There may be an abbreviated comment to this. I will try and recreate the response. God calls us to walk the road. Often he does not tell us what is down the road. He told Phillip to walk down the road to Gaza. He did not tell him what he would find. He simply told him to walk. On that road, Phillip met the Ethiopian Eunuch reading Isaiah…
There may be an abbreviated comment to this. I will try and recreate the response. God calls us to walk the road. Often he does not tell us what is down the road. He told Phillip to walk down the road to Gaza. He did not tell him what he would find. He simply told him to walk. On that road, Phillip met the Ethiopian Eunuch reading Isaiah. He asked Phillip if he could explain, whereupon Phillip explained to him the Christ. So, things seem impossible. I agree. God does the impossible, He just asks us to walk.
There may be an abbreviated comment to this. I will try and recreate the response. God calls us to walk the road. Often he does not tell us what is down the road. He told Phillip to walk down the road to Gaza. He did not tell him what he would find. He simply told him to walk. On that road, Phillip met the Ethiopian Eunuch reading Isaiah. He asked Phillip if he could explain, whereupon Phillip explained to him the Christ. So, things seem impossible. I agree. God does the impossible, He just asks us to walk.