect a president. It's for the people by the people.
If you try to make the analogy of this war with the Cuban missile crisis you are called a Putin apologist or worse. Yet in 1962 the Russians learned the US had put missiles in Turkey so they started to put missiles in Cuba. JFK and RFK were smart and called there blockade a quarantine as a blockade is an act of war. In the end the US removed their missiles from Turkey and the Russians removed the Cuban missiles. That was a saner time. This could all have been avoided with guarantees that missiles would not be aimed at Russia from Ukraine but here is where we are with less sane leaders. We need to move to sanity, but it will be difficult with the war machine.
Article from THE GUARDIAN, 2014
Israel has been stealing nuclear secrets and covertly making bombs since the 1950s. And western governments, including Britain and the US, turn a blind eye. But how can we expect Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions if the Israelis won't come clean?
Robert needs to do better homework in Israel, please.
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but President Kennedy also had MAJOR concerns about ISRAEL and nuclear weapons .
As far as the CIA/MOSSAD were concerned, Israel would not be prevented from doing so. And now we have one of the most dangerous countries in the world with nuclear weapons that threatens its neighbors and utilizes its military to CONTINUE to displace and abuse an indigenous population: the Palestinians.
While I really appreciate your position regarding Ukraine and Russia and know it's the right one, I also know that no man running for President can do it now without Zionist presence, money and capitulation to Israel.
I would love to support your campaign, Mr. Kennedy, ISRAEL is my red flag
Peace to you